web manual now includes a case sensitive setting for the search box
manual contents updated
System Limits: added objects limit increased
Upgrade to 3.6 topic with more information (overlays, discontinued features, TTF fonts, limits, multiple speech voxes)
Getting masks as drawing surface added
Globalfunctions_Room: added GetDrawingSurfaceForWalkableArea and GetDrawingSurfaceForWalkbehind
Hotspot: added Hotspot.GetDrawingSurface
Region: added Region.GetDrawingSurface
See also improvements to accomodate newer topics
StandardEnums: now organized in alphabetic order and with newly added enums
Constants: added NEW_KEYINPUT_API
CustomDialogOptions: notes on dialog_options_key_press, dialog_options_text_input, added dialog_options_close.
BuildAndroid: added new article with information on how to build for Android
DistGame: notes on Android and Web builds
Improved Animate function
Character: include Animate new parameters and Character.AnimationVolume
Object: added Animate volume
Globalfunctions_Event: added eEventEnterRoomAfterFadein
Overlays: lots of new properties and updates
Translations: minor adjustments to mention utf-8
File: add $DATA$
Globalfunctions_General: notes on Debug(2,n) and Debug(5,n) 3.6.0 updates
RuntimeEngine: new 3.6.0 options and config file splitted to new EngineConfigFile page
String: includes utf-8 updates in char operations
General rewording, fixes and tidy ups on the manual text
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