In order to run this project you must first set up the SDK
- The horses need to be child object of the Table object.
- Horses need to have the animator component.
- The maincanvas is the canvas that user interacts with to start game.
- Rename this objects in the scene. (Please see the picture below to better visualize the naming conventions)
- Button to start game = "StartGame".
- Timer text when the game starts = "Timer".
- Speed text when the game starts = "Speed".
- Rename this objects in the scene. (Please see the picture below to better visualize the naming conventions)
To declare location for outputs From the tool-bar go to Project -> Dll_Project Properties -> Build Events -> Post-build event command line
- copy "$(TargetDir)$(ProjectName).dll" "YOUR PREFFERED LOCATION FOR OUTPUT $(ProjectName)dll.bytes"
- copy "$(TargetDir)$(ProjectName).pdb" "YOUR PREFFERED LOCATION FOR OUTPUT $(ProjectName)pdb.bytes"