Adds shortcode functionality to The Events Calendar Plugin (Free Version) by Modern Tribe.
The shortcode displays lists of your events. You can control the event display with the shortcode options. Example shortcode to show next 8 events in the category festival in ASC order with date showing [ecs-list-events cat='festival' limit='8'].
- Basic shortcode:
- cat - Represents event category.
[ecs-list-events cat='festival']
[ecs-list-events cat='festival, personal']
- limit - Total number of events to show. Default is 5.
[ecs-list-events limit='3']
- order - Order of the events to be shown. Value can be
. Default isASC
. Order is based on event date.
[ecs-list-events order='DESC']
- author - To only show events posted by particular authors. Value should be a user ID, or several delimited by commas.
[ecs-list-events author='2'] or [ecs-list-events author='2,3,6,42'].
- date - To show or hide date. Value can be
. Default istrue
[ecs-list-events eventdetails='false']
- venue - To show or hide the venue. Value can be
. Default isfalse
[ecs-list-events venue='true']
- excerpt - To show or hide the excerpt and set excerpt length. Default is false.
[ecs-list-events excerpt='true'] //display excerpt with length 100
[ecs-list-events excerpt='300'] //display excerpt with length 300
- thumb - To show or hide thumbnail image. Default is
//display post thumbnail in default thumbnail dimension from media settings.
[ecs-list-events thumb='true']
You can use 2 other attributes: thumbwidth and thumbheight to customize the thumbnail size
[ecs-list-events thumb='true' thumbwidth='150' thumbheight='150']
message - Message to show when there are no events. Defaults to 'There are no upcoming events at this time.'
viewall - Determines whether to show 'View all events' or not. Values can be
. Default totrue
[ecs-list-events cat='festival' limit='3' order='DESC' viewall='false']
- contentorder - Manage the order of content with commas. Default to
title, thumbnail, excerpt, date, venue
[ecs-list-events cat='festival' limit='3' order='DESC' viewall='false' contentorder='title, thumbnail, excerpt, date, venue']
- month identifier - Show only specific Month. Type 'current' for displaying current month only.
[ecs-list-events cat='festival' month='2015-06']
- past events - Show Outdated Events.
[ecs-list-events cat='festival' past='yes']
- order key - Order with Start Date.
[ecs-list-events cat='festival' key='start date']
Please feel free to report any bug found. Pull requests, issues, and plugin recommendations are more than welcome!