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felixwellen committed Sep 30, 2024
1 parent 14c6d4c commit ed48931
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Showing 4 changed files with 312 additions and 303 deletions.
52 changes: 3 additions & 49 deletions Cubical/Algebra/CommAlgebra/FP/Instances.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -45,14 +45,16 @@ private
module _ (R : CommRing ℓ) where
open FinitePresentation

{- Every (multivariate) polynomial algebra is finitely presented -}
module _ (n : ℕ) where
p : 0Ideal R (Polynomials R n) ≡ ⟨ emptyFinVec ⟨ Polynomials R n ⟩ₐ ⟩[ _ ]
p = sym $ 0FGIdeal≡0Ideal (Polynomials R n)

compute :
CommAlgebraEquiv (Polynomials R n) $ (Polynomials R n) / ⟨ emptyFinVec ⟨ Polynomials R n ⟩ₐ ⟩[ _ ]
CommAlgebraEquiv (Polynomials R n)
((Polynomials R n) / ⟨ emptyFinVec ⟨ Polynomials R n ⟩ₐ ⟩[ _ ])
compute =
transport (λ i CommAlgebraEquiv (Polynomials R n) ((Polynomials R n) / (p i))) $
zeroIdealQuotient (Polynomials R n)
Expand All @@ -69,54 +71,6 @@ module _ (R : CommRing ℓ) where
{- Every (multivariate) polynomial algebra is finitely presented -}
module _ (n : ℕ) where
A : CommAlgebra R ℓ
A = Polynomials n

emptyGen : FinVec (fst A) 0
emptyGen = λ ()

B : CommAlgebra R ℓ
B = FPAlgebra n emptyGen

polynomialAlgFP : FinitePresentation A
FinitePresentation.n polynomialAlgFP = n
m polynomialAlgFP = 0
relations polynomialAlgFP = emptyGen
equiv polynomialAlgFP =
-- Idea: A and B enjoy the same universal property.
toAAsEquiv , snd toA
toA : CommAlgebraHom B A
toA = inducedHom n emptyGen A Construction.var (λ ())
fromA : CommAlgebraHom A B
fromA = freeInducedHom B (generator _ _)
open AlgebraHoms
inverse1 : fromA ∘a toA ≡ idAlgebraHom _
inverse1 =
fromA ∘a toA
≡⟨ sym (unique _ _ B _ _ _ (λ i cong (fst fromA) (
fst toA (generator n emptyGen i)
≡⟨ inducedHomOnGenerators _ _ _ _ _ _ ⟩
Construction.var i
∎))) ⟩
inducedHom n emptyGen B (generator _ _) (relationsHold _ _)
≡⟨ unique _ _ B _ _ _ (λ i refl) ⟩
idAlgebraHom _
inverse2 : toA ∘a fromA ≡ idAlgebraHom _
inverse2 = isoFunInjective (homMapIso A) _ _ (
evaluateAt A (toA ∘a fromA) ≡⟨ sym (naturalEvR {A = B} {B = A} toA fromA) ⟩
fst toA ∘ evaluateAt B fromA ≡⟨ refl ⟩
fst toA ∘ generator _ _ ≡⟨ funExt (inducedHomOnGenerators _ _ _ _ _)⟩
Construction.var ∎)
toAAsEquiv : ⟨ B ⟩ ≃ ⟨ A ⟩
toAAsEquiv = isoToEquiv (iso (fst toA)
(fst fromA)
(λ a i fst (inverse2 i) a)
(λ b i fst (inverse1 i) b))
{- The initial R-algebra is finitely presented -}
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,7 +17,8 @@ open import Cubical.Data.Sum as ⊎
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma

open import Cubical.Algebra.CommRing
open import Cubical.Algebra.CommRing.Instances.Polynomials.Typevariate
open import Cubical.Algebra.CommRing.Instances.Polynomials.Typevariate.Base
open import Cubical.Algebra.CommRing.Instances.Polynomials.Typevariate.UniversalProperty

Expand Down
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@@ -1,28 +1,22 @@
{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.Algebra.CommRing.Instances.Polynomials.Typevariate.Properties where
This file contains
* an elimination principle for proving some proposition for all elements of R[I]ᵣ
* definitions of the induced maps appearing in the universal property of R[I],

