GMP, MPFR, FLINT and ARB are well known numerical libraries for large integer and arbitrary precision floating point arithmetic. A special emphasis is given to ball arithmetic library ARB by Frederik Johansson.
Arb was merged with Flint 3.0.0 and is not updated as a separate library since.
The repository doesn't contribute to the functionality. It's just a guide for building 32-bit & 64-bit static and shared libraries for Windows.
- Windows 11 64-bit
- MSYS2 with base-devel, mingw-w64-i686-gcc, mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc, yasm, m4, make, autotools
- versions used for current builds:
- GMP v6.3.0 (
- MPFR v4.2.1 (
- FLINT v3.2.0-dev (
- with FLINT hosting ARB (
Cygwin isn't used as it does not handle symbolic links used by some configure and make scripts as expected, and is generaly not intended to be used as a Windows build environment. MSYS2 solves the issues by implementing customized ln command which simply creates hard-copies and is designed as a build environment.
- Install MSYS2, update it, and install base-devel, i686 & x86_64 mingw, yasm, m4, make, autotools
- Extract GMP, MPFR & FLINT src into MSYS2 /opt/src folder.
- Check and adapt
source variables in, e.g.GMP=$SOURCE/gmp-6.3.0
. - Finally, after starting MSYS2 mingw32.exe shell for 32-bit or mingw64.exe shell for 64-bit build, execute the following command and the build process will start:
$ ./ automatically executes the entire workflow with timing & log files written to MSYS2 /var/log folder.
Once built, i686 or x86_64 folder will be created in MSYS2 /opt folder based on the compiler bitness ($arch).
/opt/$arch/bin contains shared libraries (libgmp-10.dll, libgmpxx-4.dll, libmpfr-6.dll, libflint.dll). /opt/$arch/include contains header files needed to build against the libraries. /opt/$arch/lib contains static libraries for compiler and target defined in /opt/$arch/shared contains some documentation automatically generated during the build process.
In this demo we evaluate one simple pandigital approximation of natural constant e correct to 46 decimal places. ARB also calculates accumulated numerical error so every result is printed as ball containing the result with absolute certainty. Internal computational precision is set to p=1000
, way more than needed. Both static and dynamic lib versions are presented.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "arb.h"
#include "flint.h"
int main()
long p = 1000;
long d = 53;
arb_t a, b, x, t;
printf("Computed with %d-bit Flint %s\n", sizeof(void*) * 8, FLINT_VERSION);
// a = 1 + 2 ^ -76
arb_set_str(a, "2", p);
arb_set_str(t, "-76", p);
arb_pow(a, a, t, p);
arb_set_str(t, "1", p);
arb_add(a, t, a, p);
printf("a = "); arb_printd(a, d); printf("\n");
// b = 4 ^ 38 + 0.5
arb_set_str(b, "0.5", p);
arb_ui_pow_ui(t, 4, 38, p);
arb_add(b, t, b, p);
printf("b = "); arb_printd(b, d); printf("\n");
// x = a ^ b
arb_pow(x, a, b, p);
printf("x = "); arb_printd(x, d); printf("\n");
arb_const_e(t, p);
printf("e = "); arb_printd(t, d); printf("\n");
arb_sub(t, x, t, p);
printf("x-e = "); arb_printd(t, d); printf("\n");
32-bit demo is compiled using or via the following command line in MSYS2 mingw32 environment.
