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Added construction of M-types from Signatures/Containers (#245)
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* Added construction of M-types from Signatures/Containers

* Added files

* No longer 'Unresolved Metas', but some postulates

* Removed trailing whitespace

* Fixed name collision

* Making progress on postulates

* Making progress on postulates

* removed whitespace

* Trying to fix computation problems

* Reduced shift definition, to pure iso's

* Fixed naming collsion (again...)

* Fixed naming collision (again...)

* Updated files to use iso more, and made proofs more readable

* Update

* Removed whitespace

* Update

* Small step towards removing all postulates.

* Update

* Finished proving lemma11-Iso

* All postulates cleared in M-types

* Pushed abstract

* Uncomment

* Working but with some 'abstract'

* Pushed abstract

* Updated to newest version of Cubical Agda

* Renamed some theorems

* Renamed some theorems

* Getting closer to removing all postulates

* Clared the last postulate for construction of M-types

* Updated folder structure

* Updated infrastructure

* Moved proofs

* Added missing files

* Working on pull request comments

* Working on pull request comments

* Working on pull request comments

* Restructure

* Restructure

* Restructure

* Updates based on PR comments

* Working on comments on PR

* Trying to simplify definition of shift

* Simplifying shift definition

* Working on PR comments

* Working on PR comments

* Working on PR comments

* Working on PR comments

* Working on PR comments

* Rename M-type to M, and moved files
  • Loading branch information
cmester0 authored May 7, 2020
1 parent 658f92a commit c67854d
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Showing 21 changed files with 836 additions and 24 deletions.
15 changes: 14 additions & 1 deletion Cubical/Codata/Everything.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,6 +13,19 @@ open import Cubical.Codata.Conat public

open import Cubical.Codata.M public

-- Also uses {-# TERMINATING #-}.
open import Cubical.Codata.M.Bisimilarity public

-- Alternative M type implemetation, based on
-- "Non-wellfounded trees in Homotopy Type Theory"
-- Benedikt Ahrens, Paolo Capriotti, Régis Spadotti

open import Cubical.Codata.M.AsLimit.M
open import Cubical.Codata.M.AsLimit.Coalg
open import Cubical.Codata.M.AsLimit.helper
open import Cubical.Codata.M.AsLimit.Container
open import Cubical.Codata.M.AsLimit.itree
open import
15 changes: 9 additions & 6 deletions Cubical/Codata/M.agda
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Expand Up @@ -32,27 +32,30 @@ module Helpers where

open Helpers

IxCont : Type Type
IxCont X = Σ (X Type₀) \ S x S x X Type
IxCont : {ℓ} -> Type Type (ℓ-suc ℓ)
IxCont {ℓ} X = Σ (X Type ℓ) λ S x S x X Type

⟦_⟧ : {X : Type} IxCont X (X Type) (X Type)
⟦ (S , P) ⟧ X x = Σ (S x) \ s y P x s y X y
⟦_⟧ : {ℓ} {X : Type} IxCont X (X Type) (X Type)
⟦ (S , P) ⟧ X x = Σ (S x) λ s y P x s y X y

record M {X : Type} (C : IxCont X) (x : X) : Typewhere
record M {ℓ} {X : Type} (C : IxCont X) (x : X) : Typewhere -- Type₀
head : C .fst x
tails : y C .snd x head y M C y

open M public

module _ {X : Type} {C : IxCont X} where
module _ {ℓ} {X : Type} {C : IxCont X} where

F = ⟦ C ⟧

inM : x F (M C) x M C x
inM x (head , tail) = record { head = head ; tails = tail }

out : x M C x F (M C) x
out x a = (a .head) , (a .tails)

Expand Down
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions Cubical/Codata/M/AsLimit/Coalg.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical --guardedness --safe #-}

module Cubical.Codata.M.AsLimit.Coalg where

open import Cubical.Codata.M.AsLimit.Coalg.Base public
39 changes: 39 additions & 0 deletions Cubical/Codata/M/AsLimit/Coalg/Base.agda
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@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical --guardedness --safe #-}

module Cubical.Codata.M.AsLimit.Coalg.Base where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function using ( _∘_ )
open import Cubical.Foundations.Transport
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.GroupoidLaws

open import Cubical.Data.Unit
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.Prod
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma

open import Cubical.Codata.M.AsLimit.Container
open import Cubical.Codata.M.AsLimit.helper

