Optical smoke detector is a project implemented on the Arduino board works using the light scatter principle. An Optical Smoke Detector is a device that senses smoke, typically as an indicator of fire.
- 10K potentiometer.
- IC LM358.
- IC MOC7811.
- Resistors: 100 ohms, 680 ohms, 33K, 10K and 220 ohms.
- Two transistors BC547A.
- 1 LED.
- 1 Capacitor 100 microfarad, 25 volts.
- 1 electric buzzer.
This optical smoke detector uses MOC 7811 which is an optocoupler. The MOC-7811 will be controlled from the Arduino board. The sensor designed for this device is based on the principle of scattering of infrared rays. The light coming from the light source passes through the air being tested and reaches the photosensor. In case of smoke, the received light intensity will be reduced by absorption due to smoke. It can be easily observed while simulating the circuit. The serial monitor will show decreased value whenever smoke will be detected. This change in light intensity again causes change in the resistance and hence results in the voltage drop. As this happens, the transistor T1 (as shown in the schematic) stops working and transistor T2 starts working and starts off the buzzer.
For simulation purpose, here Optocoupler 4N35 has been used instead of IC MOC 7811. Although, working of both the components is same.
In this project, only optocoupler i.e. MOC 7811 is being controlled by the Arduino board. Arduino code is available .