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This Java program accepts an input configuration file and returns a text file with the virtual network graph generated.

The input file contains the following lines:

nodes: size of the virtual network graph
topology: linear, full, star, or random (i.e., randomly connected graph)
α: the bias of the random coin (ignored if the topology is not random)
min virtual node CPU: the min virtual CPU capacity allocated to a virtual node (VM)
max virtual node CPU: max virtual CPU capacity allocated to a virtual node (VM)
min virtual node queue: min buffer capacity available at virtual node (VM)
max virtual node queue: max buffer capacity available at virtual node (VM)
min virtual link bandwidth: min bandwidth reserved by a virtual link
max virtual link bandwidth: max bandwidth reserved by a virtual link
min virtual link delay : min bandwidth reserved by a virtual link
max virtual link delay: max bandwidth reserved by a virtual link

If the parameter random is chosen, the program needs to generate the graph as follows: For each possible pair of nodes: flip a biased coin with bias alpha. If the output of the coin flip is 1, then add the edge, otherwise do not add the edge and move on to the next edge candidate. Make sure that if α = 1 the resulting virtual network (graph) is fully connected (full), and if α = 0 the graph should have no links. If α = 0:5 then you have a perfectly unbiased coin.

The output file contains the following space-separated values:

Source-Node-ID Destination Node-ID Link0-bandwidth Link0-delay
Source-Node-ID Destination Node-ID Link1-bandwidth Link1-delay
Node0-CPU Node1-CPU ... NodeN-CPU
Node0-queue Node1-queue ... NodeN-queue

where the last two lines are not link definitions, but a space-separated list of node CPU and queues, respectively.

This project is written in Java and requires JRE 1.8.

The tester folder includes a script that generates with mininet a virtual network according to the output file, that is, the network should have as many virtual hosts as you specified in your configuration file, with the same network connectivity and the same bandwidth, delay and queue.

How to run:

  • The project was developed in Eclipse, if you use the same IDE, open Eclipse and import the project. However it is possible to run this project from command line, as usual Java project.

  • Run the program passing 2 arguments : <fileInput> <fileOutput> (e.g., star and starVirtual).

The project already cointains some files used as input file, <file>.txt, and the results of the execution on theme, <file>Virtual.txt.

The tester folder cointains the files that are needed for the second phase.

How to load graph on mininet on Windows

  1. download the VM from the Mininet site and import on VirtualBox

  2. download PuTTY and Xming

  3. modify settings on VirtualBox of the VM, create an adapter on eth1 and set attached to : Host-only Adapter in network settings,then start mininet:

    Login: mininet
    Password: mininet
  4. run ifconfig at $ prompt to get IP Address. You can note that eth1 is not set up, so do this :

    sudo dhclient eth1
  5. using PuTTY connect the local machine to mininet, using the new IP(e.g.,, the password is mininet

  6. double click on Xming

  7. download winSCP and follow this guide to transfer file from host OS to mininet, put them into mininet/custom folder

  8. in order to run the script do the following actions:

    cd mininet/custom
    sudo python

The script reads the file topology and creates the corresponding network, for any modification please modify this file.


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