A Spotify webplayer built with the Spotify API and Spotipy python library. Its current functionalities are OAuth, searching Spotify, and playing a selected track's 30 second preview. Other technologies used in this project are Flask and HTML/CSS/JS.
This is the first part of a 'song-match' game I'm working on, which will allow multiple players to each select a song. Then, each song preview will be played in a random order, and players will have to guess who chose that song.
This project requires a virtual environment, installing dependencies from 'requirements.txt', and a Spotify account
To run:
Make sure you have spotify running somewhere on your account. (can be the Spotify Desktop App, Mobile App, Website, etc.)
Make your own .env file. Use the sample_env file as a template, and get a client id and secret from the Spotify for Developers dashboard
Start the virtual environment in your code environment
run 'python main.py' in the terminal
ctrl+click the local host to open the app in your browser