Docker for greenplum (6.13.0) database.
docker build -t greenplum:6.13.0 .
From the command line execute the following command: docker run -it -p 5432:5432 --hostname=db_master_1 --name reflect-gpdb ubuntu-gpdb bash
Connect to your host on port 5432 user/pass is gpadmin/dataroad
From the command line execute the following command: docker-compose up
You can connect to your host using PGADMIN on port 5432 user/pass is gpadmin/dataroad
From the command line execute the following command: docker stack deploy -c docker-compose-stack.yml greenplum
You can connect to your host using PGADMIN on port 5432 user/pass is gpadmin/dataroad
This file contains the name of the hosts to connect to. By default there is one host 'db_master_1'.
This file contains the name of the segments that the master connects to. This is used when running a multi-node cluster and has 3 segments in it.
Configuration file for setting up the greenplum cluster.