A full-stack starter kit with Angular 7, GraphQL, Apollo, Express and Postgres
- Angular (ngx-rocket)
- GraphQL
- Apollo
- Bootstrap 4, ng-bootstrap and Font Awesome
- Node, Express server
- Postgres database with Sequelize
- Authentication w/ JWT and local storage
- Authorization
- E2E testing
- Docker Compose
git clone git@https://github.com/alexitaylor/angular-graphql-express-postgres-starter-kit.git
cd angular-graphql-express-postgres-starter-kit
cd client
npm install
npm start
- visit
- $ npm start: start dev server with live reload on http://localhost:4200
- $ npm run build: build web app for production
- $ npm test: run unit tests in watch mode for TDD
- $ npm run test:ci: lint code and run units tests with coverage
- $ npm run e2e: launch e2e tests
- $ npm run docs: show docs and coding guides
- $ npm run prettier: format your code automatically
cd server
npm install
touch .env
- fill out .env file with postgres env variables
npm start
- optional visit
for GraphQL playground