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fix: Haskell.Law.Num to re-export all instances
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Haskell.Law.Num should publicly import all available instances
as well as the LawfulNum class. To avoid cyclic dependencies,
the functions for concluding number laws were move to
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pmbittner authored and jespercockx committed Jul 9, 2024
1 parent 7d5bd11 commit ec37285
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101 changes: 3 additions & 98 deletions lib/Haskell/Law/Num.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,102 +1,7 @@
module Haskell.Law.Num where

open import Haskell.Law.Num.Def public
open import Haskell.Law.Num.Nat public
open import Haskell.Law.Num.Int public
open import Haskell.Law.Num.Integer public

open import Haskell.Prim
open import Haskell.Prim.Num
open import Haskell.Prim.Function

open import Haskell.Law.Equality
open import Haskell.Law.Function

A number homomorphism establishes a homomorphism from one Num type a to another one b.
In particular, zero and one are mapped to zero and one in the other Num type,
and addition, multiplication, and negation are homorphic.
record NumHomomorphism (a b : Set) ⦃ iNuma : Num a ⦄ ⦃ iNumb : Num b ⦄ (φ : a b) : Set where
0ᵃ = Num.fromInteger iNuma (pos 0)
0ᵇ = Num.fromInteger iNumb (pos 0)
1ᵃ = Num.fromInteger iNuma (pos 1)
1ᵇ = Num.fromInteger iNumb (pos 1)

+-hom : Homomorphism₂ _+_ _+_ φ
*-hom : Homomorphism₂ _*_ _*_ φ
⦃ minus-ok ⦄ : {x y : a} ⦃ MinusOK x y ⦄ MinusOK (φ x) (φ y)
⦃ negate-ok ⦄ : {x : a} ⦃ NegateOK x ⦄ NegateOK (φ x)
⦃ fromInteger-ok ⦄ : {i : Integer} ⦃ Num.FromIntegerOK iNuma i ⦄ Num.FromIntegerOK iNumb i
0-hom : ⦃ @0 _ : Num.FromIntegerOK iNuma (pos 0) ⦄ φ 0ᵃ ≡ 0ᵇ
1-hom : ⦃ @0 _ : Num.FromIntegerOK iNuma (pos 1) ⦄ φ 1ᵃ ≡ 1ᵇ
negate-hom : (x : a) ⦃ @0 _ : Num.NegateOK iNuma x ⦄ φ (negate x) ≡ negate (φ x) --Homomorphism₁ inlined for type instances

A number embedding is an invertible number homomorphism.
record NumEmbedding (a b : Set) ⦃ iNuma : Num a ⦄ ⦃ iNumb : Num b ⦄ (φ : a b) (φ⁻¹ : b a) : Set where
hom : NumHomomorphism a b φ
embed : φ⁻¹ ∘ φ ≗ id

open NumHomomorphism hom

+-Embedding₂ : Embedding₂ _+_ _+_ φ φ⁻¹
Embedding₂.hom +-Embedding₂ = +-hom
Embedding₂.embed +-Embedding₂ = embed

*-Embedding₂ : Embedding₂ _*_ _*_ φ φ⁻¹
Embedding₂.hom *-Embedding₂ = *-hom
Embedding₂.embed *-Embedding₂ = embed

+-MonoidEmbedding₂ : ⦃ @0 _ : Num.FromIntegerOK iNuma (pos 0) ⦄ MonoidEmbedding₂ _+_ _+_ φ φ⁻¹ 0ᵃ 0ᵇ
MonoidEmbedding₂.embedding +-MonoidEmbedding₂ = +-Embedding₂
MonoidEmbedding₂.0-hom +-MonoidEmbedding₂ = 0-hom

*-MonoidEmbedding₂ : ⦃ @0 _ : Num.FromIntegerOK iNuma (pos 1) ⦄ MonoidEmbedding₂ _*_ _*_ φ φ⁻¹ 1ᵃ 1ᵇ
MonoidEmbedding₂.embedding *-MonoidEmbedding₂ = *-Embedding₂
MonoidEmbedding₂.0-hom *-MonoidEmbedding₂ = 1-hom

