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Query update, demo.
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akarpovskii committed Jan 21, 2020
1 parent d872ca3 commit 47a805d
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Showing 3 changed files with 160 additions and 14 deletions.
75 changes: 62 additions & 13 deletions src/anseml/dom/query.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,13 @@

(declare ^:dynamic *pred-elem*)

(defn- supported-primitive?
"Checks whether the value type is supported.
Currently supported types: string, integer, float."
(let [supported-primitives (list string? integer? float?)]
((apply some-fn supported-primitives) value)))

(defn- element-zipper [elem]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -151,19 +158,61 @@
path (z/next (z/seq-zip path))]
(iter path elem)))

(def root (create-element `(:root
{:attr1 "attr1-val"
:attr2 "attr2-val"}
{:tag "tag1"}
(:root "inner-root1"))
{:tag "tag2"
:width 1}
(:root "inner-root2"))
(defn update-doc
"The `loc` must be a zipper obtained by a previous call to `query`.
`action` is one of the following keywords:
:insert-child -- xs must be an inserted child
:insert-after -- xs must be an inserted child
:insert-before -- xs must be an inserted child
:update-value -- xs must be a function :: value -> value
:update-attributes -- xs must be a function :: attrs -> attrs"
[loc action & xs]
{:pre [(keyword? action)]}
(let [arg (first xs)]
(case action
:insert-child (if (or (supported-primitive? arg)
(element? arg))
(z/insert-child loc arg)
(throw (IllegalArgumentException. (str "Unsupported value type " arg "."))))
:insert-after (if (or (supported-primitive? arg)
(element? arg))
(z/insert-right loc arg)
(throw (IllegalArgumentException. (str "Unsupported value type " arg "."))))
:insert-before (if (or (supported-primitive? arg)
(element? arg))
(z/insert-left loc arg)
(throw (IllegalArgumentException. (str "Unsupported value type " arg "."))))
:update-value (z/edit loc #(set-value % (arg (get-value %))))
:update-attributes (z/edit loc #(set-attrs % (arg (get-attrs %)))))))

(defn apply-update
"The `loc` must be a zipper obtained by a previous call to `query`."
(z/root loc))

;(def root (create-element `(:root
; {:attr1 "attr1-val"
; :attr2 "attr2-val"}
; "value"
; (:inner1
; {:tag "tag1"}
; (:root "inner-root1"))
; (:inner1
; {:tag "tag2"
; :width 1}
; (:root "inner-root2"))
; (:inner2)
; "after-inner")))
;(doall (map println (-> root
; (query "./:inner1 @(= :width 1)/")
; first
; (update-doc :insert-child "inserted-child")
; (update-doc :insert-before "inserted-before")
; (update-doc :insert-after "inserted-after")
; (update-doc :update-value (fn [x] '()))
; (update-doc :update-attributes (fn [x] {}))
; z/root)))

;(doall (map println (-> root
; (query "./:inner1 @(= :width 1)/")
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/anseml/sax/transformation.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
(ns anseml.sax.transformation
(:require [anseml.sax.parser :as sax]))
(:require [anseml.sax.parser :as sax])
(:import ( BufferedReader)))

(def ^:dynamic
^{:doc "Bind to true if you want write to use tabs instead of spaces"}
Expand Down
96 changes: 96 additions & 0 deletions test/anseml/demo.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
(ns anseml.demo
(:require [anseml.core :refer :all])
(:import ( BufferedReader StringReader)))

(def example-element
(:head (:title "Your title here"))
(:body {:bgcolor "FFFFFF"}
(:center (:img {:src "brokenImg.png"
:align "bottom"}))
(:a {:href ""} "Link Name")
"is a link to another nifty site"
(:h1 "This is a Header")
(:h2 "This is a Medium Header")
"Send me mail at " (:a {:href "mailto:[email protected]"} "[email protected]")
(:p "This is a new paragraph!")
(:p (:b "This is a new paragraph!"))
(:br) (:b (:i "This is a new sentence without a paragraph break, in bold italics")))))))

; Write to file
(with-open [w ( "demo_output.txt")]
(binding [*out* w]
(anseml.dom.writer/write example-element)))

; Read file
(let [dom-file (with-open [rdr ( "demo_output.txt")]
(anseml.dom.parser/parse rdr))
sax-file (with-open [rdr ( "demo_output.txt")]
(anseml.sax.parser/parse-lazy-seq rdr))]
(println (if (= dom-file example-element)
"Files are equal"))
(println (type sax-file)))

; Transform to HTML DOM
(with-open [w ( "demo_output_dom.html")]
(binding [*out* w]
(anseml.dom.transformation/transform-to-html example-element)))

; Transform to HTML SAX
(with-open [w ( "demo_output_sax.html")
rdr ( "demo_output.txt")]
(binding [*out* w]
(anseml.sax.transformation/transform-to-html rdr)))

; Fix broken image src attribute
(let [fixed (-> example-element
(anseml.dom.query/query "//:img")
(anseml.dom.query/update-doc :update-attributes
(fn [attrs]
(assoc attrs :src "")))
(with-open [w ( "demo_output_dom_fixed.html")]
(binding [*out* w]
(anseml.dom.transformation/transform-to-html fixed))))

; Schema example
(def schema (anseml.dom.model/create-element
(:scm-attribute {:tag "width"}

(:scm-attribute {:tag "height"}

(:scm-element {:tag "inner"}

(:scm-element {:tag "root"}

(println (anseml.dom.schema/validate
(anseml.dom.schema/build-schema schema)
'(:root {:width "1"
:height 2}

(println (anseml.sax.schema/validate
(anseml.sax.schema/build-schema schema)
"(:root {:width \"1\" :height 2}\n \"bla-bla\"\n (:inner\n \"bla-bla\"))")))))

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