-- Definition of a Coalgebra --

Coalg₀ : {ℓ} {S : Container ℓ} -> Type (ℓ-suc ℓ)
Coalg₀ {ℓ} {S = S} = Σ[ C ∈ Type ℓ ] (C P₀ S C)

-- Definition of a Cone --

Cone₀ : {ℓ} {S : Container ℓ} {C,γ : Coalg₀ {S = S}} -> Type ℓ
Cone₀ {S = S} {C , _} = (n : ℕ) C X (sequence S) n

Cone₁ : {ℓ} {S : Container ℓ} {C,γ : Coalg₀ {S = S}} -> (f : Cone₀ {C,γ = C,γ}) -> Type ℓ
Cone₁ {S = S} {C , _} f = (n : ℕ) π (sequence S) ∘ (f (suc n)) ≡ f n

Cone : {ℓ} {S : Container ℓ} (C,γ : Coalg₀ {S = S}) -> Type ℓ
Cone {S = S} C,γ = Σ[ Cone ∈ (Cone₀ {C,γ = C,γ}) ] (Cone₁{C,γ = C,γ} Cone)
88 changes: 88 additions & 0 deletions Cubical/Codata/M/AsLimit/Container.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical --guardedness --safe #-}

module Cubical.Codata.M.AsLimit.Container where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv using (_≃_)
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function using (_∘_)

open import Cubical.Data.Unit
open import Cubical.Data.Prod
open import Cubical.Data.Nat as ℕ using (ℕ ; suc ; _+_ )

open import Cubical.Foundations.Transport

open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function

open import Cubical.Data.Sum

open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure

open import Cubical.Codata.M.AsLimit.helper

-- Container and Container Functor --

-- Σ[ A ∈ (Type ℓ) ] (A → Type ℓ)
Container : -> Type (ℓ-suc ℓ)
Container ℓ = TypeWithStr ℓ (λ x x Type ℓ)

-- Polynomial functor (P₀ , P₁) defined over a container

-- P₀ object part of functor
P₀ : {ℓ} (S : Container ℓ) -> Type ℓ -> Type ℓ
P₀ (A , B) X = Σ[ a ∈ A ] (B a -> X)

-- P₁ morphism part of functor
P₁ : {ℓ} {S : Container ℓ} {X Y} (f : X -> Y) -> P₀ S X -> P₀ S Y
P₁ {S = S} f = λ { (a , g) -> a , f ∘ g }

-- Chains and Limits --

record Chain: Type (ℓ-suc ℓ) where
constructor _,,_
X :-> Type ℓ
π : {n : ℕ} -> X (suc n) -> X n

open Chain public

limit-of-chain : {ℓ} -> Chain ℓ Type ℓ
limit-of-chain (x ,, pi) = Σ[ x ∈ ((n : ℕ) x n) ] ((n : ℕ) pi {n = n} (x (suc n)) ≡ x n)

shift-chain : {ℓ} -> Chain ℓ -> Chain ℓ
shift-chain = λ X,π -> ((λ x X X,π (suc x)) ,, λ {n} π X,π {suc n})

-- Limit type of a Container , and Shift of a Limit --

Wₙ : {ℓ} -> Container ℓ ->-> Type ℓ
Wₙ S 0 = Lift Unit
Wₙ S (suc n) = P₀ S (Wₙ S n)

πₙ : {ℓ} -> (S : Container ℓ) -> {n : ℕ} -> Wₙ S (suc n) -> Wₙ S n
πₙ {ℓ} S {0} _ = lift tt
πₙ S {suc n} = P₁ (πₙ S {n})

sequence : {ℓ} -> Container ℓ -> Chain ℓ
X (sequence S) n = Wₙ S n
π (sequence S) {n} = πₙ S {n}

PX,Pπ : {ℓ} (S : Container ℓ) -> Chain ℓ
PX,Pπ {ℓ} S =
(λ n P₀ S (X (sequence S) n)) ,,
(λ {n : ℕ} x P₁ (λ z z) (π (sequence S) {n = suc n} x ))

-- M type is limit of a sequence --

M : {ℓ} -> Container ℓ Type ℓ
M = limit-of-chain ∘ sequence
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions Cubical/Codata/M/AsLimit/M.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical --guardedness --safe #-}

module Cubical.Codata.M.AsLimit.M where

open import Cubical.Codata.M.AsLimit.M.Base public
open import Cubical.Codata.M.AsLimit.M.Properties public
195 changes: 195 additions & 0 deletions Cubical/Codata/M/AsLimit/M/Base.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical --guardedness --safe #-}

