Features • Development • Usage • License • Contribution
IAP is an Android library to handle In-App purchases with minimal code.
- Written in Kotlin
- No boilerplate code
- Easy initialization
- Supports InApp & Subscription products
- Simple configuration for consumable products
- Add the JitPack repository to your project's build.gradle file
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
- Add the dependency in your app's build.gradle file
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.akshaaatt:Google-IAP:1.8.0'
- Prerequisite: Latest version of the Android Studio and SDKs on your pc.
- Clone this repository.
- Use the
gradlew build
command to build the project directly or use the IDE to run the project to your phone or the emulator.
val iapConnector = IapConnector(
context = this, // activity / context
nonConsumableKeys = nonConsumablesList, // pass the list of non-consumables
consumableKeys = consumablesList, // pass the list of consumables
subscriptionKeys = subsList, // pass the list of subscriptions
key = "LICENSE KEY", // pass your app's license key
enableLogging = true // to enable / disable logging
iapConnector.addPurchaseListener(object : PurchaseServiceListener {
override fun onPricesUpdated(iapKeyPrices: Map<String, DataWrappers.SkuDetails>) {
// list of available products will be received here, so you can update UI with prices if needed
override fun onProductPurchased(purchaseInfo: DataWrappers.PurchaseInfo) {
// will be triggered whenever purchase succeeded
override fun onProductRestored(purchaseInfo: DataWrappers.PurchaseInfo) {
// will be triggered fetching owned products using IapConnector
iapConnector.addSubscriptionListener(object : SubscriptionServiceListener {
override fun onSubscriptionRestored(purchaseInfo: DataWrappers.PurchaseInfo) {
// will be triggered upon fetching owned subscription upon initialization
override fun onSubscriptionPurchased(purchaseInfo: DataWrappers.PurchaseInfo) {
// will be triggered whenever subscription succeeded
override fun onPricesUpdated(iapKeyPrices: Map<String, DataWrappers.SkuDetails>) {
// list of available products will be received here, so you can update UI with prices if needed
iapConnector.purchase(this, "<sku>")
iapConnector.subscribe(this, "<sku>")
iapConnector.unsubscribe(this, "<sku>")
Add your products to the developer console
Replace the key with your App's License Key
This Project is licensed under the GPL version 3 or later.
You are most welcome to contribute to this project!