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aditya-sengupta committed Mar 5, 2025
1 parent 8630efa commit cf28566
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Showing 14 changed files with 929 additions and 46 deletions.
27 changes: 25 additions & 2 deletions Manifest.toml
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@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
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4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions Project.toml
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PyPlot = "2.11.6"
Binary file added figures/finesst2025_sevenpanel.pdf
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added figures/finesst2025_sevenpanel.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
653 changes: 653 additions & 0 deletions mzi_jordan/interference_tutorial.ipynb

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

Binary file added mzi_jordan/lantern_19port.npy
Binary file not shown.
136 changes: 136 additions & 0 deletions mzi_jordan/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
import numpy as np
import hcipy as hc

def ef_to_wf(electric_field, focal_grid, wavelength):
'''Electric Field as numpy array to hcipy.Field
Takes an electric field as a Numpy array (one dimensional array) and converts it into an HCIPy Field object,
then it is converted into an HCIPy Wavefront object to be injected into an SMF/waveguide
For this, we also need a focal grid corresponding to the lantern output port you are using
electric_field: scalar or complex electric field
EF of an output port from lantern
focal_grid: Grid
Grid where the output port is defined
wavelength: scalar
The wavelength of the wavefront/beam
The EF as an HCIPy Wavefront object
field_temp = hc.Field(electric_field, focal_grid) #if your numpy array is two-dimensional add .ravel() after electric_field
wavefront = hc.Wavefront(field_temp, wavelength = wavelength)
return wavefront

def wf_to_smf(wavefront, core_radius, fiber_NA, fiber_length):
'''Couple wavefront to SMF/waveguide
Takes the output wavefront from a lantern port and couples it into an SMF/waveguide. Strictly speaking, we are not coupling the
output of the lantern since a real lantern can have its outputs as individual SMF, but it provides us with an HCIPy object that we can
handle more easily with other HCIPy functions (eg. phase, amplitude, total power)
wavefront: Wavefront
EF as an HCIPy Wavefront object
core_radius: scalar
Core radius of the SMF/waveguide
fiber_NA: scalar
The numerical aperture of the SMF/waveguide, given by the core and cladding refractive indices of your photonic lantern, use:
NA = sqrt(ncore**2 - nclad**2)
fiber_length: scalar
The length of fiber/waveguide through which the beam is propagated
The EF of the beam after being propagated through the fiber length, as an HCIPy Wavefront object
single_mode_fiber = hc.StepIndexFiber(core_radius, fiber_NA, fiber_length)
smf_wf = single_mode_fiber.forward(wavefront)
return smf_wf

def directional_coupler_sym(beam_1, beam_2):
'''Symmetric Directional Coupler/beamsplitter with 50/50 splitting ratio
Takes two wavefronts (EFs), combines them resulting in two outputs. The DC/beamsplitter can be expressed by a matrix
M = [[cos(kL), i*sin(kL)], [i*sin(kL), cos(kL)]],
where kL is the product of the coupling constant and the coupling length of
the directional coupler; depending on the latter, we can adjust the splitting ratio. For our purposes, we consider an ideal symmetric
coupler, that is 50/50 ==> M = [[sqrt(0.5), i*sqrt(0.5)], [i*sqrt(0.5), sqrt(0.5)]]
Note: For the splitting of the beams to be 50/50, they inputs need to have the SAME PHASE
beam_1: complex electric field
Input beam 1 as an HCIPy Wavefront object
beam_2: complex electric field
Input beam 2 as an HCIPy Wavefront object
EF of one of the beams resulting from the combination of two inputs. HCIPy Wavefront object
EF of one of the beams resulting from the combination of two inputs. HCIPy Wavefront object
out_beam_1 = hc.Wavefront(np.sqrt(0.5) * beam_1.electric_field + np.sqrt(0.5) * beam_2.electric_field * 1j, wavelength=beam_1.wavelength)
out_beam_2 = hc.Wavefront(1j * np.sqrt(0.5) * beam_1.electric_field + np.sqrt(0.5) * beam_2.electric_field, wavelength=beam_1.wavelength)
return out_beam_1, out_beam_2

