This repo is for a project of Fuzzing the Ubuntu core-utils as part of a fuzzing competition. By using AFL-fuzzing as described in the full Submission report we were able to achieve ~75% line-coverage.
This repo contains the extra tools, our used dictionaries and seeds.
The fuzzing is performed using afl-fuzz, with limited simple inputs and dictionaries used instead of grammars or other more complex variants.
The input folder contains the files used for inputs, the dictionaries folder contains the dictionaries used for fuzzing. The submission folder is the folder submitted for the competition, and a much longer readme.
The src folder contains the bin_to_string.c program, which is called by to convert the binary outputs of AFL to a space separated string of arguments. creates runnable .sh scripts from the submission files, which can be uploaded to a container and ran with tests/ and were used for starting the fuzzing on nodes which were already started with a prepared image.