- Remove custom template and change to custom URL instead.
- Record transaction in database and create admin page for it.
- Download and install from your admin. or from wordpress repo https://wordpress.org/plugins/aics-ipay88-woocommerce
- Download this repo as
and upload all the contents of this repo to theplugins folder
and its good to go (dont forget to activate the plugin first)
You could also download this repo as ZIP file and upload it from wp-admin (if you dont want to use the wordpress plugins repo)
- upload plugin [using ftp or zip]
- activate plugin
- go to pages and create new page.
- the new page let it be blank and choose "Payment" template
- go to your woocommerce checkout settings
- Happy selling!
search for aics ipay88 woocommerce
in the add plugin page inside admin
developer: Hamizulfaiz
ipay88 now requires merchant to have backend URL
. we have included it on the plugin. it needs to be enable/disable
from the settings.
forks and suggestions are appreciated!, feel free to create issues if you found bug
This plugin created just to help online entrepreneurs using wordpress woocommerce
out there to enable ipay88 to their site.
This plugin is created on 13 April 2016
By: AiFAiZ .
We hardly find people do this and it is hard to google. Hope this help!
buy me a coffee? : buy coffee for me
p/s : we are not associated with ipay88. Code are developed from scratch and after googling for wordpress codex.
feel free to open issue here
Donate to me for the future of the plugin development donate to me
credits to:
- Bootstrap used for layout
- WPEXPLORER used to create custom page template to process payment