-- Construction of M-types from
-- "Non-wellfounded trees in Homotopy Type Theory"
-- Benedikt Ahrens, Paolo Capriotti, Régis Spadotti

module Cubical.Codata.M.AsLimit.M.Base where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv using (_≃_)
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function using (_∘_)

open import Cubical.Data.Unit
open import Cubical.Data.Prod
open import Cubical.Data.Nat as ℕ using (ℕ ; suc ; _+_ )
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma hiding (_×_)
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Algebra

open import Cubical.Foundations.Transport
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.Path
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.GroupoidLaws

open import Cubical.Data.Sum

open import Cubical.Codata.M.AsLimit.helper
open import Cubical.Codata.M.AsLimit.Container

open import Cubical.Codata.M.AsLimit.Coalg.Base

open Iso

limit-collapse : {ℓ} {S : Container ℓ} (X : Type ℓ) (l : (n : ℕ) X n X (suc n)) (x₀ : X 0) (n : ℕ) X n
limit-collapse X l x₀ 0 = x₀
limit-collapse {S = S} X l x₀ (suc n) = l n (limit-collapse {S = S} X l x₀ n)

lemma11-Iso :
{ℓ} {S : Container ℓ} (X : Type ℓ) (l : (n : ℕ) X n X (suc n))
Iso (Σ[ x ∈ ((n : ℕ) X n)] ((n : ℕ) x (suc n) ≡ l n (x n)))
(X 0)
fun (lemma11-Iso X l) (x , y) = x 0
inv (lemma11-Iso {S = S} X l) x₀ = limit-collapse {S = S} X l x₀ , (λ n refl {x = limit-collapse {S = S} X l x₀ (suc n)})
rightInv (lemma11-Iso X l) _ = refl
leftInv (lemma11-Iso {ℓ = ℓ} {S = S} X l) (x , y) i =
let temp = χ-prop (x 0) (fst (inv (lemma11-Iso {S = S} X l) (fun (lemma11-Iso {S = S} X l) (x , y))) , refl , (λ n refl {x = limit-collapse {S = S} X l (x 0) (suc n)})) (x , refl , y)
in temp i .fst , proj₂ (temp i .snd)
open AlgebraPropositionality
open NatSection

X-fiber-over-ℕ : (x₀ : X 0) -> NatFiber NatAlgebraℕ ℓ
X-fiber-over-ℕ x₀ = record { Fiber = X ; fib-zero = x₀ ; fib-suc = λ {n : ℕ} xₙ l n xₙ }

X-section : (x₀ : X 0) (z : Σ[ x ∈ ((n : ℕ) X n)] (x 0 ≡ x₀) × ( n (x (suc n)) ≡ l n (x n))) -> NatSection (X-fiber-over-ℕ x₀)
X-section = λ x₀ z record { section = fst z ; sec-comm-zero = proj₁ (snd z) ; sec-comm-suc = proj₂ (snd z) }

Z-is-Section : (x₀ : X 0)
Iso (Σ[ x ∈ ((n : ℕ) X n)] (x 0 ≡ x₀) × ( n (x (suc n)) ≡ l n (x n)))
(NatSection (X-fiber-over-ℕ x₀))
fun (Z-is-Section x₀) (x , (z , y)) = record { section = x ; sec-comm-zero = z ; sec-comm-suc = y }
inv (Z-is-Section x₀) x = NatSection.section x , (sec-comm-zero x , sec-comm-suc x)
rightInv (Z-is-Section x₀) _ = refl
leftInv (Z-is-Section x₀) (x , (z , y)) = refl

-- S≡T
χ-prop' : (x₀ : X 0) isProp (NatSection (X-fiber-over-ℕ x₀))
χ-prop' x₀ a b = SectionProp.S≡T isNatInductiveℕ (X-section x₀ (inv (Z-is-Section x₀) a)) (X-section x₀ (inv (Z-is-Section x₀) b))

χ-prop : (x₀ : X 0) isProp (Σ[ x ∈ ((n : ℕ) X n) ] (x 0 ≡ x₀) × ( n (x (suc n)) ≡ l n (x n)))
χ-prop x₀ = subst isProp (sym (isoToPath (Z-is-Section x₀))) (χ-prop' x₀)

