An effort to make a native-compiled ACARS decoder client in the Dart language to decode ACARS traffic using RTL-SDRs.
- self-contained natively compiled application
- memory and processor efficient
- optimized for embedded systems (i.e. Raspberry Pis)
- abstract enough to work with multiple data links (analog VHF, digital VHF, HF data link, SATCOM data link)
- organizationally independent (while built for, not required to use)
Harness the great work of others:
for core RTL-SDR supportlibacars
for ACARS decoding (thanks Tomasz Lemiech)
The following will be supported in the application (in order of implementation).
- ACARS (Analog VHF, the original -- still very active)
- VDL (Digital VHF, the successor)
- HFDL (HF, longer distance, slightly more specialized)
- AERO (SATCOM, focus on oceanic, very specialized)
Initial effort will only focus on RTL-SDR since it is the most common and cheapest SDR available on the market. In the future will consider the following:
- Airspy
- SDRPlay
- SOAPYSDR (for multi-sdr support)
The MIT License, see LICENSE.