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copy of column harmonizaiton
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Prodhan authored and Prodhan committed Nov 7, 2024
1 parent 940983d commit 64e53e6
Showing 1 changed file with 209 additions and 0 deletions.
209 changes: 209 additions & 0 deletions R/CopyOfcolumn_harmization.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@

#' @title get_random_forest_model
#' @param data_frame Mandatory, character \cr
#' Studyid number
#' @param Liver_get_liver_om_lb_mi_tox_score_list Mandatory, character \cr
#' Studyid number
#' @param not_Liver_get_liver_om_lb_mi_tox_score_list Mandatory, character \cr
#' path of database
#' @return score
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' get_liver_lb_score(studyid='1234123', database_path = dbtoken)
#' }
#' @export

get_harmonized_column <- function(data_frame = NULL, Liver_get_liver_om_lb_mi_tox_score_list,
# bismillah
`%ni%` <- Negate('%in%')
Impute <- T
ErrorMethod <- 'Prune' # Choose: "Flip" or "Prune" or "None"
Undersample <- T
reps <- 0
#rfDataRDS <- 'rfData_1000000_0.05_1_Prune_Round_8.rds'
threshold <- 0.05
holdback <- 1
testReps <- 5
testHoldBack <- 0.2
Round <- T
generateBarPlot <- T
nTopImportance <- 20
indeterminateUpper <- .75
indeterminateLower <- .25
Type = 1
hyperparameter_tuning <- F
removeEndpoints <- c('Infiltrate', 'UNREMARKABLE', 'THIKENING', 'POSITIVE')

# get lb score for Liver
Liver_master_LB_list <- Liver_get_liver_om_lb_mi_tox_score_list[['master_lb_score_six']]
Liver_master_LB_list$indst_TO <- "Liver"

# get LivertoBW score for Liver
Liver_master_liverToBW <- Liver_get_liver_om_lb_mi_tox_score_list[['master_liverToBW']]
Liver_master_liverToBW $indst_TO <- "Liver"

# For mi score for Liver
Liver_master_MI_list <- Liver_get_liver_om_lb_mi_tox_score_list[['master_mi_df']]
Liver_master_MI_list$indst_TO <- "Liver"

# Reorder the columns to make `indst_TO` the first column
Liver_master_MI_list <- Liver_master_MI_list[, c("indst_TO", setdiff(names(Liver_master_MI_list), "indst_TO"))]
# get lb score for not_Liver
not_Liver_master_LB_list <- not_Liver_get_liver_om_lb_mi_tox_score_list[['master_lb_score_six']]
not_Liver_master_LB_list$indst_TO <- "not_Liver"

# get LivertoBW score for not_Liver
not_Liver_master_liverToBW <- not_Liver_get_liver_om_lb_mi_tox_score_list[['master_liverToBW']]
not_Liver_master_liverToBW$indst_TO <- "not_Liver"

# For mi score for not_Liver
not_Liver_master_MI_list <- not_Liver_get_liver_om_lb_mi_tox_score_list[['master_mi_df']]
not_Liver_master_MI_list$indst_TO <- "not_Liver"

# Reorder the columns to make `indst_TO` the first column
not_Liver_master_MI_list <- not_Liver_master_MI_list[, c("indst_TO", setdiff(names(not_Liver_master_MI_list), "indst_TO"))]

LB <- rbind(Liver_master_LB_list, not_Liver_master_LB_list)

# Move the last column to the first position
LB <- LB[, c(ncol(LB), 1:(ncol(LB)-1))]

OM <- rbind(Liver_master_liverToBW, not_Liver_master_liverToBW)

# Move the last column to the first position
OM <- OM[, c(ncol(OM), 1:(ncol(OM)-1))]

MIl <- Liver_master_MI_list
# Replace spaces and commas in column names with dots
colnames(MIl) <- gsub(' ', '.', colnames(MIl))
colnames(MIl) <- gsub(',', '.', colnames(MIl))
colnames(MIl) <- gsub('/', '.', colnames(MIl))

MIn <- not_Liver_master_MI_list
# Replace spaces and commas in column names with dots
colnames(MIn) <- gsub(' ', '.', colnames(MIn))
colnames(MIn) <- gsub(',', '.', colnames(MIn))
colnames(MIn) <- gsub('/', '.', colnames(MIn))

MIinter <- intersect(colnames(MIl), colnames(MIn))
MI <- rbind(MIl[, MIinter], MIn[, MIinter])

MIextraL <- setdiff(colnames(MIl), colnames(MIn))
MIextraN <- setdiff(colnames(MIn), colnames(MIl))
for (j in MIextraL) {
MI[, j] <- NA
MI[seq(nrow(MIl)), j] <- MIl[, j]
for (j in MIextraN) {
MI[, j] <- NA
MI[seq((nrow(MIl) + 1), nrow(MI)), j] <- MIn[, j]

MI[] <- 0

#Identify Columns with Periods
findings2replaceIndex <- grep('.', colnames(MI), fixed = T)

# Store Column Names with Periods
f2replace <- colnames(MI)[findings2replaceIndex]

#Identify Unique Column Names without Periods
fn2replace <- unique(toupper(colnames(MI)[-findings2replaceIndex]))

#Remove Specific Columns from Processing
removeIndex <- which(fn2replace %in% c('INDST_TO',
fn2replace <- fn2replace[-removeIndex]

#Harmonize Synonym Columns
for (finding in fn2replace) {
synonyms <- grep(finding, f2replace, = T, value = T)
for (synonym in synonyms) {
index <- which(MI[[synonym]] > 0)
for (i in index) {
if (MI[[synonym]][i] > MI[[finding]][i]) {
MI[[finding]][i] <- MI[[synonym]][i]

#Remove Synonym Columns
MI <- MI[,-findings2replaceIndex]


commonStudies <- Reduce(intersect, list(LB$STUDYID, OM$STUDYID, MI$STUDYID))
extraDomains <- c('OM', 'MI')
count <- 0
for (study in commonStudies) {
count <- count + 1
newRow <- LB[which(LB$STUDYID == study),]
for (domain in extraDomains) {
domainData <- get(domain)
studyIndex <- which(domainData$STUDYID == study)
for (j in colnames(domainData)[3:ncol(domainData)]) {
newRow[[j]] <- domainData[studyIndex, j]
if (count == 1) {
Data <- newRow
} else {
Data <- rbind(Data, newRow)

removeIndex <- which(colnames(Data) %in% removeEndpoints)
Data <- Data[, -removeIndex]

if (Round == T) {
zscoreIndex <- c(grep('avg_', colnames(Data)), grep('liver', colnames(Data)))
for (i in zscoreIndex) {
Data[, i] <- floor(Data[, i])
maxIndex <- which(Data[, i] > 5)
Data[maxIndex, i] <- 5
histoIndex <- which(substr(colnames(Data), 1, 1) %in% toupper(letters))
histoIndex <- histoIndex[-1]
for (i in histoIndex) {
Data[, i] <- ceiling(Data[, i])

columnSums <- sort(colSums(Data[,3:ncol(Data)], na.rm = T), decreasing = T)
Data[,3:ncol(Data)] <- Data[, names(columnSums)]
colnames(Data)[3:ncol(Data)] <- names(columnSums)

#write.csv(Data, 'mergedData.csv', row.names = F)



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