This is a basic twitter app to read and compose tweets the Twitter API.
Time spent: 8h
[x] Hamburger menu
[x] Dragging anywhere in the view should reveal the menu.
[x] The menu should include links to your profile, the home timeline, and the mentions view.
[x] The menu can look similar to the LinkedIn menu below or feel free to take liberty with the UI.
[x] Profile page
[x] Contains the user header view
[x] Contains a section with the users basic stats: # tweets, # following, # followers
[x] Home Timeline
[x] Tapping on a user image should bring up that user's profile page
[ ] Optional: Account switching
###3rd party libraries used:
- SVProgressHUD
- AFNetworking
- BDBOAuth1Manager
Walkthrough of all user stories:
GIF created with LiceCap.