Hi there !
I'm Adolph Mapunda, A Tech Nerd, Ever since I came across this world of programming I never looked back I engaged myself in building projects as a way to solidify my understanding, I built tons of them and some got a chance to be recognized including Adomovies an online movie stream web app, Adobus an online bus booking platform, MAKINI SMS an SMS platform that students are able to get educational contents from Shule direct and later Ticha Kidevu a conversational AI that use the power of NLP to chat with students concerning educational contents.
Perhaps of having a background in Mass communication and journalism, I managed in someway to transform my hobby into career through thousands of hours spend on watching tutorials, reading books and blogs and building projects, nowdays I mainly work as a Software Developer
I have rich experience in developing (Web|Mobile) Backends and Frontends, AI solutions, Microservices, and DevOps using Python and Javascript at high quality following best practices. I worked with High-quality companies including Omuha Company and Shule Direct and developed a solutions that is being used by thousands of people. And also own my own software company called Adobus Company.
I'm primarily work for Contracts works and But also open to full time roles , Let's talk
- Python | Javascript | PHP | Dart
- Html | Css | AIML | Json
Frameworks & Tools
Web Frameworks
- Flask | React | Next.js | Django | Laravel | Codegniter
Mobile Frameworks
- React Native | Flutter
Data Science (AI)
- PyTorch | Nltk | Spacy |
Databases & Storange
- Sqlite | Mysql | MariaDB | Postgres
- MongoDB | Redis
- Aws Lambda | Vercel
Cloud & Hosting
- AWS | Google Cloud | Digital Ocean | Heroku | Vercel | Linode
API Testing
- Postman
- Ubuntu | Deepin | Kali
- Zsh | Bash
Version Control
- Git | Github | Bitbucket| GitLab
Code Editor(IDE) + Environment
- VSCode | Sublime | Vim | Nano
- Music + Coffee + Snacks
These are some of companies with my fingerprints
- Adobus | Shule Direct | Omuha Company |
Blog And Articles
Sometimes I write technical articles & tutorials on these platform
- No Post |
- Movies (Sillicon Valey | Who am i | Moon Knight | Mr Robot | Hacker | See)
Music (Pop(Michael Jackson), Electro(Avicii))
Adventures (Hiking, Wild Life)
- Space (Huge fan of space, sometimes I take it seriously as code)
- .....
How to reach me !!
- [email protected] | twittter | instagram | linkedin |