This project is a personal project and you can copy it but don't claim it, I made this project using React Typescript, Ant Design and Tailwind CSS. If you like this project, please support me and if you have input regarding this project or take part, you can contact me. I via GitHub or email. Thank you and happy coding
- React Js & Typescript
- Ant Design
- Tailwind
Ensure you have Node.js and npm installed. If not, download and install them from Node.js official website.
git clone
Install all dependencies
npm install
If you wat create your project not clone in this repo you should install react first you can follow this guide,
- you can create or install react using
npx create-react-app [your-app-name]
cd [your-app-name]
2.Install Ant Design
npm install antd
3.Install Tailwind CSS
npm install -D tailwindcss
4.Create Configuration For Tailwind
npx tailwindcss init
And then configure your template paths in tailwind.config.js:
module.exports = {
content: [
theme: {
extend: {},
plugins: [],
4.Run the Project
npm start
npm run start