-- Shifting the limit of a chain is an equivalence --

-- Shift is equivalence (12) and (13) in the proof of Theorem 7
-- "Non-wellfounded trees in Homotopy Type Theory"
-- Benedikt Ahrens, Paolo Capriotti, Régis Spadotti

-- TODO: This definition is inefficient, it should be updated to use some cubical features!
shift-iso : {ℓ} (S : Container ℓ) -> Iso (P₀ S (M S)) (M S)
shift-iso S@(A , B) =
P₀ S (M S)
Iso⟨ Σ-ap-iso₂ (λ x iso (λ f (λ n z f z .fst n) , λ n i a f a .snd n i)
(λ (u , q) z (λ n u n z) , λ n i q n i z)
(λ _ refl)
(λ _ refl)) ⟩
(Σ[ a ∈ A ] (Σ[ u ∈ ((n : ℕ) B a X (sequence S) n) ] ((n : ℕ) π (sequence S) ∘ (u (suc n)) ≡ u n)))
Iso⟨ invIso α-iso-step-5-Iso ⟩
(Σ[ a ∈ (Σ[ a ∈ ((n : ℕ) A) ] ((n : ℕ) a (suc n) ≡ a n)) ]
Σ[ u ∈ ((n : ℕ) B (a .fst n) X (sequence S) n) ]
((n : ℕ) PathP (λ x B (a .snd n x) X (sequence S) n)
(π (sequence S) ∘ u (suc n))
(u n)))
Iso⟨ α-iso-step-1-4-Iso-lem-12 ⟩
M S ∎Iso
α-iso-step-5-Iso-helper0 :
(a : (ℕ -> A))
(p : (n : ℕ) a (suc n) ≡ a n)
(n : ℕ)
a n ≡ a 0
α-iso-step-5-Iso-helper0 a p 0 = refl
α-iso-step-5-Iso-helper0 a p (suc n) = p n ∙ α-iso-step-5-Iso-helper0 a p n

α-iso-step-5-Iso-helper1-Iso :
(a :-> A)
(p : (n : ℕ) a (suc n) ≡ a n)
(u : (n : ℕ) B (a n) Wₙ S n)
(n : ℕ)
(PathP (λ x B (p n x) Wₙ S n) (πₙ S ∘ u (suc n)) (u n))
(πₙ S ∘ (subst (\k -> B k Wₙ S (suc n)) (α-iso-step-5-Iso-helper0 a p (suc n))) (u (suc n)) ≡ subst (λ k B k Wₙ S n) (α-iso-step-5-Iso-helper0 a p n) (u n))
α-iso-step-5-Iso-helper1-Iso a p u n =
PathP (λ x B (p n x) Wₙ S n) (πₙ S ∘ u (suc n)) (u n)
Iso⟨ pathToIso (PathP≡Path (λ x B (p n x) Wₙ S n) (πₙ S ∘ u (suc n)) (u n)) ⟩
subst (λ k B k Wₙ S n) (p n) (πₙ S ∘ u (suc n)) ≡ (u n)
Iso⟨ (invIso (temp (pathToIso (cong (λ k B k Wₙ S n) (α-iso-step-5-Iso-helper0 a p n))))) ⟩
(subst (λ k B k Wₙ S n) (α-iso-step-5-Iso-helper0 a p n) (subst (λ k B k Wₙ S n) (p n) (πₙ S ∘ u (suc n)))
subst (λ k B k Wₙ S n) (α-iso-step-5-Iso-helper0 a p n) (u n))
Iso⟨ pathToIso (λ i (sym (substComposite (λ k B k Wₙ S n) (p n) (α-iso-step-5-Iso-helper0 a p n) (πₙ S ∘ u (suc n)))) i
≡ subst (λ k B k Wₙ S n) (α-iso-step-5-Iso-helper0 a p n) (u n)) ⟩
subst (λ k B k Wₙ S n) (α-iso-step-5-Iso-helper0 a p (suc n)) (πₙ S ∘ u (suc n))
subst (λ k B k Wₙ S n) (α-iso-step-5-Iso-helper0 a p n) (u n)
Iso⟨ pathToIso (λ i (substCommSlice (λ k B k Wₙ S (suc n)) (λ k B k Wₙ S n) (λ a x x₁ (πₙ S) (x x₁)) ((α-iso-step-5-Iso-helper0 a p) (suc n)) (u (suc n))) i
≡ subst (λ k B k Wₙ S n) (α-iso-step-5-Iso-helper0 a p n) (u n)) ⟩
πₙ S ∘ subst (λ k B k Wₙ S (suc n)) (α-iso-step-5-Iso-helper0 a p (suc n)) (u (suc n))
subst (λ k B k Wₙ S n) (α-iso-step-5-Iso-helper0 a p n) (u n) ∎Iso
temp = iso→fun-Injection-Iso-x