def MZI_total(beam_1, beam_2, out=1, add_phase=None):
'''Mach Zehnder Interferometer comprised of two directional couplers with a phase shifter before each DC that adjusts the
phases to have constructive/destructive interference in the outputs
Takes two wavefronts (EFs), and combines them through two DCs. The first phase shifter matches the phases of the inputs so the DC splits light
into 50/50. The second phase shifter adjust the relative phase between the outputs of the first DC to have constructive/destructive interference,
i.e. all light goes into one of the outputs of the second DC
beam_1: complex electric field
Input beam 1 as an HCIPy Wavefront object
beam_2: complex electric field
Input beam 2 as an HCIPy Wavefront object
out: output from which all light will come out (for total constructive/destructive interference)
If out=1, constructive interference in output 1, and destructive interference in output 2
If out=2, constructive interference in output 2, and destructive interference in output 1
add_phase: extra phase to add to second phase shifter
Default = 0 (none), so that constructive/destructive interference occurs. If different, splitting ratio of outputs will
EF of one of the beams resulting from the combination of two inputs. HCIPy Wavefront object
EF of one of the beams resulting from the combination of two inputs. HCIPy Wavefront object
#1st phase shifter - phase matching
diff_1 = beam_1.phase[0] - beam_2.phase[0] + 2*np.pi
#1st DC - 50/50 splitting, matches phase ofbeam 2 to phase of beam 1
beam_1_temp = hc.Wavefront(np.sqrt(0.5) * beam_1.electric_field + 1j * np.sqrt(0.5) * beam_2.electric_field * np.exp(1j * diff_1), wavelength=beam_1.wavelength)
beam_2_temp = hc.Wavefront(1j * np.sqrt(0.5) * beam_1.electric_field + np.sqrt(0.5) * beam_2.electric_field * np.exp(1j * diff_1), wavelength=beam_1.wavelength)

#2nd phase shifter -
if add_phase==None:
add_phase = 0
add_phase = add_phase
if out==1:
#adds an additional pi phase shift to have constructive interference in output 1
diff_2 = beam_1_temp.phase[0] - beam_2_temp.phase[0] + 3*np.pi/2 + add_phase
elif out==2:
#phase difference needed for destructive interference in output 1
diff_2 = beam_1_temp.phase[0] - beam_2_temp.phase[0] + np.pi/2 + add_phase
#1st DC - 50/50 splitting, matches phase ofbeam 2 to phase of beam 1
beam_1_out = hc.Wavefront(np.sqrt(0.5) * beam_1_temp.electric_field + 1j * np.sqrt(0.5) * beam_2_temp.electric_field * np.exp(1j * diff_2), wavelength=beam_1_temp.wavelength)
beam_2_out = hc.Wavefront(1j * np.sqrt(0.5) * beam_1_temp.electric_field + np.sqrt(0.5) * beam_2_temp.electric_field * np.exp(1j * diff_2), wavelength=beam_1_temp.wavelength)
return beam_1_out, beam_2_out

1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion photonics/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
import os
import dao
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

plt.rc('font', family='serif',size=12)
Expand Down
38 changes: 0 additions & 38 deletions photonics/experiments/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -53,44 +53,6 @@ def send_zeros(self, verbose=True):
print("Sending zeros.")

class IrisDM:
def __init__(self):
port = "5557"
context = zmq.Context()
self.socket = context.socket(zmq.REQ)
self.socket.connect("tcp://" % port)
msg = socket.recv()

def apply_segment(self, segment, z, xgrad, ygrad):
self.socket.send(np.array([segment, z, xgrad, ygrad]).astype(np.float32));
return self.socket.recv()

def apply_mode(self, mode, amplitude):
self.socket.send(np.array([mode, amplitude]).astype(np.float32));
return self.socket.recv()

def release_mirror(self):
msg = self.socket.recv()

def stop_server(self):
return self.socket.recv()

def piston_all(self, pauseTime=0.1):
# piston each segment
for k in trange(1, 168):
self.apply_segment(k, 0.2, 0, 0)
self.apply_segment(k, -0.2, 0, 0)
self.apply_segment(k, 0., 0, 0)

def __del__(self):

class SimulatedDM:
def __init__(self, pupil_grid, dm_basis="modal", num_actuators=9, telescope_diameter=10):
self.Nmodes = num_actuators ** 2
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion photonics/experiments/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@

from abc import ABC

import dao
import h5py
import numpy as np

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -135,6 +134,7 @@ def reconstruct_image(self, img, intensities):
return recon_image

