Simple sinatra application, intended for heroku to send emails from contact requests from a static middleman app deployed on s3.
You are going to want to create a heroku application for this.
heroku create website-contact
Then, you should go ahead and get sendgrid starter established. This will go ahead and add your sendgrid username and password. Huzzah automation.
heroku addons:add sendgrid:starter
While you have heroku open, go ahead and set up the following:
heroku config:set EMAIL_RECIPIENTS="[email protected]"
heroku config:set WHITELIST=""
If you want to send from multiple sites, or you have multiple domains, set the whitelist string to be a comma separated list of URLs.
On your static site, build a form where the action is the url of your newly created heroku application:
<form action="" "method="post">
You should be able to use as many fields as you want, the notifier by default simply sends you a field per line.