Given an embedding from one number type a onto another one b,
we can conclude that b satisfies the laws of Num if a satisfies the
laws of Num.
map-IsLawfulNum : {a b : Set} ⦃ iNuma : Num a ⦄ ⦃ iNumb : Num b ⦄
(a2b : a b) (b2a : b a)
NumEmbedding a b a2b b2a
IsLawfulNum b
IsLawfulNum a
map-IsLawfulNum {a} {b} {{numa}} {{numb}} f g proj lawb =
{ +-assoc = map-assoc _+ᵃ_ _+ᵇ_ f g +-Embedding₂ (+-assoc lawb)
; +-comm = map-comm _+ᵃ_ _+ᵇ_ f g +-Embedding₂ (+-comm lawb)
; +-idˡ = λ x map-idˡ _+ᵃ_ _+ᵇ_ f g 0ᵃ 0ᵇ +-MonoidEmbedding₂ (λ y +-idˡ lawb y) x
; +-idʳ = λ x map-idʳ _+ᵃ_ _+ᵇ_ f g 0ᵃ 0ᵇ +-MonoidEmbedding₂ (λ y +-idʳ lawb y) x
; neg-inv = map-neg-inv
; *-assoc = map-assoc _*ᵃ_ _*ᵇ_ f g *-Embedding₂ (*-assoc lawb)
; *-idˡ = λ x map-idˡ _*ᵃ_ _*ᵇ_ f g 1ᵃ 1ᵇ *-MonoidEmbedding₂ (λ y *-idˡ lawb y) x
; *-idʳ = λ x map-idʳ _*ᵃ_ _*ᵇ_ f g 1ᵃ 1ᵇ *-MonoidEmbedding₂ (λ y *-idʳ lawb y) x
; distributeˡ = map-distributeˡ _+ᵃ_ _+ᵇ_ _*ᵃ_ _*ᵇ_ f g embed +-hom *-hom (distributeˡ lawb)
; distributeʳ = map-distributeʳ _+ᵃ_ _+ᵇ_ _*ᵃ_ _*ᵇ_ f g embed +-hom *-hom (distributeʳ lawb)
open NumEmbedding proj
open NumHomomorphism hom
open IsLawfulNum lawb
open Num numa renaming (_+_ to _+ᵃ_; _*_ to _*ᵃ_; negate to negateᵃ)
open Num numb renaming (_+_ to _+ᵇ_; _*_ to _*ᵇ_; negate to negateᵇ)

map-neg-inv : (x : a) ⦃ @0 _ : Num.FromIntegerOK numa (pos 0) ⦄ ⦃ @0 _ : Num.NegateOK numa x ⦄
x +ᵃ negateᵃ x ≡ 0ᵃ
map-neg-inv x =
x +ᵃ negateᵃ x ≡˘⟨ embed (x +ᵃ negateᵃ x) ⟩
g (f (x +ᵃ negateᵃ x)) ≡⟨ cong g (+-hom x (negateᵃ x)) ⟩
g (f x +ᵇ f (negateᵃ x)) ≡⟨ cong g (cong (f x +ᵇ_) (negate-hom x)) ⟩
g (f x +ᵇ negateᵇ (f x)) ≡⟨ cong g (neg-inv lawb (f x)) ⟩
g 0ᵇ ≡˘⟨ cong g 0-hom ⟩
g (f 0ᵃ) ≡⟨ embed 0ᵃ ⟩
0ᵃ ∎

open import Haskell.Law.Num.Nat public
open import Haskell.Law.Num.Word public
93 changes: 93 additions & 0 deletions lib/Haskell/Law/Num/Def.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -31,3 +31,96 @@ record IsLawfulNum (a : Set) ⦃ iNum : Num a ⦄ : Set₁ where
-- We are currently missing the following because toInteger is missing in our Prelude.
-- "if the type also implements Integral, then fromInteger is a left inverse for toInteger, i.e. fromInteger (toInteger i) == i"
open IsLawfulNum ⦃ ... ⦄ public

open import Haskell.Prim.Function
open import Haskell.Law.Equality
open import Haskell.Law.Function

