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Category and Cartesian instances for polymorphic predicates #443

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226 changes: 226 additions & 0 deletions src/Categories/Category/Instance/Preds/Polymorphic.agda
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module Categories.Category.Instance.Preds.Polymorphic {o} where

A Category in which Predicates are the Objects

Note that this is different from the category defined in `Categories.Category.Instance.Preds`, because in that category the objects are always predicates on the same type.
Here we are making a category in which the objects are all predicates, but not necessarily of the same type.
So this category actually generalises the `Sets` category, since one possible predicate of any type is the universal predicate, allowing all elements of the type.

This idea is drawn from Conal Elliott's paper Timely Computation.

open import Level using (0ℓ; Level; suc; _⊔_)
open import Function using (id; _∘_)
open import Data.Product using (_×_; _,_; proj₁; proj₂; <_,_>)
open import Data.Unit.Polymorphic using (⊤; tt)
open import Relation.Binary using (IsEquivalence)
open import Relation.Binary.Definitions using (Reflexive; Symmetric; Transitive)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_; refl; sym; trans; cong; cong₂; cong-app; module ≡-Reasoning)

open import Categories.Category using (Category)

record PRED : Set (suc o) where
constructor pred
{U} : Set o
P : U → Set o

infixr 5 _⇒_ -- Enter the ⇒ with \=>

record _⇒_ (A B : PRED) : Set o where
constructor mk⇒
open PRED
{f} : U A → U B
imp : ∀ {u} → P A u → P B (f u)

liftPred : (A : Set o) → PRED
liftPred A = pred {A} (λ _ → ⊤)

f g h i : A ⇒ B

infix 6 _◎_ -- Enter the ◎ with \ci.

_◎_ : B ⇒ C → A ⇒ B → A ⇒ C
(mk⇒ f) ◎ (mk⇒ g) = mk⇒ (f ∘ g)

infix 4 _⇒≈_ -- Enter ⇒≈ with \=>\~~

data _⇒≈_ (x : A ⇒ B) : A ⇒ B → Set (suc o) where
mk⇒≈ : {y : A ⇒ B}
→ ({u : PRED.U A} → (PRED.P A u) → _⇒_.f x u ≡ _⇒_.f y u)
→ ({u : PRED.U A} → (PRED.P A u) → PRED.P B (_⇒_.f x u) ≡ PRED.P B (_⇒_.f y u))
→ x ⇒≈ y

⇒refl : Reflexive (_⇒≈_ {A} {B})
⇒refl = mk⇒≈ (λ _ → refl) (λ _ → refl)

⇒sym : Symmetric (_⇒≈_ {A} {B})
⇒sym (mk⇒≈ ff≡fg Pf≡Pg) = mk⇒≈ (λ Pu → sym (ff≡fg Pu))
(λ Pu → sym (Pf≡Pg Pu))

⇒trans : Transitive (_⇒≈_ {A} {B})
⇒trans (mk⇒≈ fi≡fj Pi≡Pj) (mk⇒≈ fj≡fk Pj≡Pk) =
mk⇒≈ (λ Pu → trans (fi≡fj Pu) (fj≡fk Pu))
(λ Pu → trans (Pi≡Pj Pu) (Pj≡Pk Pu))

⇒equiv : IsEquivalence (_⇒≈_ {A} {B})
⇒equiv = record
{ refl = ⇒refl
; sym = ⇒sym
; trans = ⇒trans

module Equiv {A B : PRED} = IsEquivalence (⇒equiv {A} {B})

module ⇒≈-Reasoning where
infix 1 begin_
infixr 2 _⇒≈⟨⟩_ step-⇒≈
infix 3 _∎

begin_ : ∀ {f g : A ⇒ B} → f ⇒≈ g → f ⇒≈ g
begin f⇒≈g = f⇒≈g

_⇒≈⟨⟩_ : ∀ (f : A ⇒ B) {g : A ⇒ B} → f ⇒≈ g → f ⇒≈ g
f ⇒≈⟨⟩ f⇒≈g = f⇒≈g

step-⇒≈ : ∀ (f {g h} : A ⇒ B) → g ⇒≈ h → f ⇒≈ g → f ⇒≈ h
step-⇒≈ f g⇒≈h f⇒≈g = ⇒trans f⇒≈g g⇒≈h

syntax step-⇒≈ f g⇒≈h f⇒≈g = f ⇒≈⟨ f⇒≈g ⟩ g⇒≈h

_∎ : ∀ (f : A ⇒ B) → f ⇒≈ f
f ∎ = ⇒refl

◎-resp-⇒≈ₗ : ∀ {A B C : PRED} {f g : B ⇒ C} → f ⇒≈ g → (h : A ⇒ B) → f ◎ h ⇒≈ g ◎ h
◎-resp-⇒≈ₗ (mk⇒≈ fu≡gu fPu≡gPu) (mk⇒ Ph) =
mk⇒≈ (fu≡gu ∘ Ph)
(fPu≡gPu ∘ Ph)
{- The above looks simple, but here's what I had to painstakingly work through
before simplifying to the above, and this is only for the first argument
to `mk⇒≈`!
◎-resp-⇒≈ₗ {_} {_} {_} {f} {g} (mk⇒≈ fu≡gu fPu≡gPu) h@(mk⇒ Ph) = mk⇒≈
(λ {u} Pu → begin
_⇒_.f (f ◎ h) u
≡⟨⟩ -- Definition of ◎
((_⇒_.f f) ∘ (_⇒_.f h)) u
≡⟨⟩ -- Definition of ∘
(_⇒_.f f) ((_⇒_.f h) u)
≡⟨ fu≡gu {_⇒_.f h u} (Ph Pu) ⟩ -- Apply `f ⇒≈ g`
(_⇒_.f g) ((_⇒_.f h) u)
≡⟨⟩ -- Definition of ∘
((_⇒_.f g) ∘ (_⇒_.f h)) u
≡⟨⟩ -- Definition of ◎
_⇒_.f (g ◎ h) u
) where open ≡-Reasoning -}

