MongoDB driver for Mathematica
A fast client for MongoDB, built on the official MongoDB java driver.
This will install the package in the $UserAddOnsDirectory
. You may prefer $AddOnsDirectory
tmp = URLSave[""];
dest = FileNameJoin[{$AddOnsDirectory, "Applications"}];
ExtractArchive[tmp, dest];
RenameDirectory[FileNameJoin[{dest, "MongoDBLink-master"}], FileNameJoin[{dest, "MongoDBLink"}]];
Print["Installed MongoDBLink to " <> dest]
New docs at These are incomplete and there are some interactivity bugs. When the docs are complete I will also distribute them with this package.
All symbols have usage text accessible with ?symbol
, and Options[symbol]
. Quick tutorial:
(* Load the package *)
<< MongoDBLink`
(* Connect to server. The server must already be running. *)
conn = OpenConnection[];
(* Also supported:
OpenConnection["host", port]
OpenConnection["host", port, "username", "password", "database"]
(* List databases. *)
(* Get a database *)
db = GetDatabase[conn, "name"]
(* List collections *)
(* Get a collection *)
coll = GetCollection[db, "name"]
(* Add some example data. The return value is the number of documents modified, which is 0 for an insert. *)
InsertDocument[coll, {"a" -> #, "b" -> 2 #}] &/@ Range[5]
(* Fetch all documents *)
(* Limit the fields returned *)
FindDocuments[coll, "Fields" -> {"b"}]
(* Paginate results *)
FindDocuments[coll, "Offset"->1, "Limit"->1]
(* Use query operators. Refer to the MongoDB docs for info on valid operators. *)
FindDocuments[coll, {"a" -> {"$gt" -> 2}}]
(* Some Wolfram Query operators are transparently executed on the database server: *)
coll[Total, "a"]
coll[Min, "a"]
coll[Max, "a"]
coll[Mean, "a"]
coll[2;;3, {"a"}]
(* Any operator will work, but any other than those listed above effectively fetch ALL data and convert it to a Dataset for calculation. *)
(* Find distinct values of a field *)
FindDistinct[coll, "b"]
FindDistinct[coll, "b", {"a" -> {"$gt" -> {2}}}]
(* Count documents *)
CountDocuments[coll, {"b" -> 2}]
(* Delete documents *)
DeleteDocument[coll, {"a" -> 3}]
(* Update or "upsert" documents. Note that without $set, the entire document will be replaced with the new document. *)
UpdateDocument[coll, {"a" -> 4}, {"$set" -> {"a" -> -4}}]
(* Create an ObjectId. When making queries against _id fields, values are automatically converted to ObjectIds. Use this when the key name is something other than _id. *)
oid = ObjectId[] (* random ObjectId *)
(* oid = ObjectId["hexstring"] from a valid hex string, which this is not *)
(* Cleanup stuff *)
DropDatabase[db] (* or DropDatabase[conn, "name"] *)
Most changes will only require modification of Mathematica code. If you need to modify java code, the build command is:
// in Java/src/
javac -d .. -classpath ../mongo-java-driver-3.0.4.jar:/path/to/SystemFiles/Links/JLink/JLink.jar
replacing :
with ;
on Windows.
(I'm open for suggestion to improve this. To me this is less complicated than dealing with an Eclipse or NetBeans project for a project this small.)
Tests live in Tests.wlt
and are runnable with
<< MongoDBLink`