esphome-zehnder-comfoair Public
Forked from yoziru/esphome-zehnder-comfoairInteract with Zehnder Comfoair Q using ESPHome and Home Assistant
C++ GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedOct 4, 2024 -
muse-lsl Public
Python script to stream EEG data from the muse 2016 headset
moabb Public
Forked from NeuroTechX/moabbMother of All BCI Benchmarks
BrainWaves Public
Forked from makebrainwaves/BrainWavesAn easy-to-use platform for EEG experimentation in the classroom
bci-challenge-ner-2015 Public
Code and documentation for the winning solution to the BCI Challenge @ NER 2015 : https://www.kaggle.com/c/inria-bci-challenge
angular-muse Public
Forked from NeuroJS/angular-museMuse 2016 + Web Bluetooth demo app in Angular
mne-python Public
Forked from mne-tools/mne-pythonMNE : Magnetoencephalography (MEG) and Electroencephalography (EEG) in Python
pygatt Public
Forked from peplin/pygattPython wrapper for gatttool (from BlueZ) and the BGAPI for access Bluetooth LE Devices
Python Other UpdatedApr 4, 2017 -
Code and data for the paper "Using data from the Microsoft Kinect 2 to quantify upper limb behavior: a feasibility study"
Code and documentation for the winning solution to the Melbourne University AES/MathWorks/NIH Seizure Prediction challenge on kaggle
Grasp-and-lift-EEG-challenge Public
Code and documentation for the winning sollution to the Grasp-and-Lift EEG Detection challenge
Code and documentation for the winning solution to the Decoding Brain Signals Cortana challenge
covariancetoolbox Public
Covariance toolbox for matlab, including riemannian geometry
eeg-amplifier-benchmark Public
Record data and benchmark EEG amplifiers
openvibe-launcher Public
a simple ruby library to launch openvibe designer
DecMeg2014 Public
Code and documentation for the winning solution to the DecMeg2014 challenge https://www.kaggle.com/c/decoding-the-human-brain