Script to connect to an Cisco ACI APIC, download a Tenant and export information to OCI and Terraform data structures.
Cleaning rules, adaptations, warning and error messages.
Check the video at
Script to connect to an Cisco ACI APIC, download a Tenant and export information:
1.- to screen AEPg, EPG, provider/consumer, contract
2.- to screen Contract, Subject, Filter, Filter Name, ports, etc
3.- export to excel format the full combination of: AEPg, EPG, provider/consumer, contract, subject, filter and filter name, ports, etc
Script to send ACI faults and events to Slack or WebEx Teams.
Connect to APIC and duplicate a tenant.
Modules: contains reusable modules for OCI and ACI
Data: contains the data to be uses with the scripts
Check custom variables at the beginning of the scripts