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Implement 2D and 3D Supershape
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Felix Cantet committed Oct 29, 2024
1 parent f3b810c commit 66e7d1e
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Showing 8 changed files with 2,374 additions and 0 deletions.
1,382 changes: 1,382 additions & 0 deletions Assets/Examples/SuperShape/SuperShape2D.asset

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8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions Assets/Examples/SuperShape/SuperShape2D.asset.meta

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725 changes: 725 additions & 0 deletions Assets/Examples/SuperShape/SuperShape3D.asset

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8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions Assets/Examples/SuperShape/SuperShape3D.asset.meta

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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
using UnityEngine;
using GraphProcessor;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace Mixture
Generates procedural shapes based on the Superformula (Gielis formula).
Works in both 2D and 3D:
- 2D: Creates flat shapes with radial symmetry (flowers, stars, etc.)
- 3D: Generates volumetric shapes by combining two superformulas
- N1, N2, N3: Control shape symmetry and complexity
- M: Number of repetitions/sides
- A, B: Shape scale along axes
- Scale: Overall shape size
- Rotation: Shape orientation
- Inside/Outside Colors: Shape coloring
- Line Frequency/Definition: Control line pattern appearance
Implementation based on
[System.Serializable, NodeMenuItem("Procedural/SuperShape")]
public class SuperShapeNode : FixedShaderNode
public override string name => "SuperShape";

public override string shaderName => "Hidden/Mixture/SuperShape";

public override bool displayMaterialInspector => true;

protected override IEnumerable<string> filteredOutProperties => new string[]{};

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
Shader "Hidden/Mixture/SuperShape"
[InlineTexture]_UV_2D("UV", 2D) = "uv" {}
[InlineTexture]_UV_3D("UV", 3D) = "uv" {}
[InlineTexture]_UV_Cube("UV", Cube) = "uv" {}

[Tooltip(Controls the overall roundness and symmetry of the shape)]
_N1("N1", Float) = 5.0
[Tooltip(Affects the depth of curves between shape vertices)]
_N2("N2", Float) = 1.0
[Tooltip(Controls the sharpness of the shapes points)]
_N3("N3", Float) = 10.0
[Tooltip(Number of repetitions or sides in the shape)]
_M("M", Float) = 8.0
[Tooltip(Horizontal scale factor of the shape)]
_A("A", Float) = 0.8
[Tooltip(Vertical scale factor of the shape)]
_B("B", Float) = 0.8
[Tooltip(Overall size of the shape)]
_Scale("Scale", Float) = 0.4
[Tooltip(Rotation angle of the shape (in radians))]
_Rotation("Rotation", Float) = 0.0

[Tooltip(Color used for the interior of the shape)]
_ColorInside("Inside Color", Color) = (0.65, 0.85, 1.0, 1.0)
[Tooltip(Color used for the exterior of the shape)]
_ColorOutside("Outside Color", Color) = (0.9, 0.6, 0.3, 1.0)
[Tooltip(Controls how many lines appear in the pattern)]
_LineFrequency("Line Frequency", Float) = 150.0
[Tooltip(Controls how strong visible the line pattern is)]
_LineDefinition("Line Definition", Float) = 1.0
Tags { "RenderType"="Opaque" }
LOD 100

#include "Packages/com.alelievr.mixture/Runtime/Shaders/MixtureFixed.hlsl"
#pragma vertex CustomRenderTextureVertexShader
#pragma fragment MixtureFragment
#pragma target 3.0

#pragma shader_feature CRT_2D CRT_3D CRT_CUBE
#pragma shader_feature _ USE_CUSTOM_UV


float _N1, _N2, _N3, _M, _A, _B, _Scale, _Rotation;
float4 _ColorInside, _ColorOutside;
float _LineFrequency, _LineDefinition;