class Goldeye(LanternCamera):
# for Shane; on muirSEAL get this from `seal`
def __init__(self, dm): = dao.shm('/tmp/', np.zeros((520, 656)).astype(np.uint16))
self.ditshm = dao.shm('/tmp/', np.zeros((1,1)).astype(np.float32))
Expand Down
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions photonics/simulations/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,12 +4,12 @@
import lightbeam as lb
from hcipy import imshow_field
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from juliacall import Main as jl
jl.seval("using Flux")
jl.seval("using JLD2")
#from juliacall import Main as jl
#jl.seval("using Flux")
#jl.seval("using JLD2")

from ..utils import PROJECT_ROOT, DATA_PATH, date_now, zernike_names, nanify
from .command_matrix import make_command_matrix
#from .command_matrix import make_command_matrix

class LanternOptics:
Expand Down
41 changes: 41 additions & 0 deletions scripts_jl/plotting/pl_optimization_viz.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
using Plots
using NPZ
using PhotonicLantern
using Plots.PlotMeasures
using Distributions

default(fontfamily="Computer Modern", linewidth=1.5, framestyle=:box, label=nothing, grid=true)

ntrim = 200

std_lantern_output = reverse(abs2.(npzread("data/finesst2025/std_lantern_output.npy")), dims=1)[ntrim:end-ntrim,ntrim:end-ntrim]
modeselective_lantern_output = reverse(abs2.(npzread("data/finesst2025/modeselective_lantern_output.npy")), dims=1)[ntrim:end-ntrim,ntrim:end-ntrim]
manufacturing_error_lantern_output = reverse(abs2.(npzread("data/finesst2025/manufacturing_error_lantern_output.npy")), dims=1)[ntrim:end-ntrim,ntrim:end-ntrim]
modeselective_lantern_tilt_output = reverse(abs2.(npzread("data/finesst2025/modeselective_lantern_tilt_output.npy")), dims=1)[ntrim:end-ntrim,ntrim:end-ntrim]

propmatrix_std_lantern = npzread("data/finesst2025/propmatrix_std_lantern.npy")
propmatrix_std_lantern[:,3] += rand(Normal(0, 0.02), 3)
propmatrix_modeselective_lantern = npzread("data/finesst2025/propmatrix_modeselective_lantern.npy")
propmatrix_manufacturing_error_lantern = npzread("data/finesst2025/propmatrix_manufacturing_error_lantern.npy")
propmatrix_manufacturing_error_lantern += rand(Exponential(0.2), (3,3))
propmatrix_manufacturing_error_lantern[1,1] = 0.4

im_show(sqrt.(std_lantern_output), aspect_ratio=:equal, c=:binary, colorbar=nothing),
im_show(sqrt.(modeselective_lantern_output), aspect_ratio=:equal, c=:binary, colorbar=nothing),
im_show(manufacturing_error_lantern_output, aspect_ratio=:equal, c=:binary, colorbar=nothing),
im_show(modeselective_lantern_tilt_output, aspect_ratio=:equal, c=:binary, colorbar=nothing),
heatmap(reverse(propmatrix_std_lantern, dims=1), aspect_ratio=:equal, showaxis=false, legend=nothing, grid=false, c=:matter, clims=(0,1)),
heatmap(reverse(propmatrix_modeselective_lantern, dims=1), aspect_ratio=:equal, showaxis=false, legend=nothing, grid=false, c=:matter, clims=(0,1)),
heatmap(reverse(propmatrix_manufacturing_error_lantern, dims=1), aspect_ratio=:equal, showaxis=false, grid=false, legend=false, c=:matter, clims=(0,1)),

heatmap(reverse(propmatrix_manufacturing_error_lantern, dims=1), aspect_ratio=:equal, showaxis=false, legend=nothing, grid=false, c=:matter, clims=(0,1))

im_show(sqrt.(std_lantern_output), aspect_ratio=:equal, c=:binary, colorbar=nothing)

A = reverse(propmatrix_manufacturing_error_lantern, dims=1)
heatmap(A, size=(300,300), legend=nothing, c=:matter, axis=nothing, left_margin=-10mm, right_margin=-10mm, top_margin=-10mm, bottom_margin=-10mm)
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions scripts_py/muirseal/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
# %%
from photonics.experiments.lantern_cameras import LanternCamera
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
# %%
lc = LanternCamera()
# %%
img = np.load("../muirseal_analysis/data/pl_250304/flat_10ms.npy")
# %%
# %%
x_coords = [255, 297, 254, 215, 210, 249, 285, 341, 324, 293, 245, 207, 175, 168, 221, 264, 303, 332]
y_coords = [309, 292, 265, 283, 325, 352, 338, 299, 259, 236, 225, 241, 270, 313, 386, 389, 372, 340]

# %%

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