Android app for collecting data about board games. Academic project for the Ubiquitous computing course.
- Written in Kotlin.
- Developed in Android Studio.
- Based on the Empty activity templates.
- Requires Android >= 8.0 (API >= 26).
- Utilizes the XMLAPI2 from BoardGameGeek.
- SQLite database designed using SQLiteStudio.
- MainActivity - listing all board games in the collection. Options menu allows to: sort the list by name, year or rank; hide expansions; add a new board game manually; add a new board game from BGG; load current BGG ranking for all board games in collection (apart from expansions which are not ranked); reset collection.
- DetailsActivity - showing the details of a board game selected in the MainActivity. Options menu allows to: go to the EditActivity; delete the board game. Clicking on the BGG rank allows to go to the RankHistoryActivity.
- EditActivity - editing editable details of an existing board game or adding a new board game manually or adding a new board game from Board Game Geek.
- BGGActivity - searching board games at Board Game Geek by game name or by username (all games in user's collection). Options menu: adding all search results to collection.
- RankHistoryActivity - displaying the rank history of a board game. A button allows to update the rank.
- LocationsActivity - displaying all locations with board games located in them; editing a location on click; deleting an empty location on long click; adding new locations.
- Available in both English and Polish (depending on the system language).
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