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function hiding (const)
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism

open import Cubical.Data.Sigma.Properties using (Σ≡Prop)
open import Cubical.HITs.SetTruncation

open import Cubical.Algebra.CommRing
open import Cubical.Algebra.CommRing.Instances.Polynomials.Typevariate.Base
open import Cubical.Algebra.Ring.Properties
open import Cubical.Algebra.CommRing.Instances.Polynomials.Typevariate.UniversalProperty public

open import Cubical.Data.Empty
open import Cubical.Data.Empty as ⊥
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma

open import Cubical.Tactics.CommRingSolver
Expand All @@ -31,255 +25,30 @@ private
ℓ ℓ' ℓ'' : Level

module _ {R : CommRing ℓ} {I : Type ℓ'} where
module _ {R : CommRing ℓ} where
open CommRingStr ⦃...⦄
private instance
_ = snd R
_ = snd (R [ I ])

module C = Construction
open C using (const)
polynomialsOn⊥ : CommRingEquiv (R [ ⊥ ]) R
polynomialsOn⊥ =
(iso (to .fst) (from .fst)
(λ x cong (λ f f .fst x) to∘from)
(λ x cong (λ f f .fst x) from∘to)) ,
where to : CommRingHom (R [ ⊥ ]) R
to = inducedHom R (idCommRingHom R) ⊥.rec

Construction of the 'elimProp' eliminator.
module _
{P : ⟨ R [ I ] ⟩ Type ℓ''}
(isPropP : {x : _} isProp (P x))
(onVar : {x : I} P (C.var x))
(onConst : {r : ⟨ R ⟩} P (const r))
(on+ : {x y : ⟨ R [ I ] ⟩} P x P y P (x + y))
(on· : {x y : ⟨ R [ I ] ⟩} P x P y P (x · y))
from : CommRingHom R (R [ ⊥ ])
from = constPolynomial R ⊥

on- : {x : ⟨ R [ I ] ⟩} P x P (- x)
on- {x} Px = subst P (minusByMult x) (on· onConst Px)
where minusByMult : (x : _) (const (- 1r)) · x ≡ - x
minusByMult x =
(const (- 1r)) · x ≡⟨ cong (_· x) (pres- 1r) ⟩
(- const (1r)) · x ≡⟨ cong (λ u (- u) · x) pres1 ⟩
(- 1r) · x ≡⟨ sym (-IsMult-1 x) ⟩
- x ∎
where open RingTheory (CommRing→Ring (R [ I ])) using (-IsMult-1)
open IsCommRingHom (constPolynomial R I .snd)
to∘from : to ∘cr from ≡ idCommRingHom R
to∘from = CommRingHom≡ refl

-- A helper to deal with the path constructor cases.
mkPathP :
{x0 x1 : ⟨ R [ I ] ⟩}
(p : x0 ≡ x1)
(Px0 : P (x0))
(Px1 : P (x1))
PathP (λ i P (p i)) Px0 Px1
mkPathP _ = isProp→PathP λ i isPropP
from∘to : from ∘cr to ≡ idCommRingHom (R [ ⊥ ])
from∘to = idByIdOnVars (from ∘cr to) refl (funExt ⊥.elim)

elimProp : ((x : _) P x)

elimProp (C.var _) = onVar
elimProp (const _) = onConst
elimProp (x C.+ y) = on+ (elimProp x) (elimProp y)
elimProp (C.- x) = on- (elimProp x)
elimProp (x C.· y) = on· (elimProp x) (elimProp y)

