Our brief: create a full-stack application that will improve the lives of people like ourselves - bootcampers.
Things to consider:
- How to enhance the remote experience of a bootcamper
- What can help them with the vast amount of learning there is to do as a new developer?
- What do they need?
- What problem might they have that your application could solve for them?
- How can you get into the mindset of your user and keep them at the centre of your problem-solving?
Our app: a full-stack learning resource application that displays data (with operational CRUD routes and functionality) in 4 of the main European languages. This was inspired by one of the team members, Andres, who is currently on the bootcamp and learning to code in his second language! The app is designed to be a useful, pratical and accessible resource tool for a wide range of people.
Tools and languages:
- React
- JavaScript
- Node.js
- Express
- Deployment (front and back end)
- Supertest
- Jest
- Cypress
- React testing library
Color | Hex |
Darker colour | #1A1B41 |
Lighter colour | #C2E7DA |
We choose these colours to help with accessibility so the app was suitable for all. We also checked to make sure that the colour scheme was appropriate for those with colour blindness.
git clone https://github.com/Callasaurus/soc-across-the-globe-project.git
cd bc13_w9_project-frontend-codebusters-front/
Install dependencies
npm install
Open React app
npm start
Run react testing library tests
npm run test OR npm run test -- <test file name>
Run Cypress tests
npx cypress open
cd bc13_w9_project-backend-codebusters-back/
Install dependencies
npm install
Start the server
npm run dev
Run supertest tests
npm run test OR npm run test -- <test file name>