#define TAU 6.2831855

float2 rotate2D(float2 p, float theta)
float c = cos(theta);
float s = sin(theta);
return float2(
p.x * c - p.y * s,
p.x * s + p.y * c

float gielisFormula(float teta, float3 n, float3 abm)
float b1 = pow(abs(cos((abm.z*teta)/4.0) / abm.x), n.y);
float b2 = pow(abs(sin((abm.z*teta)/4.0) / abm.y), n.z);
return pow(b1+b2, -1.0/n.x);

float calc2DPointPolarAngle(float2 p)
return atan2(p.y, p.x);

float sdSuperShape2D(float2 samplePoint)
samplePoint = rotate2D(samplePoint, _Rotation);
float polarAngle = calc2DPointPolarAngle(samplePoint);

float r = gielisFormula(polarAngle, float3(_N1, _N2, _N3), float3(_A, _B, _M));
return length(samplePoint)-(r*_Scale);

float3 colorCorrection(float3 col)
// gain and lift
float gain = 1.8;
float lift = 0.25;
col = (col * (gain - lift)) + lift;

// gamma
float gammaInv = 1.0;
col = pow(col, float3(gammaInv, gammaInv, gammaInv));

// saturation
float grayCol = col.x*0.299 + col.y*0.587 + col.z*0.114;
float sat = 2.8;
col = sat * col + (1.0 - sat) * grayCol;

// expansion
float high = 1.1;
float low = 0.15;
col = (col-low)/(high-low);

return col;

float calc3DSphericalAngles(float3 p, out float theta, out float phi)
float r = length(p);
theta = acos(p.z / r); // polar angle (theta) [0, pi]
phi = atan2(p.y, p.x); // azimuthal angle (phi) [-pi, pi]
return r;

float3 rotate3D(float3 p, float3 rotation)
float3 sinR, cosR;
sincos(rotation, sinR, cosR);

// Rotate around X
float3 p1 = p;
p1.y = p.y * cosR.x - p.z * sinR.x;
p1.z = p.y * sinR.x + p.z * cosR.x;

// Rotate around Y
float3 p2 = p1;
p2.x = p1.x * cosR.y + p1.z * sinR.y;
p2.z = -p1.x * sinR.y + p1.z * cosR.y;

// Rotate around Z
float3 p3 = p2;
p3.x = p2.x * cosR.z - p2.y * sinR.z;
p3.y = p2.x * sinR.z + p2.y * cosR.z;

return p3;

float superShape3D(float theta, float phi, float3 n1, float3 n2, float3 n3, float3 m, float3 a, float3 b)
float r1 = gielisFormula(phi, n1, float3(a.x, b.x, m.x));
float r2 = gielisFormula(theta, n2, float3(a.y, b.y, m.y));

float x = r1 * sin(theta) * cos(phi);
float y = r1 * sin(theta) * sin(phi);
float z = r2 * cos(theta);

return length(float3(x, y, z));

float sdSuperShape(float3 p)
p = rotate3D(p, float3(_Rotation, _Rotation * 0.7, _Rotation * 1.3));

float theta, phi;
float r = calc3DSphericalAngles(p, theta, phi);

float3 n1 = float3(_N1, _N2, _N3);
float3 n2 = float3(_N1 * 0.8, _N2 * 1.2, _N3 * 0.9);
float3 n3 = float3(_N1 * 1.2, _N2 * 0.8, _N3 * 1.1);
float3 m = float3(_M, _M * 0.8, _M * 1.2);
float3 a = float3(_A, _A * 1.1, _A * 0.9);
float3 b = float3(_B, _B * 0.9, _B * 1.1);

float shape = superShape3D(theta, phi, n1, n2, n3, m, a, b);
return r - shape * _Scale;

float4 mixture(v2f_customrendertexture i) : SV_Target
float4 uv = SAMPLE_X_NEAREST_CLAMP(_UV,, i.direction);
float4 uv = float4(GetDefaultUVs(i), 1);

float ss;
#if defined(CRT_3D) || defined(CRT_CUBE)
// Transform UV to centered 3D coordinates
float3 p = ( * 2.0 - 1.0);
ss = sdSuperShape(p);
// Transform UV to centered 2D coordinates
float2 p = (uv.xy * 2.0 - 1.0);
ss = sdSuperShape2D(p);

float3 col = (ss > 0.0) ? _ColorOutside.rgb : _ColorInside.rgb;
col *= 1.0 - exp(-0.8*abs(ss));
col *= 0.8 + _LineDefinition*cos(_LineFrequency*ss);

//col = colorCorrection(col);

return float4(col, 1.0);

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

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