Hello, I'm Ammar Talpur, a passionate college student with a strong foundation in web development. I have extensive knowledge in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Node.js, Express.js, and EJS, allowing me to create dynamic and interactive web applications. With experience in both SQL and MongoDB, I can efficiently manage and query databases, while utilizing Mongoose to work seamlessly with MongoDB. I am skilled in API integration, enabling me to connect different systems and enhance the functionality of web applications. I thrive on tackling challenges, embracing new technologies, and constantly expanding my skill set. I am eager to contribute my expertise and collaborate with others to build innovative solutions in the ever-evolving world of web development
🔭 I’m currently Studing on University
🌱 I’m currently learning Programming With C++ , FiveM Scripting
💬 Ask me about anything related to backend
📫 How to reach me [email protected]
⚡ Fun fact coding is like a drug to me