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Merge pull request #421 from agda/sets-other-equality
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Sets: use ≗
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JacquesCarette authored Jun 3, 2024
2 parents 429cd39 + 9d60d80 commit 2d9a8ab
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Showing 9 changed files with 48 additions and 49 deletions.
16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions src/Categories/Adjoint/Instance/StrictDiscrete.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ Forgetful : ∀ {o ℓ e} → Functor (StrictCats o ℓ e) (Sets o)
Forgetful {o} {ℓ} {e} = record
{ F₀ = Obj
; F₁ = F₀
; identity = refl
; homomorphism = refl
; F-resp-≈ = λ F≡G {X} eq₀ F≡G X
; identity = λ _ refl
; homomorphism = λ _ refl
; F-resp-≈ = eq₀
open Category
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -67,8 +67,8 @@ Discrete {o} = record
cong g (cong f p) ∎
; F-resp-≈ = λ {_ _ f g} f≗g record
{ eq₀ = λ x f≗g {x}
; eq₁ = λ {x} {y} p naturality (λ x subst (f x ≡_) (f≗g {x}) refl)
{ eq₀ = f≗g
; eq₁ = λ p naturality (λ x subst (f x ≡_) (f≗g x) refl)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ Codiscrete {o} ℓ e = record
; identity = Equiv.refl
; homomorphism = Equiv.refl
; F-resp-≈ = λ {_ _ f g} f≗g record
{ eq₀ = λ x f≗g {x}
{ eq₀ = f≗g
; eq₁ = λ _ lift tt
Expand All @@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ DiscreteLeftAdj {o} = record
{ unit = unit
; counit = counit
; zig = zig
; zag = refl
; zag = λ _ refl
module U = Functor Forgetful
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ CodiscreteRightAdj : ∀ {o ℓ e} → Forgetful ⊣ Codiscrete {o} ℓ e
CodiscreteRightAdj {o} {ℓ} {e} = record
{ unit = unit
; counit = counit
; zig = refl
; zig = λ _ refl
; zag = zag
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18 changes: 9 additions & 9 deletions src/Categories/Category/Construction/Elements.agda
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Expand Up @@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ Elements {C = C} F = record
{ Obj = Σ Obj F₀
; _⇒_ = λ { (c , x) (c′ , x′) Σ (c ⇒ c′) (λ f F₁ f x ≡ x′) }
; _≈_ = λ p q proj₁ p ≈ proj₁ q
; id = id , identity
; _∘_ = λ { (f , Ff≡) (g , Fg≡) f ∘ g , trans homomorphism (trans (cong (F₁ f) Fg≡) Ff≡)}
; id = id , identity _
; _∘_ = λ { (f , Ff≡) (g , Fg≡) f ∘ g , trans (homomorphism _) (trans (cong (F₁ f) Fg≡) Ff≡)}
; assoc = assoc
; sym-assoc = sym-assoc
; identityˡ = identityˡ
Expand All @@ -50,44 +50,44 @@ El {C = C} = record
{ F₀ = Elements
; F₁ = λ A⇒B record
{ F₀ = map idf (η A⇒B _)
; F₁ = map idf λ {f} eq trans (sym $ commute A⇒B f) (cong (η A⇒B _) eq)
; F₁ = map idf λ {f} eq trans (sym $ commute A⇒B f _) (cong (η A⇒B _) eq)
; identity = Equiv.refl
; homomorphism = Equiv.refl
; F-resp-≈ = idf
; identity = λ {P} record
{ F⇒G = record
{ η = λ X id , identity P
{ η = λ X id , identity P _
; commute = λ _ C
; sym-commute = λ _ C
; F⇐G = record
{ η = λ X id , identity P
{ η = λ X id , identity P _
; commute = λ _ C
; sym-commute = λ _ C
; iso = λ X record { isoˡ = identityˡ ; isoʳ = identityʳ } }
; homomorphism = λ {X₁} {Y₁} {Z₁} record
{ F⇒G = record
{ η = λ X id , identity Z₁
{ η = λ X id , identity Z₁ _
; commute = λ _ C
; sym-commute = λ _ C
; F⇐G = record
{ η = λ X id , identity Z₁
{ η = λ X id , identity Z₁ _
; commute = λ _ C
; sym-commute = λ _ C
; iso = λ X record { isoˡ = identityˡ ; isoʳ = identityʳ }
; F-resp-≈ = λ {_} {B₁} f≈g record
{ F⇒G = record
{ η = λ _ id , trans (identity B₁) f≈g
{ η = λ _ id , trans (identity B₁ _) (f≈g _)
; commute = λ _ C
; sym-commute = λ _ C
; F⇐G = record
{ η = λ _ id , trans (identity B₁) (sym f≈g)
{ η = λ _ id , trans (identity B₁ _) (sym (f≈g _ ))
; commute = λ _ C
; sym-commute = λ _ C
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Categories/Category/Instance/EmptySet.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ module _ {o : Level} where
open Init (Sets o)