>>> gcc -Ibuild/i686/include -Ibuild/i686/include/flint arb_demo.c -obuild/i686/bin/static_demo.exe -Lbuild/i686/lib -lflint -lmpfr -lgmp
>>> build/i686/bin/static_demo.exe
Computed with 32-bit Flint 3.2.0-dev
a = 1.0000000000000000000000132348898008484427979425390731 +/- 0
b = 75557863725914323419136.500000000000000000000000000000 +/- 0
x = 2.7182818284590452353602874713526624977572470937396380 +/- 1.1407e-300
e = 2.7182818284590452353602874713526624977572470936999596 +/- 3.7331e-301
x-e = 3.9678376581476207465438603498757884997818078351607135e-47 +/- 1.5140e-300
#include <windows.h>
#include "arb.h"
#include "flint.h"
int main()
HINSTANCE hFlint = LoadLibrary(TEXT("libflint.dll"));
if (! hFlint) {
printf("Error loading libflint.dll\n");
printf("Error code: %ld\n", GetLastError());
printf("Computed with %d-bit Flint %s\n", sizeof(void*) * 8, FLINT_VERSION);
typedef void(__cdecl *arb_add_t) (arb_t, arb_t, arb_t, long);
typedef void(__cdecl *arb_clear_t) (arb_t);
typedef void(__cdecl *arb_const_e_t) (arb_t, long);
typedef void(__cdecl *arb_init_t) (arb_t);
typedef void(__cdecl *arb_pow_t) (arb_t, arb_t, arb_t, long);
typedef void(__cdecl *arb_printd_t) (arb_t, long);
typedef void(__cdecl *arb_set_str_t) (arb_t, const char*, long);
typedef void(__cdecl *arb_sub_t) (arb_t, arb_t, arb_t, long);
typedef void(__cdecl *arb_ui_pow_ui_t)(arb_t, long, long, long);
arb_add_t arb_add_d = (arb_add_t) GetProcAddress(hFlint, "arb_add");
arb_clear_t arb_clear_d = (arb_clear_t) GetProcAddress(hFlint, "arb_clear");
arb_const_e_t arb_const_e_d = (arb_const_e_t) GetProcAddress(hFlint, "arb_const_e");
arb_init_t arb_init_d = (arb_init_t) GetProcAddress(hFlint, "arb_init");
arb_pow_t arb_pow_d = (arb_pow_t) GetProcAddress(hFlint, "arb_pow");
arb_printd_t arb_printd_d = (arb_printd_t) GetProcAddress(hFlint, "arb_printd");
arb_set_str_t arb_set_str_d = (arb_set_str_t) GetProcAddress(hFlint, "arb_set_str");
arb_sub_t arb_sub_d = (arb_sub_t) GetProcAddress(hFlint, "arb_sub");
arb_ui_pow_ui_t arb_ui_pow_ui_d = (arb_ui_pow_ui_t)GetProcAddress(hFlint, "arb_ui_pow_ui");
long p = 1000;
long d = 53;
arb_t a, b, x, t;
// a = 1 + 2 ^ -76
arb_set_str_d(a, "2", p);
arb_set_str_d(t, "-76", p);
arb_pow_d(a, a, t, p);
arb_set_str_d(t, "1", p);
arb_add_d(a, t, a, p);
printf("a = "); arb_printd_d(a, d); printf("\n");
// b = 4 ^ 38 + 0.5
arb_set_str_d(b, "0.5", p);
arb_ui_pow_ui_d(t, 4, 38, p);
arb_add_d(b, t, b, p);
printf("b = "); arb_printd_d(b, d); printf("\n");
// x = a ^ b
arb_pow_d(x, a, b, p);
printf("x = "); arb_printd_d(x, d); printf("\n");
arb_const_e_d(t, p);
printf("e = "); arb_printd_d(t, d); printf("\n");
arb_sub_d(t, x, t, p);
printf("x-e = "); arb_printd_d(t, d); printf("\n");
32-bit DLL demo is compiled using or via the following command line in MSYS2 mingw32 environment.
>>> gcc -Ibuild/i686/include -Ibuild/i686/include/flint arb_dll_demo.c -obuild/i686/bin/shared_demo.exe
>>> build/i686/bin/shared_demo.exe
Computed with 32-bit Flint 3.2.0-dev
a = 1.0000000000000000000000132348898008484427979425390731 +/- 0
b = 75557863725914323419136.500000000000000000000000000000 +/- 0
x = 2.7182818284590452353602874713526624977572470937396380 +/- 1.1407e-300
e = 2.7182818284590452353602874713526624977572470936999596 +/- 3.7331e-301
x-e = 3.9678376581476207465438603498757884997818078351607135e-47 +/- 1.5140e-300