Jido is a toolkit for building autonomous, distributed agent systems in Elixir.
The name "Jido" (自動) comes from the Japanese word meaning "automatic" or "automated", where 自 (ji) means "self" and 動 (dō) means "movement".
As of March 3rd, 2025, I'm working out a few final issues in prep for the v1.1 release. The main
branch will always represent the latest release - but it may have a few quality issues that don't represent the final release. I welcome input and contributions! You can find me in the usual Elixir community locations.
Jido provides the foundation for building autonomous agents that can plan, execute, and adapt their behavior in distributed Elixir applications. Think of it as a toolkit for creating smart, composable workflows that can evolve and respond to their environment.
This package is geared towards Agent builders. It contains the basis building blocks for creating advanced agentic systems. This is why there's no AI baked into the core of this framework.
To see demo's and examples, check out our Jido Workbench. It includes many examples of agents and workflows, including:
- Agents with Tools
- ChatBots
- Agents acting as a Team
- Multi-modal input & output
- ... and many more examples
Jido Workbench relies on the following packages to extend Jido's capabilities:
package for the AI capabilities.jido_chat
package for the chat capabilities.jido_memory
package for the memory capabilities.
- 📦 State Management: Core state primitives for agents
- 🧩 Composable Actions: Build complex behaviors from simple, reusable actions
- 🤖 Agent Data Structures: Stateless agentic data structures for planning and execution
- 🔥 Agent GenServer: OTP integration for agents, with dynamic supervisors
- 📡 Real-time Sensors: Event-driven data gathering and monitoring
- 📨 Signal System: Comprehensive system for agent and external communication
- 🧠 Skills: Reusable, composable behavior modules - Plugins for agents
- ⚡ Distributed by Design: Built for multi-node Elixir clusters
- 🧪 Testing Tools: Rich helpers for unit and property-based testing
Add Jido to your dependencies:
def deps do
{:jido, "~> 1.1.0"}
Actions are the fundamental building blocks in Jido. Each Action is a discrete, reusable unit of work with a clear interface:
defmodule MyApp.Actions.FormatUser do
use Jido.Action,
name: "format_user",
description: "Formats user data by trimming whitespace and normalizing email",
schema: [
name: [type: :string, required: true],
email: [type: :string, required: true]
def run(params, _context) do
{:ok, %{
formatted_name: String.trim(params.name),
email: String.downcase(params.email)
# Execute a single Action via the Workflow system
{:ok, result} = Jido.Workflow.run(FormatUser, %{name: "John Doe", email: "[email protected]"})
Agents are stateful entities that can plan and execute Actions. They maintain their state through a schema and can adapt their behavior:
defmodule MyApp.CalculatorAgent do
use Jido.Agent,
name: "calculator",
description: "An adaptive calculating agent",
actions: [
schema: [
value: [type: :float, default: 0.0],
operations: [type: {:list, :atom}, default: []]
# Start the agent
{:ok, pid} = MyApp.CalculatorAgent.start_link()
# Synchronous call
{:ok, result} = MyApp.CalculatorAgent.call(pid, Signal.new!(%{type: "add", data: %{a: 1, b: 2}}))
# Asynchronous call
{:ok, response_ref} = MyApp.CalculatorAgent.cast(pid, Signal.new!(%{type: "add", data: %{a: 1, b: 2}}))
Sensors provide real-time monitoring and data gathering for your agents:
defmodule MyApp.Sensors.OperationCounter do
use Jido.Sensor,
name: "operation_counter",
description: "Tracks operation usage metrics",
schema: [
emit_interval: [type: :pos_integer, default: 1000]
def mount(opts) do
{:ok, Map.merge(opts, %{counts: %{}})}
def handle_info({:operation, name}, state) do
new_counts = Map.update(state.counts, name, 1, & &1 + 1)
{:noreply, %{state | counts: new_counts}}
Start your agents under supervision:
# In your application.ex
children = [
# Agents fit into your existing supervision tree
# Specify an id to always uniquely identify the agent
{MyApp.CalculatorAgent, id: "calculator_1"}
Supervisor.start_link(children, strategy: :one_for_one)
- 📘 Getting Started Guide
- 🧩 Actions & Workflows
- 🤖 Building Agents
- 📡 Sensors & Monitoring
- 🔄 Agent Directives
We welcome contributions! Here's how to get started:
- Fork the repository
- Run tests:
mix test
- Run quality checks:
mix quality
- Submit a PR
Please include tests for any new features or bug fixes.
See our Contributing Guide for detailed guidelines.
Jido is built with a test-driven mindset and provides comprehensive testing tools for building reliable agent systems. Our testing philosophy emphasizes:
- Thorough test coverage for core functionality
- Property-based testing for complex behaviors
- Regression tests for every bug fix
- Extensive testing helpers and utilities
Jido provides several testing helpers:
- Common testing utilities- Property-based testing via StreamData
- Mocking support through Mimic
- PubSub testing helpers
- Signal assertion helpers
# Run the test suite
mix test
# Run with coverage reporting
mix test --cover
# Run the full quality check suite
mix quality
While we strive for 100% test coverage, we prioritize meaningful tests that verify behavior over simple line coverage. Every new feature and bug fix includes corresponding tests to prevent regressions.
Apache License 2.0 - See LICENSE.md for details.