◎-resp-⇒≈ᵣ : ∀ {A B C : PRED} {h i : A ⇒ B} → h ⇒≈ i → (f : B ⇒ C) → f ◎ h ⇒≈ f ◎ i
◎-resp-⇒≈ᵣ {_} {_} {C} (mk⇒≈ hu≡iu _) (mk⇒ {f} _) =
mk⇒≈ (cong f ∘ hu≡iu)
(λ Pu → cong (PRED.P C) (cong f (hu≡iu Pu)))
{- Again the long-hand proof looks a lot uglier, though may be easier to follow:
(λ {u} Pu → begin
_⇒_.f (f ◎ h) u
((_⇒_.f f) ∘ (_⇒_.f h)) u
(_⇒_.f f) (_⇒_.f h u)
-- hu≡iu : {u : PRED.U A} → (PRED.P A u) → _⇒_.f h u ≡ _⇒_.f i u
≡⟨ cong (_⇒_.f f) (hu≡iu Pu⟩
(_⇒_.f f) (_⇒_.f i u)
_⇒_.f (f ◎ i)
(λ {u} Pu → begin
PRED.P C (_⇒_.f (f ◎ h) u)
≡⟨ cong (PRED.P C) (cong (_⇒_.f f) (hu≡iu Pu)) ⟩
PRED.P C (_⇒_.f (f ◎ i) u)

◎-resp-⇒≈ : ∀ {A B C} {f h : B ⇒ C} {g i : A ⇒ B} → f ⇒≈ h → g ⇒≈ i → f ◎ g ⇒≈ h ◎ i
◎-resp-⇒≈ {_} {_} {_} {f} {h} {g} {i} f⇒≈h g⇒≈i =
f ◎ g
⇒≈⟨ ◎-resp-⇒≈ₗ f⇒≈h g ⟩
h ◎ g
⇒≈⟨ ◎-resp-⇒≈ᵣ g⇒≈i h ⟩
h ◎ i
∎ where open ⇒≈-Reasoning

Preds : Category (suc o) o (suc o)
Preds = record
{ Obj = PRED
; _⇒_ = _⇒_
; _≈_ = _⇒≈_
; id = mk⇒ id
; _∘_ = _◎_
; assoc = ⇒refl
; sym-assoc = ⇒refl
; identityˡ = ⇒refl
; identityʳ = ⇒refl
; identity² = ⇒refl
; equiv = ⇒equiv
; ∘-resp-≈ = ◎-resp-⇒≈

open import Categories.Category.BinaryProducts Preds using (BinaryProducts; module BinaryProducts)
open import Categories.Category.Cartesian Preds using (Cartesian)
open import Categories.Object.Terminal {suc o} {o} {suc o} Preds using (IsTerminal; Terminal)
open import Categories.Object.Product Preds using (Product)

Pred-⊤ : PRED
Pred-⊤ = liftPred ⊤

PredsIsTerminal : IsTerminal Pred-⊤
PredsIsTerminal = record
{ ! = mk⇒ (λ _ → tt)
; !-unique = λ _ → ⇒refl

PredsProduct : ∀ {A B : PRED} → Product A B
PredsProduct {pred {A} P} {pred {B} Q} = record
{ A×B = pred {A × B} (λ (u , v) → P u × Q v)
; π₁ = mk⇒ proj₁
; π₂ = mk⇒ proj₂
; ⟨_,_⟩ = λ (mk⇒ ca) (mk⇒ cb) → mk⇒ < ca , cb >
; project₁ = ⇒refl
; project₂ = ⇒refl
; unique = λ where
{_} {mk⇒ {fh} Ph} {mk⇒ {fi} Pi} {mk⇒ {fj} Pj} (mk⇒≈ fπ₁◎hu≈fiu _) (mk⇒≈ fπ₂◎hu≈fju _) → mk⇒≈
(λ {u} Pu → begin
< fi , fj > u
fi u , fj u
≡⟨ cong₂ _,_ (sym (fπ₁◎hu≈fiu Pu)) (sym (fπ₂◎hu≈fju Pu)) ⟩
(proj₁ ∘ fh) u , (proj₂ ∘ fh) u
< proj₁ ∘ fh , proj₂ ∘ fh > u
fh u
(λ {u} Pu → begin
(P (fi u) × Q (fj u))
≡⟨ cong₂ (λ x y → P x × Q y) (sym (fπ₁◎hu≈fiu Pu)) (sym (fπ₂◎hu≈fju Pu)) ⟩
(P (proj₁ (fh u)) × Q (proj₂ (fh u)))
} where open ≡-Reasoning

PredsBinaryProducts : BinaryProducts
PredsBinaryProducts = record { product = PredsProduct }

PredsCartesian : Cartesian
PredsCartesian = record
{ terminal = record
{ ⊤ = Pred-⊤
; ⊤-is-terminal = PredsIsTerminal
; products = PredsBinaryProducts