Processing event or streaming data presents several technological challenges. A variety of technologies are often used by scientific user facilities. ZMQ is used to stream data and messages in a peer-to-peer fashion. Message brokers like Kafka, Redis and RabbitMQ are often employed to route and pass messages from instruments to processing workflows. Arroyo provides an API and structure to flexibly integrate with these tools and incorporate arbitrarily complex processing workflows, letting the hooks to the workflow code be independent of the connection code and hence reusable at a variety of instruments.
- receivesMessages
from a listener and can optionally sendMessages
to one or morePublisher
- receivesMessages
from the external world, parse them into arroyoMessage
and sends them to anOperator
- receivesMessages
from aListener
and publishes them to the outside world
Arroyo is un-opinionated about deployment decsions. It is intended support listener-operator-publisher groups in:
- Single process
- Chain of processes where listening, processing and publishing can linked together through a protocol like ZMQ. One process's publisher can communicate with another process's listener, etc.
This library is intended to provide classes, and will also include more specific common subclasses, like those that communicate over ZMQ or Redis.
title: Some sweet classes
note: I guess we use "None" instead of "void"
namespace listener{
class Listener{
operator: Operator
*start(): None
*stop(): None
namespace operator{
class Operator{
publisher: List[Publisher]
*process(Message): None
add_publisher(Publisher): None
remove_publisher(Publisher): None
namespace publisher{
class Publisher{
*publish(Message): None
namespace message{
class Message{
class Start{
data: Dict
class Stop{
data: Dict
class Event{
metadata: Dict
payload: bytes
namespace zmq{
class ZMQListener{
operator: Operator
socket: zmq.Socket
class ZMQPublisher{
host: str
port: int
namespace redis{
class RedisListener{
operator: Redis.client
pubsub: Redis.pubsub
class RedisPublisher{
pubsub: Redis.pubsub
Listener <|-- ZMQListener
ZMQListener <|-- ZMQPubSubListener
Listener o-- Operator
Publisher <|-- ZMQPublisher
ZMQPublisher <|-- ZMQPubSubPublisher
Publisher <|-- RedisPublisher
Listener <|-- RedisListener
Operator o-- Publisher
Message <|-- Start
Message <|-- Stop
Message <|-- Event
In-process, listening for ZMQ
Note that this leaves Concrete classes undefined as placeholders
TODO: parent class labels
ExternalPublisher ->> ZMQPubSubListener: publish(bytes)
loop receiving thread
activate ZMQPubSubListener
ZMQPubSubListener ->> ConcreteMessageParser: parse(bytes)
ZMQPubSubListener ->> MessageQueue: put(bytes)
deactivate ZMQPubSubListener
ZMQPubSubListener ->> MessageQueue: message(Message)
activate ConcreteOperator
loop polling thread
ConcreteOperator ->> MessageQueue: get(bytes)
loop processing thread
ConcreteOperator ->> ConcreteOperator: calculate()
ConcreteOperator ->> ConcretePublisher: publish()
deactivate ConcreteOperator
We use pixi to be forward thinking tio help with CI. We like it because it helps you easily test that dependencies for a variety of architects can resolve.
However, at the time of writing we can't figure out how to get it to be a good developer experience. So, we create a conda environment like (note that at this time, we are using python 3.11 because of numpy and wheel availability):
conda create -n arroyo python=3.11
conda activate arroyo
pip install -e '.[dev]'
We use pre-commit
in CI so you want to use it before commiting.
To test that your branches changes are all good, type:
pre-commit run --all-files
Since our configuration of pre-commit
uses black
, it's possible that it will change files. If you like the changes, you can add them to your git
commit with
git add .
Then you can run pre-commit run --all-files
We use pixi
for CI in github action. It's great for that but can't get our favorite developr tools to use the python environments that pixi
creaetes in the .pixi
folder. If you want to play with pixi
, here are some tips:
To setup a development environment:
Git clone this repo and CD into the directory
Install pixi
Install dependencies with ''' pixi install '''
run pre-commit on the files ''' pixi r pre-commit '''
Run pytest with ''' pixi r test '''
Arroyo Stream Processing Toolset (arroyopy) Copyright (c) 2025, The Regents of the University of California, through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (subject to receipt of any required approvals from the U.S. Dept. of Energy). All rights reserved.
If you have questions about your rights to use or distribute this software, please contact Berkeley Lab's Intellectual Property Office at [email protected].
NOTICE. This Software was developed under funding from the U.S. Department of Energy and the U.S. Government consequently retains certain rights. As such, the U.S. Government has been granted for itself and others acting on its behalf a paid-up, nonexclusive, irrevocable, worldwide license in the Software to reproduce, distribute copies to the public, prepare derivative works, and perform publicly and display publicly, and to permit others to do so.