This TODO project is an easy and customizable tool which will help you organize your time. Application runs fully in terminal and was built with Linux in mind.
Download .kexe file from releases. Before launching make sure that this location exists: ~/.config/todo/. If it doesn't - create all folders that are missing.
Default key binding:
- Q - exits program
- INSERT - Creates new header / checkbox
- BACKSPACE - Deletes header / checkbox. In edit mode deletes last letter
- ENTER - Expands header
- ENTER - Change state of checkbox. It saves text in edit mode
- E - Enter edit mode of line you are pointing on
If default configuration doesn't suit you, you can always change it. All you need to do is make 'config' file in "~/.config/todo/config". Every line in your config file should look like that: "variable_name value". At first, you write variable's name, then you make space, and you write value of variable. Here's every command listed:
- up - move cursor up
- down - move cursor down
- left - move cursor left
- right - move cursor right
- use - expand header or change state of checkbox
- exit - exits application
- new - creates new checkbox/header
- remove - removes/deletes header of checkbox you are pointing on
- edit - enters edit mode of line you are pointing on
As value of any key bind you can write any character from a-z or A-Z, additional keycodes are:
- indent_spaces - indentation of checkbox
- spaces - number of spaces between state of checkbox and name of checkpoint
- pointer - visibility of pointer info at the bottom
- header_extend_info - changes header extend info
You can use variables by putting them inside like that "</tag/>". Example Header Extend Info customization:
header_extend_info (</done/> / </todo/>)
After the customization headers should look like this:
Example Header (8 / 9)
Application automatically saves everything to "~/.todo/save". It was designed to be easily readable for humans, so you can edit it manually if you want. Example save file:
#Example Header
[ ] Example 'TODO' checkbox
[-] Example 'Doing' checkbox
[X] Example 'Done' checkbox
#Example Header 2
[ ] Example 'TODO' checkbox
[-] Example 'Doing' checkbox
[X] Example 'Done' checkbox