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opaque instead of abstract in QuotientAlgebra (#1078)
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* `abstract` -> `opaque` in QuotientAlgebra
MatthiasHu authored Nov 17, 2023
1 parent 65e550f commit 3b2a50a
Showing 1 changed file with 120 additions and 95 deletions.
215 changes: 120 additions & 95 deletions Cubical/Algebra/CommAlgebra/QuotientAlgebra.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -31,24 +31,24 @@ private
: Level

The definition of the quotient algebra (_/_ below) is marked abstract to avoid
The definition of the quotient algebra (_/_ below) is marked opaque to avoid
long type checking times. All other definitions that need to "look into" this
abstract definition must be in the same abstract scope. Note that anonymous
modules share an abstract scope but named modules do not.
opaque definition must be in an opaque block that unfolds the definition of _/_.

module _ {R : CommRing ℓ} (A : CommAlgebra R ℓ) (I : IdealsIn A) where abstract
module _ {R : CommRing ℓ} (A : CommAlgebra R ℓ) (I : IdealsIn A) where
open CommRingStr {{...}} hiding (_-_; -_; ·IdL ; ·DistR+) renaming (_·_ to _·R_; _+_ to _+R_)
open CommAlgebraStr {{...}}
open RingTheory (CommRing→Ring (CommAlgebra→CommRing A)) using (-DistR·)
_ : CommRingStr ⟨ R 
_ : CommRingStr ⟨ R
_ = snd R
_ : CommAlgebraStr R ⟨ A ⟩
_ = snd A

_/_ : CommAlgebra R ℓ
_/_ = commAlgebraFromCommRing
_/_ : CommAlgebra R ℓ
_/_ = commAlgebraFromCommRing
(λ r elim (λ _ squash/) (λ x [ r ⋆ x ]) (eq r))
(λ r s elimProp (λ _ squash/ _ _)
@@ -83,16 +83,19 @@ module _ {R : CommRing ℓ} (A : CommAlgebra R ℓ) (I : IdealsIn A) where abstr
r ⋆ x - r ⋆ y ∎ )
(isCommIdeal.·Closed (snd I) _ x-y∈I))

quotientHom : CommAlgebraHom A (_/_)
fst quotientHom x = [ x ]
IsAlgebraHom.pres0 (snd quotientHom) = refl
IsAlgebraHom.pres1 (snd quotientHom) = refl
IsAlgebraHom.pres+ (snd quotientHom) _ _ = refl
IsAlgebraHom.pres· (snd quotientHom) _ _ = refl
IsAlgebraHom.pres- (snd quotientHom) _ = refl
IsAlgebraHom.pres⋆ (snd quotientHom) _ _ = refl
unfolding _/_

quotientHom : CommAlgebraHom A (_/_)
fst quotientHom x = [ x ]
IsAlgebraHom.pres0 (snd quotientHom) = refl
IsAlgebraHom.pres1 (snd quotientHom) = refl
IsAlgebraHom.pres+ (snd quotientHom) _ _ = refl
IsAlgebraHom.pres· (snd quotientHom) _ _ = refl
IsAlgebraHom.pres- (snd quotientHom) _ = refl
IsAlgebraHom.pres⋆ (snd quotientHom) _ _ = refl

module _ {R : CommRing ℓ} (A : CommAlgebra R ℓ) (I : IdealsIn A) where abstract
module _ {R : CommRing ℓ} (A : CommAlgebra R ℓ) (I : IdealsIn A) where
open CommRingStr {{...}}
hiding (_-_; -_; ·IdL; ·DistR+; is-set)
renaming (_·_ to _·R_; _+_ to _+R_)
@@ -104,21 +107,24 @@ module _ {R : CommRing ℓ} (A : CommAlgebra R ℓ) (I : IdealsIn A) where abstr
_ : CommAlgebraStr R ⟨ A ⟩
_ = snd A

-- sanity check / maybe a helper function some day
-- (These two rings are not definitionally equal, but only because of proofs, not data.)
CommForget/ : RingEquiv (CommAlgebra→Ring (A / I)) ((CommAlgebra→Ring A) Ring./ (CommIdeal→Ideal I))
fst CommForget/ = idEquiv _
IsRingHom.pres0 (snd CommForget/) = refl
IsRingHom.pres1 (snd CommForget/) = refl
IsRingHom.pres+ (snd CommForget/) = λ _ _ refl
IsRingHom.pres· (snd CommForget/) = λ _ _ refl
IsRingHom.pres- (snd CommForget/) = λ _ refl
unfolding _/_

