This sample provides the source for a Native Android application that illustrates how to access Acoustic Content (formerly Watson Content Hub) Authoring APIs from Android, such as how to login to a tenant, retrieve the taxonomies, fetch content items, and filter content items by categories.
- Android Studio
- Android phone or emulator
- Minimum SDK: 19 (KitKat)
- Download the files
- Clone or download this repository and import the folder WCH_Sample_Android into Android Studio
- Update the baseTenantAPIURL
- The baseTenantAPIURL variable in app/src/main/java/ must be set for your tenant. In the IBM Watson Content Hub user interface, open the user menu from the top navigation bar, then select "Hub information". The pop-up window shows your API URL, host and content hub ID for your Watson Content Hub tenant. Use this information to update the value of the baseTenantAPIURL variable in app/src/main/java/, in the form https://{host}/api/{content hub tenant id}. For example it might look something like this: const baseTenantAPIURL = "";
- Run on emulator or Android device
Build the project
Tips for running app on a device
or alternatively
Click run button and select an emulator to run the app
- Navigating the app
- The first activity is the login. Type the credentials of a user associated with the tenant and hit "SIGN IN"
- If the user credentials are correct, the home activity will open. The baseUrl and TenantId are displayed at the top of the app. Make sure those are correct.
- From here, you can hit "GET TAXONOMY NAMES." This will grab all the existing taxonomies and display their names.
- Next, type one of the taxonomy names into the appropriate text field and hit "GET CONTENT ITEMS." This will return all existing content items of this taxonomy.
- Further, you can filter content items by a specific category of a taxonomy. After adding the taxonomy name, hit "GET CATEGORIES" to retrieve all categories under the specific taxonomy.
- From there, you can add a category name to the appropriate text field and hit "GET CONTENT ITEMS" again. This time, only items of that specific category will be displayed.
Here is a list of all the interactions with the WCH API that are illustrated in this sample. The functions' behavior follow the same pattern:
- Initialize a Response.Listener and a Response.ErrorListener, which define how the app should respond for a successful and unsuccessful request respectively.
- On success, grab the JSON response as a JSONObject and traverse the JSONObject tree to reach desired data. On error, display the appropriate message.
- Update Activity
Prints the names of the taxonomies of the tenant in a list as a String
- Parameters: none
Prints the names of the categories for the specified taxonomy of the tenant in a list as a String
- Parameters: taxonomy name
Prints the name, type, categories, and date modified for each content item of the specified taxonomy (and category) of the tenant in a list
- Parameters: taxonomy name (and category name)