All URIs are relative to
Method | HTTP request | Description |
createActionForTeam | POST /v2/teams/{team_id}/actions | Create a Custom Action |
deleteAction | DELETE /v2/actions/{action_id} | Delete a Custom Action |
getAction | GET /v2/actions/{action_id} | Get a Custom Action by ID |
getActionsByAccount | GET /v2/accounts/{account_id}/actions | Get Custom Actions for an Account or Team |
getActionsByTeam | GET /v2/teams/{team_id}/actions | Get Custom Actions for a given Team |
updateAction | PUT /v2/actions/{action_id} | Update a Custom Action |
Action createActionForTeam(teamId, createActionForTeamRequest)
Create a Custom Action
Create a Custom Action belonging to A Team
// Import classes:
//import dev.androidbroadcast.framesdk.infrastructure.*
//import dev.androidbroadcast.framesdk.models.*
val apiInstance = CustomActionsApi()
val teamId : kotlin.String = 38400000-8cf0-11bd-b23e-10b96e4ef00d // kotlin.String | Team ID
val createActionForTeamRequest : CreateActionForTeamRequest = // CreateActionForTeamRequest | Action to create or update
try {
val result : Action = apiInstance.createActionForTeam(teamId, createActionForTeamRequest)
} catch (e: ClientException) {
println("4xx response calling CustomActionsApi#createActionForTeam")
} catch (e: ServerException) {
println("5xx response calling CustomActionsApi#createActionForTeam")
| teamId | kotlin.String| Team ID | |
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
createActionForTeamRequest | CreateActionForTeamRequest | Action to create or update | [optional] |
Configure OAuth2: ApiClient.accessToken = "" Configure OAuth2: ApiClient.accessToken = "" Configure JWT: ApiClient.accessToken = "" Configure DeveloperToken: ApiClient.accessToken = ""
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
Action deleteAction(actionId)
Delete a Custom Action
Delete a given Custom Action via its ID
// Import classes:
//import dev.androidbroadcast.framesdk.infrastructure.*
//import dev.androidbroadcast.framesdk.models.*
val apiInstance = CustomActionsApi()
val actionId : kotlin.String = eefb57e0-79f2-4bc7-9b70-99fbc175175c // kotlin.String | Custom Action ID
try {
val result : Action = apiInstance.deleteAction(actionId)
} catch (e: ClientException) {
println("4xx response calling CustomActionsApi#deleteAction")
} catch (e: ServerException) {
println("5xx response calling CustomActionsApi#deleteAction")
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
actionId | kotlin.String | Custom Action ID |
Configure OAuth2: ApiClient.accessToken = "" Configure OAuth2: ApiClient.accessToken = "" Configure JWT: ApiClient.accessToken = "" Configure DeveloperToken: ApiClient.accessToken = ""
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Action getAction(actionId)
Get a Custom Action by ID
Get a Custom Action via its ID
// Import classes:
//import dev.androidbroadcast.framesdk.infrastructure.*
//import dev.androidbroadcast.framesdk.models.*
val apiInstance = CustomActionsApi()
val actionId : kotlin.String = eefb57e0-79f2-4bc7-9b70-99fbc175175c // kotlin.String | Custom Action ID
try {
val result : Action = apiInstance.getAction(actionId)
} catch (e: ClientException) {
println("4xx response calling CustomActionsApi#getAction")
} catch (e: ServerException) {
println("5xx response calling CustomActionsApi#getAction")
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
actionId | kotlin.String | Custom Action ID |
Configure OAuth2: ApiClient.accessToken = "" Configure OAuth2: ApiClient.accessToken = "" Configure JWT: ApiClient.accessToken = "" Configure DeveloperToken: ApiClient.accessToken = ""
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
kotlin.collections.List<Action> getActionsByAccount(accountId, include)
Get Custom Actions for an Account or Team
Get Custom Actions available to a given Account
// Import classes:
//import dev.androidbroadcast.framesdk.infrastructure.*
//import dev.androidbroadcast.framesdk.models.*
val apiInstance = CustomActionsApi()
val accountId : kotlin.String = 38400000-8cf0-11bd-b23e-10b96e4ef00d // kotlin.String | Account ID
val include : kotlin.String = include_example // kotlin.String |
try {
val result : kotlin.collections.List<Action> = apiInstance.getActionsByAccount(accountId, include)
} catch (e: ClientException) {
println("4xx response calling CustomActionsApi#getActionsByAccount")
} catch (e: ServerException) {
println("5xx response calling CustomActionsApi#getActionsByAccount")
| accountId | kotlin.String| Account ID | |
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
include | kotlin.String | [optional] |
Configure OAuth2: ApiClient.accessToken = "" Configure OAuth2: ApiClient.accessToken = "" Configure JWT: ApiClient.accessToken = "" Configure DeveloperToken: ApiClient.accessToken = ""
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
kotlin.collections.List<Action> getActionsByTeam(teamId, include)
Get Custom Actions for a given Team
Fetch Custom Actions belonging to a given Team
// Import classes:
//import dev.androidbroadcast.framesdk.infrastructure.*
//import dev.androidbroadcast.framesdk.models.*
val apiInstance = CustomActionsApi()
val teamId : kotlin.String = 38400000-8cf0-11bd-b23e-10b96e4ef00d // kotlin.String | Team ID
val include : kotlin.String = include_example // kotlin.String |
try {
val result : kotlin.collections.List<Action> = apiInstance.getActionsByTeam(teamId, include)
} catch (e: ClientException) {
println("4xx response calling CustomActionsApi#getActionsByTeam")
} catch (e: ServerException) {
println("5xx response calling CustomActionsApi#getActionsByTeam")
| teamId | kotlin.String| Team ID | |
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
include | kotlin.String | [optional] |
Configure OAuth2: ApiClient.accessToken = "" Configure OAuth2: ApiClient.accessToken = "" Configure JWT: ApiClient.accessToken = "" Configure DeveloperToken: ApiClient.accessToken = ""
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Action updateAction(actionId, createActionForTeamRequest)
Update a Custom Action
Update a given Custom Action via its ID
// Import classes:
//import dev.androidbroadcast.framesdk.infrastructure.*
//import dev.androidbroadcast.framesdk.models.*
val apiInstance = CustomActionsApi()
val actionId : kotlin.String = eefb57e0-79f2-4bc7-9b70-99fbc175175c // kotlin.String | Custom Action ID
val createActionForTeamRequest : CreateActionForTeamRequest = // CreateActionForTeamRequest | Action to create or update
try {
val result : Action = apiInstance.updateAction(actionId, createActionForTeamRequest)
} catch (e: ClientException) {
println("4xx response calling CustomActionsApi#updateAction")
} catch (e: ServerException) {
println("5xx response calling CustomActionsApi#updateAction")
| actionId | kotlin.String| Custom Action ID | |
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
createActionForTeamRequest | CreateActionForTeamRequest | Action to create or update | [optional] |
Configure OAuth2: ApiClient.accessToken = "" Configure OAuth2: ApiClient.accessToken = "" Configure JWT: ApiClient.accessToken = "" Configure DeveloperToken: ApiClient.accessToken = ""
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json