-- sanity check / maybe a helper function some day
-- (These two rings are not definitionally equal, but only because of proofs, not data.)
CommForget/ : RingEquiv (CommAlgebra→Ring (A / I)) ((CommAlgebra→Ring A) Ring./ (CommIdeal→Ideal I))
fst CommForget/ = idEquiv _
IsRingHom.pres0 (snd CommForget/) = refl
IsRingHom.pres1 (snd CommForget/) = refl
IsRingHom.pres+ (snd CommForget/) = λ _ _ refl
IsRingHom.pres· (snd CommForget/) = λ _ _ refl
IsRingHom.pres- (snd CommForget/) = λ _ refl

module _
(B : CommAlgebra R ℓ)
: CommAlgebraHom A B)
(I⊆kernel : (fst I) ⊆ (fst (kernel A B ϕ)))
where abstract

open IsAlgebraHom
open RingTheory (CommRing→Ring (CommAlgebra→CommRing B))
@@ -130,95 +136,114 @@ module _ {R : CommRing ℓ} (A : CommAlgebra R ℓ) (I : IdealsIn A) where abstr
_ : CommRingStr ⟨ B ⟩
_ = snd (CommAlgebra→CommRing B)

inducedHom : CommAlgebraHom (A / I) B
fst inducedHom =
rec is-set (λ x fst ϕ x)
λ a b a-b∈I
(fst ϕ a) (fst ϕ b)
((fst ϕ a) - (fst ϕ b) ≡⟨ cong (λ u (fst ϕ a) + u) (sym (IsAlgebraHom.pres- (snd ϕ) _)) ⟩
(fst ϕ a) + (fst ϕ (- b)) ≡⟨ sym (IsAlgebraHom.pres+ (snd ϕ) _ _) ⟩
fst ϕ (a - b) ≡⟨ I⊆kernel (a - b) a-b∈I ⟩
0r ∎)
pres0 (snd inducedHom) = pres0 (snd ϕ)
pres1 (snd inducedHom) = pres1 (snd ϕ)
pres+ (snd inducedHom) = elimProp2 (λ _ _ is-set _ _) (pres+ (snd ϕ))
pres· (snd inducedHom) = elimProp2 (λ _ _ is-set _ _) (pres· (snd ϕ))
pres- (snd inducedHom) = elimProp (λ _ is-set _ _) (pres- (snd ϕ))
pres⋆ (snd inducedHom) = λ r elimProp (λ _ is-set _ _) (pres⋆ (snd ϕ) r)

inducedHom∘quotientHom : inducedHom ∘a quotientHom A I ≡ ϕ
inducedHom∘quotientHom = Σ≡Prop (isPropIsCommAlgebraHom {M = A} {N = B}) (funExt (λ a refl))

injectivePrecomp : (B : CommAlgebra R ℓ) (f g : CommAlgebraHom (A / I) B)
f ∘a (quotientHom A I) ≡ g ∘a (quotientHom A I)
f ≡ g
injectivePrecomp B f g p =
(λ h isPropIsCommAlgebraHom {M = A / I} {N = B} h)
(descendMapPath (fst f) (fst g) is-set
λ x λ i fst (p i) x)
_ : CommAlgebraStr R ⟨ B ⟩
_ = str B
unfolding _/_

inducedHom : CommAlgebraHom (A / I) B
fst inducedHom =
rec is-set (λ x fst ϕ x)
λ a b a-b∈I
(fst ϕ a) (fst ϕ b)
((fst ϕ a) - (fst ϕ b) ≡⟨ cong (λ u (fst ϕ a) + u) (sym (IsAlgebraHom.pres- (snd ϕ) _)) ⟩
(fst ϕ a) + (fst ϕ (- b)) ≡⟨ sym (IsAlgebraHom.pres+ (snd ϕ) _ _) ⟩
fst ϕ (a - b) ≡⟨ I⊆kernel (a - b) a-b∈I ⟩
0r ∎)
pres0 (snd inducedHom) = pres0 (snd ϕ)
pres1 (snd inducedHom) = pres1 (snd ϕ)
pres+ (snd inducedHom) = elimProp2 (λ _ _ is-set _ _) (pres+ (snd ϕ))
pres· (snd inducedHom) = elimProp2 (λ _ _ is-set _ _) (pres· (snd ϕ))
pres- (snd inducedHom) = elimProp (λ _ is-set _ _) (pres- (snd ϕ))
pres⋆ (snd inducedHom) = λ r elimProp (λ _ is-set _ _) (pres⋆ (snd ϕ) r)

unfolding inducedHom quotientHom

inducedHom∘quotientHom : inducedHom ∘a quotientHom A I ≡ ϕ
inducedHom∘quotientHom = Σ≡Prop (isPropIsCommAlgebraHom {M = A} {N = B}) (funExt (λ a refl))

unfolding quotientHom

injectivePrecomp : (B : CommAlgebra R ℓ) (f g : CommAlgebraHom (A / I) B)
f ∘a (quotientHom A I) ≡ g ∘a (quotientHom A I)
f ≡ g
injectivePrecomp B f g p =
(λ h isPropIsCommAlgebraHom {M = A / I} {N = B} h)
(descendMapPath (fst f) (fst g) is-set
λ x λ i fst (p i) x)
_ : CommAlgebraStr R ⟨ B ⟩
_ = str B

