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akapet00 committed Apr 8, 2023
1 parent a91e6ec commit 3675b1f
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Showing 5 changed files with 365 additions and 51 deletions.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
from .data import *
from .plotting import *
from .normals import *
from .orientation import *
from .metrics import *
77 changes: 31 additions & 46 deletions src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,46 +1,40 @@
import numpy as np

__all__ = ['weight', 'rms_angle_error']
__all__ = ['rms_angle_error']

def weight(p, nbhd, kernel='rbf', sigma=None):
"""Return scaling weights given distance between a targeted point
and its surrounding local neighborhood.
def _angle_error(n_estim, n_gt, orient=True):
"""Return the angle error(s) in degrees between the estimated and
ground truth normal vector.
p : numpy_ndarray
Targeted point of shape (3, ).
nbhd : numpy.ndarray
An array of shape (N, 3) representing the local neighborhood.
kernel : str, optional
The weighting function to use for MLS fitting. Possible options
include 'rbf', the Gaussian kernel, 'cosine', the cosine
similarity computed as the L2-normalized dot product,
'truncated', the truncated quadratic kernel, 'linear', the
linear kernel for weighting, 'inverse', the inverse kernel. If
not set, all weights will be set to 1.
sigma : float, optional
A scaling factor for the weighting function. If not given, it
is set to 1 / N where N is the total number of points in the
local neighborhood.
n_estim : numpy.ndsarray
Estimated unit normals of shape (N, 3), where N is the
number of points in the point cloud.
n_gt : numpy.ndarray
Ground truth normals of the corresponding shape.
orient : bool, optional
If it is set to True, orientation of the normals is taken
into account. Otherwise, orientation does not matter.
float or numpy.ndarray
Angle error(s) in degrees.
dist = np.linalg.norm(nbhd - p, axis=1) # squared Euclidian distance
if sigma is None:
sigma = 1.
if kernel == 'rbf': # Gaussian
w = np.exp(-dist ** 2 / (2 * sigma ** 2))
elif kernel == 'cosine':
w = (nbhd @ p) / np.linalg.norm(nbhd * p, axis=1)
elif kernel == 'linear':
w = np.maximum(1 - sigma * dist, 0)
elif kernel == 'inverse':
w = 1 / dist
elif kernel == 'truncated':
w = np.maximum(1 - sigma * dist ** 2, 0)
N = n_gt.shape[0]
if orient:
dot = np.sum(n_estim * n_gt, axis=1)
w = np.ones_like(dist)
return w

dot = np.sum(np.abs(n_estim) * np.abs(n_gt), axis=1)
dot = np.where(dot > 1, 1, dot)
dot = np.where(dot < -1, -1, dot)
if np.sum(dot) / N == 1: # all normals matched -> no error
return 0
return np.arccos(dot) * 180 / np.pi

def rms_angle_error(n_estim, n_gt, orient=True):
"""Return the root mean square angle error between estimated and
Expand All @@ -62,14 +56,5 @@ def rms_angle_error(n_estim, n_gt, orient=True):
Root mean square angle error in degrees.
N = n_gt.shape[0]
if orient:
rel = np.sum(n_estim * n_gt, axis=1)
rel = np.sum(np.abs(n_estim) * np.abs(n_gt), axis=1)
rel = np.where(rel > 1, 1, rel)
rel = np.where(rel < -1, -1, rel)
if np.sum(rel) / N == 1: # all normals matched -> no error
return 0
theta = np.arccos(rel) * 180 / np.pi
return np.sqrt(np.mean(theta ** 2))
err = _angle_error(n_estim, n_gt, orient)
return np.sqrt(np.mean(err ** 2))
257 changes: 257 additions & 0 deletions src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
import numpy as np
from scipy import interpolate
from scipy import spatial
from sklearn.decomposition import KernelPCA

from .utils import apply_weight, polyfit2d

__all__ = ['estimate_normals_pca',

def estimate_normals_pca(xyz, k, kernel=None, **kwargs):
"""Return the unit normals by fitting local tangent plane at each
point in the point cloud.
Ref: Hoppe et al., in proceedings of SIGGRAPH 1992, pp. 71-78,
doi: 10.1145/133994.134011
xyz : numpy.ndarray
The point cloud of shape (N, 3), N is the number of points.
k : float
The number of nearest neighbors of a local neighborhood around
a current query point.
kernel : string, optional
Kernel for computing distance-based weights.
kwargs : dict, optional
Additional keyword arguments for computing weights. For details
see `apply_weight` function.
The unit normals of shape (N, 3), where N is the number of
points in the point cloud.
# create a kd-tree for quick nearest-neighbor lookup
tree = spatial.KDTree(xyz)
n = np.empty_like(xyz)
for i, p in enumerate(xyz):
# extract the local neighborhood
_, idx = tree.query([p], k=k, eps=0.1, workers=-1)
nbhd = xyz[idx.flatten()]

# compute the kernel function and create the weights matrix
if kernel:
w = apply_weight(p, nbhd, kernel, **kwargs)
w = np.ones((nbhd.shape[0], ))
W = np.diag(w)

