Travana is a video library peoject which lets everyone experience how soul filling it is out there, takes us to some amazing places, inspires us to travel and teaches us how important it is for homosapiens to dwel into the lap of mother nature from time to time. Enigma is a quiz app which lets a user to experience awesome quizzes from different fields.
- Project created in MERN stack with Typescript and Tailwindcss
-different quiz categories from which user can play or skip according to her interests. -when a user clicks certain option, correct option flashes with green color, and wrong with red(if wrong is chosen). -user authentication, access denied to certain pages if not logged in. -a results page which shows the performance of the user, like attempted questions, score etc. -a leaderboard which keeps the top five performers, persisted in backend
-Uses JWT for user authorization. -Uses bcrypt for password encryption. -saves the performance pf the users who play certain quiz. -user sign in/ sign up: users persisted in database.