elimProp (C.+-assoc x y z i) =
mkPathP (C.+-assoc x y z)
(on+ (elimProp x) (on+ (elimProp y) (elimProp z)))
(on+ (on+ (elimProp x) (elimProp y)) (elimProp z))
elimProp (C.+-rid x i) =
mkPathP (C.+-rid x)
(on+ (elimProp x) onConst)
(elimProp x)
elimProp (C.+-rinv x i) =
mkPathP (C.+-rinv x)
(on+ (elimProp x) (on- (elimProp x)))
elimProp (C.+-comm x y i) =
mkPathP (C.+-comm x y)
(on+ (elimProp x) (elimProp y))
(on+ (elimProp y) (elimProp x))
elimProp (C.·-assoc x y z i) =
mkPathP (C.·-assoc x y z)
(on· (elimProp x) (on· (elimProp y) (elimProp z)))
(on· (on· (elimProp x) (elimProp y)) (elimProp z))
elimProp (C.·-lid x i) =
mkPathP (C.·-lid x)
(on· onConst (elimProp x))
(elimProp x)
elimProp (C.·-comm x y i) =
mkPathP (C.·-comm x y)
(on· (elimProp x) (elimProp y))
(on· (elimProp y) (elimProp x))
elimProp (C.ldist x y z i) =
mkPathP (C.ldist x y z)
(on· (on+ (elimProp x) (elimProp y)) (elimProp z))
(on+ (on· (elimProp x) (elimProp z)) (on· (elimProp y) (elimProp z)))
elimProp (C.+HomConst s t i) =
mkPathP (C.+HomConst s t)
(on+ onConst onConst)
elimProp (C.·HomConst s t i) =
mkPathP (C.·HomConst s t)
(on· onConst onConst)

elimProp (C.0-trunc x y p q i j) =
isOfHLevel→isOfHLevelDep 2 (λ _ isProp→isSet isPropP)
(elimProp x)
(elimProp y)
(cong elimProp p)
(cong elimProp q)
(C.0-trunc x y p q)

Construction of the induced map.
In this module and the module below, we will show the universal property
of the polynomial ring as a commutative ring.
R ──→ R[I]
\ ∣
f ∃! for a given φ : I → S
↘ ↙
module _ (S : CommRing ℓ'') (f : CommRingHom R S) (φ : I ⟨ S ⟩) where
private instance
_ = S .snd

open IsCommRingHom

inducedMap : ⟨ R [ I ] ⟩ ⟨ S ⟩
inducedMap (C.var x) = φ x
inducedMap (const r) = (f .fst r)
inducedMap (P C.+ Q) = (inducedMap P) + (inducedMap Q)
inducedMap (C.- P) = - inducedMap P
inducedMap (C.+-assoc P Q S i) = +Assoc (inducedMap P) (inducedMap Q) (inducedMap S) i
inducedMap (C.+-rid P i) =
eq : (inducedMap P) + (inducedMap (const 0r)) ≡ (inducedMap P)
eq = (inducedMap P) + (inducedMap (const 0r)) ≡⟨⟩
(inducedMap P) + ((f .fst 0r)) ≡⟨ cong ((inducedMap P) +_) (pres0 (f .snd)) ⟩
(inducedMap P) + 0r ≡⟨ +IdR _ ⟩
(inducedMap P) ∎
in eq i
inducedMap (C.+-rinv P i) =
let eq : (inducedMap P - inducedMap P) ≡ (inducedMap (const 0r))
eq = (inducedMap P - inducedMap P) ≡⟨ +InvR _ ⟩
0r ≡⟨ sym (pres0 (f .snd)) ⟩
(inducedMap (const 0r))∎
in eq i
inducedMap (C.+-comm P Q i) = +Comm (inducedMap P) (inducedMap Q) i
inducedMap (P C.· Q) = inducedMap P · inducedMap Q
inducedMap (C.·-assoc P Q S i) = ·Assoc (inducedMap P) (inducedMap Q) (inducedMap S) i
inducedMap (C.·-lid P i) =
let eq = inducedMap (const 1r) · inducedMap P ≡⟨ cong (λ u u · inducedMap P) (pres1 (f .snd)) ⟩
1r · inducedMap P ≡⟨ ·IdL (inducedMap P) ⟩
inducedMap P ∎
in eq i
inducedMap (C.·-comm P Q i) = ·Comm (inducedMap P) (inducedMap Q) i
inducedMap (C.ldist P Q S i) = ·DistL+ (inducedMap P) (inducedMap Q) (inducedMap S) i
inducedMap (C.+HomConst s t i) = pres+ (f .snd) s t i
inducedMap (C.·HomConst s t i) = pres· (f .snd) s t i
inducedMap (C.0-trunc P Q p q i j) =
is-set (inducedMap P) (inducedMap Q) (cong _ p) (cong _ q) i j