A number homomorphism establishes a homomorphism from one Num type a to another one b.
In particular, zero and one are mapped to zero and one in the other Num type,
and addition, multiplication, and negation are homorphic.
record NumHomomorphism (a b : Set) ⦃ iNuma : Num a ⦄ ⦃ iNumb : Num b ⦄ (φ : a b) : Set where
0ᵃ = Num.fromInteger iNuma (pos 0)
0ᵇ = Num.fromInteger iNumb (pos 0)
1ᵃ = Num.fromInteger iNuma (pos 1)
1ᵇ = Num.fromInteger iNumb (pos 1)

+-hom : Homomorphism₂ _+_ _+_ φ
*-hom : Homomorphism₂ _*_ _*_ φ
⦃ minus-ok ⦄ : {x y : a} ⦃ MinusOK x y ⦄ MinusOK (φ x) (φ y)
⦃ negate-ok ⦄ : {x : a} ⦃ NegateOK x ⦄ NegateOK (φ x)
⦃ fromInteger-ok ⦄ : {i : Integer} ⦃ Num.FromIntegerOK iNuma i ⦄ Num.FromIntegerOK iNumb i
0-hom : ⦃ @0 _ : Num.FromIntegerOK iNuma (pos 0) ⦄ φ 0ᵃ ≡ 0ᵇ
1-hom : ⦃ @0 _ : Num.FromIntegerOK iNuma (pos 1) ⦄ φ 1ᵃ ≡ 1ᵇ
negate-hom : (x : a) ⦃ @0 _ : Num.NegateOK iNuma x ⦄ φ (negate x) ≡ negate (φ x) --Homomorphism₁ inlined for type instances

A number embedding is an invertible number homomorphism.
record NumEmbedding (a b : Set) ⦃ iNuma : Num a ⦄ ⦃ iNumb : Num b ⦄ (φ : a b) (φ⁻¹ : b a) : Set where
hom : NumHomomorphism a b φ
embed : φ⁻¹ ∘ φ ≗ id

open NumHomomorphism hom

+-Embedding₂ : Embedding₂ _+_ _+_ φ φ⁻¹
Embedding₂.hom +-Embedding₂ = +-hom
Embedding₂.embed +-Embedding₂ = embed

*-Embedding₂ : Embedding₂ _*_ _*_ φ φ⁻¹
Embedding₂.hom *-Embedding₂ = *-hom
Embedding₂.embed *-Embedding₂ = embed

+-MonoidEmbedding₂ : ⦃ @0 _ : Num.FromIntegerOK iNuma (pos 0) ⦄ MonoidEmbedding₂ _+_ _+_ φ φ⁻¹ 0ᵃ 0ᵇ
MonoidEmbedding₂.embedding +-MonoidEmbedding₂ = +-Embedding₂
MonoidEmbedding₂.0-hom +-MonoidEmbedding₂ = 0-hom

*-MonoidEmbedding₂ : ⦃ @0 _ : Num.FromIntegerOK iNuma (pos 1) ⦄ MonoidEmbedding₂ _*_ _*_ φ φ⁻¹ 1ᵃ 1ᵇ
MonoidEmbedding₂.embedding *-MonoidEmbedding₂ = *-Embedding₂
MonoidEmbedding₂.0-hom *-MonoidEmbedding₂ = 1-hom