EmptySet-⊥ : Initial
EmptySet-⊥ = record { ⊥ = Lift o ⊥ ; ⊥-is-initial = record { ! = λ { {A} (lift x) ⊥-elim x } ; !-unique = λ { f {()} } } }
EmptySet-⊥ = record { ⊥ = Lift o ⊥ ; ⊥-is-initial = record { ! = λ { {A} (lift x) ⊥-elim x } ; !-unique = λ { f () } } }

module _ {c ℓ : Level} where
open Init (Setoids c ℓ)
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/Categories/Category/Instance/PointedSets.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ Underlying : {o : Level} → Functor (PointedSets o) (Sets o)
Underlying = record
{ F₀ = proj₁
; F₁ = proj₁
; identity = refl
; homomorphism = refl
; F-resp-≈ = λ f≈g {x} f≈g x
; identity = λ _ refl
; homomorphism = λ _ refl
; F-resp-≈ = λ f≈g f≈g
25 changes: 12 additions & 13 deletions src/Categories/Category/Instance/Sets.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,30 +7,29 @@ module Categories.Category.Instance.Sets where
open import Level
open import Relation.Binary
open import Function using (_∘′_) renaming (id to idf)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as ≡ using (_≡_)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as ≡ using (_≡_; _≗_)

open import Categories.Category

Sets : o Category (suc o) o o
Sets o = record
{ Obj = Set o
; _⇒_ = λ c d c d
; _≈_ = λ f g {x} f x ≡ g x
; _≈_ = _≗_
; id = idf
; _∘_ = _∘′_
; assoc = ≡.refl
; sym-assoc = ≡.refl
; identityˡ = ≡.refl
; identityʳ = ≡.refl
; identity² = ≡.refl
; assoc = λ _ ≡.refl
; sym-assoc = λ _ ≡.refl
; identityˡ = λ _ ≡.refl
; identityʳ = λ _ ≡.refl
; identity² = λ _ ≡.refl
; equiv = record
{ refl = ≡.refl
; sym = λ eq ≡.sym eq
; trans = λ eq₁ eq₂ ≡.trans eq₁ eq₂
{ refl = λ _ ≡.refl
; sym = λ eq x ≡.sym (eq x)
; trans = λ eq₁ eq₂ x ≡.trans (eq₁ x) (eq₂ x)
; ∘-resp-≈ = resp
where resp : {A B C : Set o} {f h : B C} {g i : A B}
({x : B} f x ≡ h x)
({x : A} g x ≡ i x) {x : A} f (g x) ≡ h (i x)
resp {h = h} eq₁ eq₂ = ≡.trans eq₁ (≡.cong h eq₂)
(f ≗ h) (g ≗ i) f ∘′ g ≗ h ∘′ i
resp {h = h} eq₁ eq₂ x = ≡.trans (eq₁ _) (≡.cong h (eq₂ x))
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Categories/Category/Instance/SingletonSet.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ module _ {o : Level} where
open Term (Sets o)

