- Install node (google it)
- Install npm (google it)
- Install mongodb (google it)
- Install Ruby (google it)
- Make sure that Ruby is installed correctly by running ruby --version from the terminal (make sure that PATH is set)
- Install compass gem:
gem install compass
- Install grunt:
sudo npm install -g grunt
- Install bower:
sudo npm install -g bower
- Install C++ builder + libs by installing Visual C++ 2010 Express (Windows only)
- Set env variables to
) - heroku config:set GOOGLE_SMTP_USERNAME=gmail-username-here GOOGLE_SMTP_PASSWORD=gmail-password-here
- Check out this repo:
git clone [email protected]:acntech/acn-events.git
- Go to repo:
cd acn-events
- Download node dependencies (build time):
npm install
- Download web app dependencies (run time):
bower install
- Run this command:
grunt server
- A Heroku user account. Signup is free and instant.
- Install the Heroku Toolbelt, which gives you git, Foreman, and the Heroku command-line interface.
- Read Getting starter with Node.js on Heroku
If deploying to new application on your own account read Getting starter with Node.js on Heroku
git remote add heroku 'heroku git url here'
git push heroku master
Don't forget to add MongoLab add-on.
The developers of this app chat at the acnteck room at IRC: http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=acntech&nick=
( Link for auto connecting without writing the nick every time: http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=acntech&nick=>>your_name_here<< )