# extract an eigenvector with smallest associeted eigenvalue
X = nbhd.copy()
X = X - X.mean(axis=0)
C = (X.T @ (W @ X)) / (nbhd.shape[0] - 1)
U, S, VT = np.linalg.svd(C)
n[i, :] = U[:, np.argmin(S)]
return n

def estimate_normals_kpca(xyz, k, kernel=None, **kwargs):
"""Return the unit normals by fitting local tangent plane at each
point in the point cloud by using kernel PCA approach to better
handle non-linear patterns.
xyz : numpy.ndarray
The point cloud of shape (N, 3), N is the number of points.
k : float
The number of nearest neighbors of a local neighborhood around
a current query point.
kernel : string, optional
Kernel for computing distance-based weights.
kwargs : dict, optional
Additional keyword arguments for the initialization of the
`sklearn.decomposition.KernelPCA` class.
The unit normals of shape (N, 3), where N is the number of
points in the point cloud.
# create a kd-tree for quick nearest-neighbor lookup
tree = spatial.KDTree(xyz)
n = np.empty_like(xyz)
for i, p in enumerate(xyz):
# extract the local neighborhood
_, idx = tree.query([p], k=k, eps=0.1, workers=-1)
nbhd = xyz[idx.flatten()]

# normalize the data
X = nbhd.copy()
X = X - X.mean(axis=0)

# create an instance of the kernel PCA class
kpca = KernelPCA(n_components=3, kernel=kernel, **kwargs)
U = X.T @ kpca.eigenvectors_
ni = U[:, np.argmin(kpca.eigenvalues_)]
n[i, :] = ni / np.linalg.norm(ni)
return n

def estimate_normals_spline(xyz,
"""Return the (unit) normals by constructing smooth bivariate
B-spline at each point in the point cloud considering its local
xyz : numpy.ndarray
The point cloud of shape (N, 3), N is the number of points.
k : float
The number of nearest neighbors of a local neighborhood around
a current query point.
deg : float, optional
Degrees of the bivariate spline.
s : float, optional
Positive smoothing factor defined for smooth bivariate spline
unit : float, optional
If true, normals are normalized. Otherwise, surface normals are
kernel : string, optional
Kernel for computing distance-based weights.
kwargs : dict, optional
Additional keyword arguments for computing weights. For details
see `apply_weight` function.
The (unit) normals of shape (N, 3), where N is the number of
points in the point cloud.
# create a kd-tree for quick nearest-neighbor lookup
tree = spatial.KDTree(xyz)
n = np.empty_like(xyz)
for i, p in enumerate(xyz):
_, idx = tree.query([p], k=k, eps=0.1, workers=-1)
nbhd = xyz[idx.flatten()]

# change the basis of the local neighborhood
X = nbhd.copy()
X = X - X.mean(axis=0)
C = (X.T @ X) / (nbhd.shape[0] - 1)
U, _, _ = np.linalg.svd(C)
Xt = X @ U

# compute weights given specific distance function
if kernel:
w = apply_weight(p, nbhd, kernel, **kwargs)
w = np.ones((nbhd.shape[0], ))

# create a smooth B-Spline representation of the "height" function
h = interpolate.SmoothBivariateSpline(*Xt.T, w=w, kx=deg, ky=deg, s=s)

# compute normals as partial derivatives of the "height" function
ni = np.array([-h(*Xt[0, :2], dx=1).item(),
-h(*Xt[0, :2], dy=1).item(),

# convert normal coordinates into the original coordinate frame
ni = U @ ni

# normalize normals by considering the magnitude of each
if unit:
ni = ni / np.linalg.norm(ni, 2)
n[i, :] = ni
return n

def estimate_normals_poly(xyz,
"""Return the (unit) normals by fitting 2-D polynomial at each
point in the point cloud considering its local neighborhood.
xyz : numpy.ndarray
The point cloud of shape (N, 3), N is the number of points.
k : float
The number of nearest neighbors of a local neighborhood around
a current query point.
deg : float, optional
Degrees of the polynomial.
unit : float, optional
If true, normals are normalized. Otherwise, surface normals are
kernel : string, optional
Kernel for computing distance-based weights.
kwargs : dict, optional
Additional keyword arguments for computing weights. For details
see `apply_weight` function.
The (unit) normals of shape (N, 3), where N is the number of
points in the point cloud.
# create a kd-tree for quick nearest-neighbor lookup
n = np.empty_like(xyz)
tree = spatial.KDTree(xyz)
for i, p in enumerate(xyz):
_, idx = tree.query([p], k=k, eps=0.1, workers=-1)
nbhd = xyz[idx.flatten()]

# change the basis of the local neighborhood
X = nbhd.copy()
X = X - X.mean(axis=0)
C = (X.T @ X) / (nbhd.shape[0] - 1)
U, _, _ = np.linalg.svd(C)
X_t = X @ U

# compute weights given specific distance function
if kernel:
w = apply_weight(p, nbhd, kernel, **kwargs)
w = np.ones((nbhd.shape[0], ))

# fit parametric surface by usign a (weighted) 2-D polynomial
X_t_w = X_t * w[:, np.newaxis]
c = polyfit2d(*X_t_w.T, deg=deg)

# compute normals as partial derivatives of the "height" function
cu = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyder(c, axis=0)
cv = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyder(c, axis=1)
ni = np.array([-np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval2d(*X_t_w[0, :2], cu),
-np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval2d(*X_t_w[0, :2], cv),

# convert normal coordinates into the original coordinate frame
ni = U @ ni

# normalize normals by considering the magnitude of each
if unit:
ni = ni / np.linalg.norm(ni, 2)
n[i, :] = ni
return n

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