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Episerver property used to store time between 0-24 hours
Property is stored in the model as a Timespan type. It's using dijit/form/TimeTextBox as an editor in Edit Mode.
First install Advanced.CMS.TimeProperty
package from EPiServer's NuGet feed.
PM> Install-Package Advanced.CMS.TimeProperty
Then add new TimeSpan property to your content model. The property needs to be annotated with BackingType
[ContentType(GUID = "AREDS8A41-5C8C-G3PJ-8F74-320ZF3DE8227")]
public class TestPage : PageData
public virtual TimeSpan? Time1 { get; set; }
By default the editor will be displayed using 12-hour clock time format.
To change this you can use TimePropertySettings
attribute added on the model.
For example, to get 24-hour clock format:
[ContentType(GUID = "AREDS8A41-5C8C-G3PJ-8F74-320ZF3DE8227")]
public class TestPage : PageData
[TimePropertySettings(TimePattern = "HH:mm")]
public virtual TimeSpan? Time1 { get; set; }
Then it will be rendered as:
Nuget contains renderer for the view mode. You need to use PropertyFor
and TimeSpan
@Html.PropertyFor(x => x.CurrentPage.Time1, new { Tag = "TimeSpan" })
To render time with custom format use DateFormat
@Html.PropertyFor(x => x.CurrentPage.Time1, new { DateFormat = "hh:mm tt", Tag = "TimeSpan" })
When used in a model that is used in an IList you will need to add the following to the property, if the picker is not picked up
[ClientEditor(ClientEditingClass = "advanced-cms-time-property/TimeEditor")]
So it would become
[TimePropertySettings(TimePattern = "HH:mm")]
[ClientEditor(ClientEditingClass = "advanced-cms-time-property/TimeEditor")]
public virtual TimeSpan? Time1 { get; set; }