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DAGMM test script on KDDCUP.
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janfrancu committed May 1, 2021
1 parent 4317488 commit 8881e5d
Showing 1 changed file with 118 additions and 0 deletions.
118 changes: 118 additions & 0 deletions test/models/dagmm.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
# using Revise
using DrWatson
using GenerativeAD
using StatsBase: fit!, predict, sample
using Statistics
using BSON
using Flux
using NPZ
using Random

parameters = (
lambda_rat = 1,
lr = 1f-4,
batchsize = 1024,
wreg = 0.0,

# loading KDDCUP data from npz file
file = datadir("kdd_cup.npz") # taken from
pydata = NPZ.npzread(file)

labels = pydata["kdd"][:, end];
features = copy(pydata["kdd"][:, 1:end-1]')

normal_data = features[:, labels .== 0];
anomalous_data = features[:, labels .== 1];

# split data with fixed seed
data = GenerativeAD.Datasets.train_val_test_split(normal_data, anomalous_data; seed=1)
idim = size(data[1][1], 1)

# when running in batch randomize model seed (reset after training - deterministic random batches)
model_seed = rand(1:1000)
encoder = Chain(Dense(idim, 60, tanh), Dense(60, 30, tanh), Dense(30, 10, tanh), Dense(10, 1))
decoder = Chain(Dense(1, 10, tanh), Dense(10, 30, tanh), Dense(30, 60, tanh), Dense(60, idim))
estimator = Chain(Dense(3, 10, tanh), Dropout(0.5), Dense(10, 4))

model = GenerativeAD.Models.DAGMM(encoder, decoder, estimator)
info, fit_t, _, _, _ = @timed fit!(model, data; patience=20, check_interval=10, parameters...)

trained_model = info.model

testmode!(trained_model, true)
_, _, z, gamma = trained_model(data[1][1])
phi, mu, cov = GenerativeAD.Models.compute_params(z, gamma)
testmode!(trained_model, false)

trn_scores = predict(trained_model, data[1][1], phi, mu, cov);
val_scores = predict(trained_model, data[2][1], phi, mu, cov);
tst_scores = predict(trained_model, data[3][1], phi, mu, cov);

using EvalMetrics: ConfusionMatrix, recall, precision, f1_score, roccurve, auc_trapezoidal

# test only
threshold = quantile(vcat(trn_scores, val_scores, tst_scores), 0.8)
# threshold = quantile(vcat(trn_scores, val_scores), 0.8)

tst_ŷ = tst_scores .> threshold;
cm = ConfusionMatrix(data[3][2], tst_ŷ)
rec, prc, f1s = recall(cm), precision(cm), f1_score(cm)

roc = roccurve(data[3][2], tst_scores)
auc = auc_trapezoidal(roc)

# test + validation
# val_ŷ = val_scores .> threshold;
# cm = ConfusionMatrix(vcat(data[2][2], data[3][2]), vcat(val_ŷ, tst_ŷ))
# recall(cm), precision(cm), f1_score(cm)

results = Dict(
:history => info.history,
:niter => info.niter,
:model => info.model,
:recall => rec,
:precision => prc,
:f1 => f1s,
:auc => auc,
:phi => phi,
:mu => mu,
:cov => cov,
:threshold => threshold,
:trn_scores => trn_scores,
:trn_labels => data[1][2],
:val_scores => val_scores,
:val_labels => data[2][2],
:tst_scores => tst_scores,
:tst_labels => data[3][2]

@info("", model_seed, threshold, rec, prc, f1s, auc)

save(datadir("dumpster/dagmm_kddcup99_$(model_seed).bson"), results)

### analysis
using DataFrames, ValueHistories
files = readdir(datadir("dumpster"), join=true)
results = [load(f) for f in files]

df = DataFrame(
"model_seed" => [parse(Int, split(split(f, '_')[end], '.')[1]) for f in files],
"niter" => [r[:niter] for r in results],
"precision" => [r[:precision] for r in results],
"recall" => [r[:recall] for r in results],
"f1" => [r[:f1] for r in results],
"auc" => [r[:auc] for r in results],
"threshold" => [r[:threshold] for r in results],

sort!(df, :niter)
sort!(df, :auc)


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