SingletonSet-⊤ : Terminal
SingletonSet-⊤ = record { ⊤ = ⊤ ; ⊤-is-terminal = record { !-unique = λ _ refl } }
SingletonSet-⊤ = record { ⊤ = ⊤ ; ⊤-is-terminal = record { !-unique = λ _ _ refl } }

module _ {c ℓ : Level} where
open Term (Setoids c ℓ)
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12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions src/Categories/Category/Monoidal/Instance/Sets.agda
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Expand Up @@ -37,9 +37,9 @@ module Product {o : Level} where
; π₁ = proj₁
; π₂ = proj₂
; ⟨_,_⟩ = <_,_>
; project₁ = refl
; project₂ = refl
; unique = λ p₁ p₂ {x} sym (cong₂ _,_ (p₁ {x}) (p₂ {x}))
; project₁ = λ _ refl
; project₂ = λ _ refl
; unique = λ p₁ p₂ x sym (cong₂ _,_ (p₁ x) (p₂ x))
} }

Sets-is : Cartesian
Expand All @@ -59,9 +59,9 @@ module Coproduct {o : Level} where
; i₁ = inj₁
; i₂ = inj₂
; [_,_] = [_,_]′
; inject₁ = refl
; inject₂ = refl
; unique = λ { i₁ i₂ {inj₁ x} sym (i₁ {x}) ; i₁ i₂ {inj₂ y} sym (i₂ {y})} -- stdlib?
; inject₁ = λ _ refl
; inject₂ = λ _ refl
; unique = λ { i₁ i₂ (inj₁ x) sym (i₁ x) ; i₁ i₂ (inj₂ y) sym (i₂ y)} -- stdlib?
} }

Sets-is : Cocartesian
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10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions src/Categories/Functor/Instance/Discrete.agda
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Expand Up @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Discrete {o} = record
; F₁ = DiscreteFunctor
; identity = DiscreteId
; homomorphism = PointwiseHom
; F-resp-≈ = ExtensionalityNI
; F-resp-≈ = λ f≗g ExtensionalityNI f≗g
DiscreteFunctor : {A B : Set o} (A B) Cats o o o [ D.Discrete A , D.Discrete B ]
Expand All @@ -48,9 +48,9 @@ Discrete {o} = record
; iso = λ X record { isoˡ = ≡.refl ; isoʳ = ≡.refl }
ExtensionalityNI : {A B : Set o} {g h : A B}
({x : A} g x ≡.≡ h x) NaturalIsomorphism (DiscreteFunctor g) (DiscreteFunctor h)
g ≡.≗ h NaturalIsomorphism (DiscreteFunctor g) (DiscreteFunctor h)
ExtensionalityNI g≡h = record
{ F⇒G = ntHelper record { η = λ X g≡h {X} ; commute = λ { ≡.refl ≡.sym (≡.trans-reflʳ g≡h)} }
; F⇐G = ntHelper record { η = λ X ≡.sym (g≡h {X}) ; commute = λ { ≡.refl ≡.sym (≡.trans-reflʳ _)} }
; iso = λ X record { isoˡ = ≡.trans-symʳ g≡h ; isoʳ = ≡.trans-symˡ g≡h }
{ F⇒G = ntHelper record { η = g≡h ; commute = λ { ≡.refl ≡.sym (≡.trans-reflʳ (g≡h _))} }
; F⇐G = ntHelper record { η = λ X ≡.sym (g≡h X) ; commute = λ { ≡.refl ≡.sym (≡.trans-reflʳ _)} }
; iso = λ X record { isoˡ = ≡.trans-symʳ (g≡h _) ; isoʳ = ≡.trans-symˡ (g≡h _) }
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/Categories/GlobularSet.agda
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Expand Up @@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ Trivial : GlobularSet zero
Trivial = record
{ F₀ = λ _
; F₁ = λ _ x x
; identity = refl
; homomorphism = refl
; F-resp-≈ = λ _ refl
; identity = λ _ refl
; homomorphism = λ _ refl
; F-resp-≈ = λ _ _ refl

GlobularObject : Category o ℓ e Set _
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