module _ where
open IsCommRingHom

inducedHom : CommRingHom (R [ I ]) S
inducedHom .fst = inducedMap
inducedHom .snd .pres0 = pres0 (f .snd)
inducedHom .snd .pres1 = pres1 (f. snd)
inducedHom .snd .pres+ = λ _ _ refl
inducedHom .snd .pres· = λ _ _ refl
inducedHom .snd .pres- = λ _ refl

inducedHomComm : inducedHom ∘cr constPolynomial R I ≡ f
inducedHomComm = CommRingHom≡ $ funExt (λ r refl)

module _ {R : CommRing ℓ} {I : Type ℓ'} (S : CommRing ℓ'') (f : CommRingHom R S) where
open CommRingStr ⦃...⦄
private instance
_ = S .snd
_ = (R [ I ]) .snd
open IsCommRingHom

evalVar : CommRingHom (R [ I ]) S I ⟨ S ⟩
evalVar h = h .fst ∘ var

unfolding var
evalInduce : : I ⟨ S ⟩)
evalVar (inducedHom S f φ) ≡ φ
evalInduce φ = refl

unfolding var
evalOnVars : : I ⟨ S ⟩)
(i : I) inducedHom S f φ .fst (var i) ≡ φ i
evalOnVars φ i = refl

unfolding var
induceEval : (g : CommRingHom (R [ I ]) S)
(p : g .fst ∘ constPolynomial R I .fst ≡ f .fst)
(inducedHom S f (evalVar g)) ≡ g
induceEval g p =
let theMap : ⟨ R [ I ] ⟩ ⟨ S ⟩
theMap = inducedMap S f (evalVar g)
CommRingHom≡ $
funExt $
(is-set _ _)
(λ {x} refl)
(λ {r} sym (cong (λ f f r) p))
(λ {x} {y} eq-x eq-y
theMap (x + y) ≡⟨ pres+ (inducedHom S f (evalVar g) .snd) x y ⟩
theMap x + theMap y ≡[ i ]⟨ (eq-x i + eq-y i) ⟩
(g $cr x + g $cr y) ≡⟨ sym (pres+ (g .snd) _ _) ⟩
(g $cr (x + y)) ∎)
λ {x} {y} eq-x eq-y
theMap (x · y) ≡⟨ pres· (inducedHom S f (evalVar g) .snd) x y ⟩
theMap x · theMap y ≡[ i ]⟨ (eq-x i · eq-y i) ⟩
(g $cr x · g $cr y) ≡⟨ sym (pres· (g .snd) _ _) ⟩
(g $cr (x · y)) ∎

inducedHomUnique :: I ⟨ S ⟩)
(g : CommRingHom (R [ I ]) S)
(p : g .fst ∘ constPolynomial R I .fst ≡ f .fst)
(q : evalVar g ≡ φ)
inducedHom S f φ ≡ g
inducedHomUnique φ g p q = cong (inducedHom S f) (sym q) ∙ induceEval g p

hom≡ByValuesOnVars : (g h : CommRingHom (R [ I ]) S)
(p : g .fst ∘ constPolynomial _ _ .fst ≡ f .fst) (q : h .fst ∘ constPolynomial _ _ .fst ≡ f .fst)
(evalVar g ≡ evalVar h)
g ≡ h
hom≡ByValuesOnVars g h p q ≡OnVars =
sym (inducedHomUnique ϕ g p refl) ∙ inducedHomUnique ϕ h q (sym ≡OnVars)
where ϕ : I ⟨ S ⟩
ϕ = evalVar g

idByIdOnVars : {R : CommRing ℓ} {I : Type ℓ'}
(g : CommRingHom (R [ I ]) (R [ I ]))
(p : g .fst ∘ constPolynomial _ _ .fst ≡ constPolynomial _ _ .fst)
(g .fst ∘ var ≡ idfun _ ∘ var)
g ≡ idCommRingHom (R [ I ])
idByIdOnVars g p idOnVars = hom≡ByValuesOnVars _ (constPolynomial _ _) g (idCommRingHom _) p refl idOnVars
isHom : IsCommRingHom ((R [ ⊥ ]) .snd) (to .fst) (R .snd)
isHom = to .snd

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