{- trivial quotient -}
module _ {R : CommRing ℓ} (A : CommAlgebra R ℓ) where abstract
module _ {R : CommRing ℓ} (A : CommAlgebra R ℓ) where
open CommAlgebraStr (snd A)

oneIdealQuotient : CommAlgebraEquiv (A / (1Ideal A)) (UnitCommAlgebra R {ℓ' = ℓ})
fst oneIdealQuotient =
isoToEquiv (iso (fst (terminalMap R (A / (1Ideal A))))
(λ _ [ 0a ])
(λ _ isPropUnit* _ _)
(elimProp (λ _ squash/ _ _)
λ a eq/ 0a a tt*))
snd oneIdealQuotient = snd (terminalMap R (A / (1Ideal A)))

zeroIdealQuotient : CommAlgebraEquiv A (A / (0Ideal A))
fst zeroIdealQuotient =
let open RingTheory (CommRing→Ring (CommAlgebra→CommRing A))
in isoToEquiv (iso (fst (quotientHom A (0Ideal A)))
(rec is-set (λ x x) λ x y x-y≡0 equalByDifference x y x-y≡0)
(elimProp (λ _ squash/ _ _) λ _ refl)
λ _ refl)
snd zeroIdealQuotient = snd (quotientHom A (0Ideal A))

-- non-abstract notation
unfolding _/_

oneIdealQuotient : CommAlgebraEquiv (A / (1Ideal A)) (UnitCommAlgebra R {ℓ' = ℓ})
fst oneIdealQuotient =
isoToEquiv (iso (fst (terminalMap R (A / (1Ideal A))))
(λ _ [ 0a ])
(λ _ isPropUnit* _ _)
(elimProp (λ _ squash/ _ _)
λ a eq/ 0a a tt*))
snd oneIdealQuotient = snd (terminalMap R (A / (1Ideal A)))

unfolding quotientHom

zeroIdealQuotient : CommAlgebraEquiv A (A / (0Ideal A))
fst zeroIdealQuotient =
let open RingTheory (CommRing→Ring (CommAlgebra→CommRing A))
in isoToEquiv (iso (fst (quotientHom A (0Ideal A)))
(rec is-set (λ x x) λ x y x-y≡0 equalByDifference x y x-y≡0)
(elimProp (λ _ squash/ _ _) λ _ refl)
λ _ refl)
snd zeroIdealQuotient = snd (quotientHom A (0Ideal A))

[_]/ : {R : CommRing ℓ} {A : CommAlgebra R ℓ} {I : IdealsIn A}
(a : fst A) fst (A / I)
[_]/ = fst (quotientHom _ _)

module _ {R : CommRing ℓ} (A : CommAlgebra R ℓ) (I : IdealsIn A) where abstract
module _ {R : CommRing ℓ} (A : CommAlgebra R ℓ) (I : IdealsIn A) where
open CommIdeal using (isPropIsCommIdeal)

private module _ where
-- non-abstract abbreviation
π : CommAlgebraHom A (A / I)
π = quotientHom A I

kernel≡I : kernel A (A / I) π ≡ I
kernel≡I =
kernel A (A / I) π ≡⟨ Σ≡Prop
(isPropIsCommIdeal (CommAlgebra→CommRing A))
refl ⟩
_ ≡⟨ CommRing.kernel≡I {R = CommAlgebra→CommRing A} I ⟩
I ∎
unfolding quotientHom

kernel≡I : kernel A (A / I) π ≡ I
kernel≡I =
kernel A (A / I) π ≡⟨ Σ≡Prop
(isPropIsCommIdeal (CommAlgebra→CommRing A))
refl ⟩
_ ≡⟨ CommRing.kernel≡I {R = CommAlgebra→CommRing A} I ⟩
I ∎

module _
{R : CommRing ℓ}
{A : CommAlgebra R ℓ}
{I : IdealsIn A}
where abstract

isZeroFromIdeal : (x : ⟨ A ⟩) x ∈ (fst I) fst (quotientHom A I) x ≡ CommAlgebraStr.0a (snd (A / I))
isZeroFromIdeal x x∈I = eq/ x 0a (subst (_∈ fst I) (step x) x∈I )
open CommAlgebraStr (snd A)
step : (x : ⟨ A ⟩) x ≡ x - 0a
step = solve (CommAlgebra→CommRing A)
unfolding quotientHom

isZeroFromIdeal : (x : ⟨ A ⟩) x ∈ (fst I) fst (quotientHom A I) x ≡ CommAlgebraStr.0a (snd (A / I))
isZeroFromIdeal x x∈I = eq/ x 0a (subst (_∈ fst I) (step x) x∈I )
open CommAlgebraStr (snd A)
step : (x : ⟨ A ⟩) x ≡ x - 0a
step = solve (CommAlgebra→CommRing A)

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