Given an embedding from one number type a onto another one b,
we can conclude that b satisfies the laws of Num if a satisfies the
laws of Num.
map-IsLawfulNum : {a b : Set} ⦃ iNuma : Num a ⦄ ⦃ iNumb : Num b ⦄
(a2b : a b) (b2a : b a)
NumEmbedding a b a2b b2a
IsLawfulNum b
IsLawfulNum a
map-IsLawfulNum {a} {b} {{numa}} {{numb}} f g proj lawb =
{ +-assoc = map-assoc _+ᵃ_ _+ᵇ_ f g +-Embedding₂ (+-assoc lawb)
; +-comm = map-comm _+ᵃ_ _+ᵇ_ f g +-Embedding₂ (+-comm lawb)
; +-idˡ = λ x map-idˡ _+ᵃ_ _+ᵇ_ f g 0ᵃ 0ᵇ +-MonoidEmbedding₂ (λ y +-idˡ lawb y) x
; +-idʳ = λ x map-idʳ _+ᵃ_ _+ᵇ_ f g 0ᵃ 0ᵇ +-MonoidEmbedding₂ (λ y +-idʳ lawb y) x
; neg-inv = map-neg-inv
; *-assoc = map-assoc _*ᵃ_ _*ᵇ_ f g *-Embedding₂ (*-assoc lawb)
; *-idˡ = λ x map-idˡ _*ᵃ_ _*ᵇ_ f g 1ᵃ 1ᵇ *-MonoidEmbedding₂ (λ y *-idˡ lawb y) x
; *-idʳ = λ x map-idʳ _*ᵃ_ _*ᵇ_ f g 1ᵃ 1ᵇ *-MonoidEmbedding₂ (λ y *-idʳ lawb y) x
; distributeˡ = map-distributeˡ _+ᵃ_ _+ᵇ_ _*ᵃ_ _*ᵇ_ f g embed +-hom *-hom (distributeˡ lawb)
; distributeʳ = map-distributeʳ _+ᵃ_ _+ᵇ_ _*ᵃ_ _*ᵇ_ f g embed +-hom *-hom (distributeʳ lawb)
open NumEmbedding proj
open NumHomomorphism hom
open IsLawfulNum lawb
open Num numa renaming (_+_ to _+ᵃ_; _*_ to _*ᵃ_; negate to negateᵃ)
open Num numb renaming (_+_ to _+ᵇ_; _*_ to _*ᵇ_; negate to negateᵇ)

map-neg-inv : (x : a) ⦃ @0 _ : Num.FromIntegerOK numa (pos 0) ⦄ ⦃ @0 _ : Num.NegateOK numa x ⦄
x +ᵃ negateᵃ x ≡ 0ᵃ
map-neg-inv x =
x +ᵃ negateᵃ x ≡˘⟨ embed (x +ᵃ negateᵃ x) ⟩
g (f (x +ᵃ negateᵃ x)) ≡⟨ cong g (+-hom x (negateᵃ x)) ⟩
g (f x +ᵇ f (negateᵃ x)) ≡⟨ cong g (cong (f x +ᵇ_) (negate-hom x)) ⟩
g (f x +ᵇ negateᵇ (f x)) ≡⟨ cong g (neg-inv lawb (f x)) ⟩
g 0ᵇ ≡˘⟨ cong g 0-hom ⟩
g (f 0ᵃ) ≡⟨ embed 0ᵃ ⟩
0ᵃ ∎
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lib/Haskell/Law/Num/Int.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ open import Haskell.Prim.Num
open import Haskell.Prim.Int
open import Haskell.Prim.Word

open import Haskell.Law.Num
open import Haskell.Law.Num.Def
open import Haskell.Law.Num.Word

Expand Down
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion lib/Haskell/Law/Num/Word.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,11 +7,13 @@ open import Haskell.Prim.Num
open import Haskell.Prim.Word
open Haskell.Prim.Word.WordInternal

open import Haskell.Law.Num
open import Haskell.Law.Equality
open import Haskell.Law.Function
open import Haskell.Law.Nat

open import Haskell.Law.Num.Def
open import Haskell.Law.Num.Nat

open Num iNumNat renaming (_+_ to _+ⁿ_; _*_ to _*ⁿ_)
open Num iNumWord renaming (_+_ to _+ʷ_; _*_ to _*ʷ_)

Expand Down

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