This is a realtime chat app built with Vue JS as the frontend framework and Firebase for handling the back-end data. Firebase RealTime Database is used for live message sending and receiving.
It requires you to enter a username and lets you send messages by that username. It lets multiple people converse in the same chatroom, and even allows multiple client logins for the same username.
The app is hosted at:
There is currently no authentication mechanism and anyone can join the chat, so multiple sessions with the same username can be held. There is minimal error handling and validation checks like not allowing an empty username to login or an empty message to be sent.
Chunk splitting and other optimizations are not implemented as the app is quite small and those optimizations will not make a significant improvement in loading speed.
There is no persistence of login, so the login information is lost upon refresh. However, the messages are stored in the Firebase RealTime Database and persist through all changes; and the app shows the message history from the beginning to any user at all times.
- It uses Vue Material library for the UI elements.
- The project was bootstrapped with Vue CLI.
- State management is done with Vuex.
- Vue Router is used to handle the application being on the login screen and the chat screen.
Although Vue Material supports SASS/SCSS, plain CSS is used throughout the application.
The application can be viewed on any device or browser capable of running javascript.
yarn install
yarn serve
yarn build