This project is a part of the COMP.SEC.220 Security Protocol course organized by the Tampere University, Tampere, Finland.
In this work, I try to implement the AinQ scheme, a certificateless group key distribution protocol. In addition, I replicate the experiment results which are shown in the academic paper Arrows in a Quiver: A Secure Certificateless Group Key Distribution Protocol for Drones , publicly available at this link
After you cloned the repository, please run the following commands
cd python
python -e <number_of_existing_edge_drones> -n <number_of_new_drones> [-v]
For example, you want to run the protocol with 10 initial edge drones and then 100 new
drones will join the existing group. The script runs in a silent mode without the flag -v
python -e 10 -n 100
Run the below command for more detail argument description.
$ python -h
usage: [-h] -e EXISTING_DRONE -n NEW_DRONE [-v]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Number of existing edge drones
-n NEW_DRONE, --new-drone NEW_DRONE
Number of new drones
-v, --verbose Verbose mode of the script
To build the full PDF report, please run the following commands
cd report
Try to install required packages if any messages about missing packages would be raised.