This bundle improove Symfony Official Error page with an AI Suggestion to fix the error.
It relies on OpenAI and its openai-php/client package, and it uses a cache mecanism in order to avoid calling OpenAI multiple times for the same exception.
In order to handle ALL exception, we will need to register a custom Error Handler in the Symfony Kernel. This is something that can be done with your composer.json
file (see installation).
- Declare the Custom Error Handler in composer.json
"extra": {
"runtime": {
"error_handler": "ACSEO\\AIErrorExplainedBundle\\Runtime\\Internal\\AIErrorHandler"
- Install the bundle using composer
composer require --dev acseo/aierrorexplained-bundle
- Enable the bundle in you Symfony project (already done with Flex)
// config/bundles.php
return [
ACSEO\AIErrorExplainedBundle\ACSEOAIErrorExplainedBundle::class => ['dev' => true],
- Register your OPEN AI key in
# .env
- Declare a custom Error Controller
# config/packages/framework.yml
error_controller: ACSEO\AIErrorExplainedBundle\Controller\ErrorController::show
And tadaaa 🎉, you are ready to have errors !