This is a web application to convert Microsoft Kaizala's attendance report from UTC to Indonesian timezone format (WIB, WITA, and WIT). This web application also provides a feature to create attendance report by employee.
🛠️ Build with Vanilla JS
⚙️ Task runner: Gulp.js
Name | Description |
jQuery | JavaScript library designed to simplify HTML DOM tree traversal and manipulation, as well as event handling. |
Bootstrap 4 | HTML, CSS, JS library. |
Font Awesome | Web icons CSS library. |
Simple Line Icons | Web icons CSS library. |
Bootstrap Select | Select input enhancement plug-in which provides searching, multiselection, etc. |
Moment.js | A lightweight JavaScript date library for parsing, validating, manipulating, and formatting dates. |
DataTables | Table enhancing plug-in for the jQuery Javascript library. |
JSZip | JavaScript library for creating, reading and editing zip files. |
jQuery-csv | CSV parser. |
Ekko Lightbox | Bootstraps modal plugin to implement a lightbox gallery. |
SheetJS | Parser and writer for various spreadsheet formats. |
Name | Description |
Atlantis Lite | A free Bootstrap 4 theme. |
Make sure you have installed Node.js and Gulp.js.
Install dependencies:
npm install
You can start editing scss & js files in src
To build css & js, run this command:
gulp build