α-iso-step-5-Iso :
(Σ[ a ∈ (Σ[ a ∈ ((n : ℕ) A) ] ((n : ℕ) a (suc n) ≡ a n)) ]
Σ[ u ∈ ((n : ℕ) B (a .fst n) X (sequence S) n) ]
((n : ℕ) PathP (λ x B (a .snd n x) X (sequence S) n)
(π (sequence S) ∘ u (suc n))
(u n)))
(Σ[ a ∈ A ] (Σ[ u ∈ ((n : ℕ) B a X (sequence S) n) ] ((n : ℕ) π (sequence S) ∘ (u (suc n)) ≡ u n)))
α-iso-step-5-Iso =
Σ-ap-iso (lemma11-Iso {S = S} (λ _ A) (λ _ x x)) (λ a,p
Σ-ap-iso (pathToIso (cong (λ k (n : ℕ) k n) (funExt λ n cong (λ k B k Wₙ S n) (α-iso-step-5-Iso-helper0 (a,p .fst) (a,p .snd) n)))) λ u
pathToIso (cong (λ k (n : ℕ) k n) (funExt λ n isoToPath (α-iso-step-5-Iso-helper1-Iso (a,p .fst) (a,p .snd) u n))))

α-iso-step-1-4-Iso-lem-12 :
Iso (Σ[ a ∈ (Σ[ a ∈ ((n : ℕ) A)] ((n : ℕ) a (suc n) ≡ a n)) ]
(Σ[ u ∈ ((n : ℕ) B (a .fst n) X (sequence S) n) ]
((n : ℕ) PathP (λ x B (a .snd n x) X (sequence S) n)
(π (sequence S) ∘ u (suc n))
(u n))))
(limit-of-chain (sequence S))
fun α-iso-step-1-4-Iso-lem-12 (a , b) = (λ { 0 lift tt ; (suc n) (a .fst n) , (b .fst n)}) , λ { 0 refl {x = lift tt} ; (suc m) i a .snd m i , b .snd m i }
inv α-iso-step-1-4-Iso-lem-12 x = ((λ n (x .fst) (suc n) .fst) , λ n i (x .snd) (suc n) i .fst) , (λ n (x .fst) (suc n) .snd) , λ n i (x .snd) (suc n) i .snd
fst (rightInv α-iso-step-1-4-Iso-lem-12 (b , c) i) 0 = lift tt
fst (rightInv α-iso-step-1-4-Iso-lem-12 (b , c) i) (suc n) = refl i
snd (rightInv α-iso-step-1-4-Iso-lem-12 (b , c) i) 0 = refl
snd (rightInv α-iso-step-1-4-Iso-lem-12 (b , c) i) (suc n) = c (suc n)
leftInv α-iso-step-1-4-Iso-lem-12 (a , b) = refl

shift : {ℓ} (S : Container ℓ) -> P₀ S (M S) ≡ M S
shift S = isoToPath (shift-iso S) -- lemma 13 & lemma 12

-- Transporting along shift

in-fun : {ℓ} {S : Container ℓ} -> P₀ S (M S) -> M S
in-fun {S = S} = fun (shift-iso S)

out-fun : {ℓ} {S : Container ℓ} -> M S -> P₀ S (M S)
out-fun {S = S} = inv (shift-iso S)

-- Property of functions into M-types

lift-to-M : {ℓ} {A : Type ℓ} {S : Container ℓ}
(x : (n : ℕ) -> A X (sequence S) n)
((n : ℕ) (a : A) π (sequence S) (x (suc n) a) ≡ x n a)
(A M S)
lift-to-M x p a = (λ n x n a) , λ n i p n a i

lift-direct-M : {ℓ} {S : Container ℓ}
(x : (n : ℕ) X (sequence S) n)
((n : ℕ) π (sequence S) (x (suc n)) ≡ x n)
lift-direct-M x p = x , p

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