A PHP implementation of the Data Transfer Object pattern (https://martinfowler.com/eaaCatalog/dataTransferObject.html).
The Data Transfer Object allows for public properties with forced validation of their data types.
This implementation supports all of PHP's eight primitive data types:
- String
- Integer
- Double (or by PHP-implementation floating point numbers)
- Boolean
- Array
- Object
- Null
- Resource
As well as forced boolean values of:
- True
and - False
Via Composer
$ composer require anfischer/dto
The DTO class can be used to generate generic Data Transfer Objects which does not enforce initializing type, but guaranties strict types for initialized properties (e.g. a property which is first initialized as string can not be changed to integer later)
use Anfischer\Dto\Dto;
class GenericDataTransferObject extends Dto
protected $someProperty;
protected $anotherProperty;
$dto = new GenericDataTransferObject;
$dto->someProperty = 1;
$dto->anotherProperty = null;
// ERROR - throws InvalidTypeException since type is changed from integer to string
$dto->someProperty = 'foo';
// OK - since it was first initialized as null
$dto->anotherProperty = 'foo';
The DTO class also allows for generating type hinted Data Transfer Objects.
When forcing types properties can not be initialized with other types than defined for the
properties (e.g. a property which is defined as string can not be initialized as integer)
use Anfischer\Dto\Dto;
class TypeHintedDataTransferObject extends Dto
protected $stringProperty;
protected $integerProperty;
public function getPropertyType($property): string
switch ($property) {
case 'stringProperty':
return 'string';
case 'integerProperty':
return 'integer';
$dto = new TypeHintedDataTransferObject;
$dto->stringProperty = 'foo';
$dto->integerProperty = 1;
// ERROR - throws InvalidTypeException since type has to be initialized as string
$dto->stringProperty = 1;
// ERROR - throws InvalidTypeException since type has to be initialized as integer
$dto->integerProperty = 'foo';
Finally, the DTO class allows for generating type hinted Data Transfer Objects with mixed types.
use Anfischer\Dto\Dto;
class TypeHintedDataTransferObject extends Dto
protected $mixedProperty;
public function getPropertyType($property): string
switch ($property) {
case 'mixedProperty':
return 'string|integer|array';
$dto = new MixedTypeHintedDataTransferObject;
$dto->mixedProperty = 'foo';
$dto->mixedProperty = 1;
$dto->mixedProperty = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'];
// ERROR - throws InvalidTypeException since type has to be either string, integer or array
$dto->mixedProperty = 1.1;
// ERROR - throws InvalidTypeException since type has to be either string, integer or array
$dto->mixedProperty = false;
Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.
$ composer test
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The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.