RECKONER is a tool for correction of Illumina reads. It is based on the error correction algorithm BLESS and utilizes the following tools:
- KMC3 for k-mer counting,
- KMC tools for trimming a k-mer database.
RECKONER is available for Linux and Windows.
To compile RECKONER in Linux use g++ version 4.9.2 or newer by typing "make" in the project directory, as a result there will be generated executable files in the "bin" directory.
To compile RECKONER in Windows open file "RECKONER.sln" in Visual Studio 2015, select "Release" from the drop-down list. Then click "Build" and "Build Solution" from the main menu.
To run RECKONER in Linux execute file "reckoner" from the "bin" directory (typically by typing "./reckoner ARGUMENTS").
To run RECKONER in Windows execute file "reckoner.exe" from the "bin" directory (typically by typing "reckoner.exe ARGUMENTS" from the command line).
As ARGUMENTS type the following:
- -help - prints short help,
- -read FASTQ_FILE - input FASTQ read file name (possibly gzipped), can be passed many times,
- -prefix DIRECTORY - directory for temporary and output files, (optional, default current directory (.)),
- -kmerlength K - length of k-mers (optional),
- -genome G - approximate genome size (optional),
- -memory N - max k-mer counting memory consumption in GB (optional, default 4),
- -extend N - max extend length, (optional, default 2),
- -threads N - number of correcting threads, (optional, default number of available virtual cores).
If k-mer length is not given it is determined automatically. Passing the approximate genome size may slightly improve k-mer length calculation.
Instead of using -read option the input FASTQ files can be specified at the end of the command line.
To correct paired-end files simply pass both of them as two single-end files.
Result files will be created in the output directory with a "corrected" suffix.
./reckoner -kmerlength 25 -prefix results -threads 16 -read SRR088579.fastq.gz
./reckoner -read ERR729973.fastq -read ERR729974.fastq
./reckoner -kmerlength 30 ERR729973.fastq ERR729974.fastq
./reckoner -kmerlength 20 ERR422544_1.fastq.gz ERR422544_2.fastq.gz
- Homepage:
- Contact: [email protected]
- RECKONER is distributed under license GPL 3.