Trimming to featurecounts snakemake
Currently Loaded Modules:
module load gbc-samtools/1.12 gbc-hisat2/2.2.1 gbc-cutadapt/1.16 python/py37-anaconda-2019.10 snakemake/5.7.1-py37 gbc-fastqc gbc-subread
Step-by-step of install and analysis
- git clone this repository
git clone
- Activate the python anaconda environment
conda activate snakemake
Edit the config.json file and cluster.json files
Ensure meta-data table contains all of the necessairy fields
** NOTE EXACT HEADERS HAVE TO BE ENFORCED or key errors will be thrown during processing**
- Launch jobs The use of --latency-wait allows for SLURM to catch up writing the files and posting the file handles so Snakemake can see them.
snakemake --latency-wait 120 -p -j 100 --profile slurm
- Pipeline should result in a featurecount file